I have received a lot of interest from others on here in my involvement with the Xeljanz trials at Yale.

I thought it would be nice for everyone if I documented my progress on here. 

Xeljanz is a Jak3 inhibitor and is believed to work with alopecia by turning off the distress signal relayed by the hair follicle to the attacking immune system which is the cause of the hairs falling out. Xeljanz comes in a strength of 5mg per pill and a full box contains 60 tablets. The recommended dosage for arthritis is 1 tablet in the morning and another in the evening each day.

The trial is set in a series of stages and there are requirements before participating. These include monthly visits and blood tests every 2 weeks. Dr Brett King is absolutely fantastic and is an inspiration to me. His positivity and enthusiasm gives me the much needed hope I have craved for over a decade. I have been put on a low dose to start with which is 1 tablet every other day. My dosage has now been increased to 1 tablet every day and next month it could be increased to 2 tablets per day depending on the results. 

I have completed my first month and have already noticed my alopecia has stabilised . I have not lost any existing hairs. In addition to this I have seen little hairs growing in my chest area as well as eyebrows. Fingers crossed! To date, I have experienced no side effects.


AW:  Other discussions on Xeljanz / Tofacitinib



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I have been taken a lot of vitamin d for 6 months.

I've had a bloodtest and everything was normal, except for vitamin b12 was too high as I was taking too many supplements.

I think everybody should take multi-vitamine, omega 3, vitamin d and possibly magnesium as a supplement. I also take vitamin c and biotin, but I still don't have any hair.

the metodo coimbra says you must increse a lot of the d numberes it must be no normal but a lot of higher repsct to normal...read the link or video we not only have deficiency but ou body is not good to use d so we must use super high quantity of vitamin d(of course whit a doctor expert in this metod) ...he says 95% of case solution in all autoimmune people, he said he cured 5000 people...now ther eare different doctors use this metod also in other countries for example in italy are 2 neurologos and there is also a face book group called protocolla coimbra alopecia areata...of course i do not know if all is so good, but appears very very good and cost is 30 doll month no 3000 ...

When i was baby i remember the sun in summer let me appears a lot of hairs ...so now to begin i'll try vitamin d cream (for psoriasis they sell) and if work i go to try metodo coimbra whit a doctor...why we do  not open a new discussion about vitamin d so to no waste this discussion tha is of xelijnaz? i tried but appears they di not open it...

This are my vitamin D levels of the last 6 months, almost too high as I'm taking a lot, Vitamin D3 5000 IU, but still no hair.

Feel free to make a new discussion about Vitamin D.

The probelem most researchers claim is that we are not good at absorbing the Vitamin D in our system, thus causing the autoimmune problems. Your vitamin d levels are good but maybe your body isnt absorbing and using it. Not too sure though. There needs to be more research on this, it seems promising.

Only a example a girl take 180000 it's a incredible quantitiy but every day take(of course whit doctor control) and now she resolved her problem ...

My idea; try the cream whit vitamin d in a ar(the cream for psoriasis) and see if it work if it work tray to go whit a doctor esperct in this protocol so to use orally, i'll make so.

I was in the facebook group about protocollo vitamn d for alopecia areata...so, i read a lot of people whit universal that have  had now all hairs...the good would be go to a doctor expert in this thing if not possible we must make these analysis(i hope in english same or simlar names): vitd 25oh 23 oh(to see the level of vitamn d) it must bie higher of 30 if less no good and see another examen paratormone(pth) that permit to see if your body is assimiling good the vitamin d...then they begin whit 10000 uil every day and other also use a cream...of course the mayority before to take go to a doctor expert in this protocol ...i hope these news can help other people whit alopecia areata.

The Xeljanz will do the trick Ujjain. In a few weeks look for thin, white/blondish peachfuzz. Take your pre-hair pictures now, so you can have comparison pictures later. Are you starting on 2 pills a day or 3? Also Ujjain, who is monitoring your bloodwork?

2 pills a day. I took a bunch of prednisolon on Sunday (300mg), probably won't take any again), but I might add methotrexate.

I'm also taking multi-vitamine, omega 3, vitamin c/d, omega 3 and follic acid, but I don't think they'll have any impact on my hairgrowth.


Prednisone is a serious medication and it needs to be tapered down gradually.  Please do not self medicate yourself.  Wait for Xeljanz to work.

Can translate me what says Dr Zhao please 




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