I have received a lot of interest from others on here in my involvement with the Xeljanz trials at Yale.

I thought it would be nice for everyone if I documented my progress on here. 

Xeljanz is a Jak3 inhibitor and is believed to work with alopecia by turning off the distress signal relayed by the hair follicle to the attacking immune system which is the cause of the hairs falling out. Xeljanz comes in a strength of 5mg per pill and a full box contains 60 tablets. The recommended dosage for arthritis is 1 tablet in the morning and another in the evening each day.

The trial is set in a series of stages and there are requirements before participating. These include monthly visits and blood tests every 2 weeks. Dr Brett King is absolutely fantastic and is an inspiration to me. His positivity and enthusiasm gives me the much needed hope I have craved for over a decade. I have been put on a low dose to start with which is 1 tablet every other day. My dosage has now been increased to 1 tablet every day and next month it could be increased to 2 tablets per day depending on the results. 

I have completed my first month and have already noticed my alopecia has stabilised . I have not lost any existing hairs. In addition to this I have seen little hairs growing in my chest area as well as eyebrows. Fingers crossed! To date, I have experienced no side effects.


AW:  Other discussions on Xeljanz / Tofacitinib



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Thanks for your answer lu391! I have close family in Italy so I have been thinking of maybe shipping it there first as a potential option, but I might need to reconsider it now. I will look up virtual address. Do you think you can face a criminal charge if you import it without a prescription (I know this sounds unlikely, but I just want to be 100% sure) or will they just destroy the meds?

Also, will you be able to travel with the Xeljanz if you do not have a prescription? I was thinking if Airport control or customs would ask about it.

if you import it into Italy, the customs certainly rejects it, for the other problem of the penalty I don't know what to tell you, they just rejected it to me and it was all over. if you travel abroad you can bring xeljanz or tofacinix, as long as you don't carry many boxes you won't have any problems

Here's what the tracking details for DHL Express, looks like. My contact came through and it looks like my order is in the USA.


I did Western Union to my source, but I think Beacon accepts wires from paypal.

I paid 115. for 60  5mg tabs.

I send him a prescription and a copy of my passport for customs. My prescription is for 5 bottles, so that's all he sends me at a time. I did get 20 boxes from Beacon but I'm guessing there could be an issue at customs if there's more than the prescription.

Great, he's the best. Where are you located?


Haven’t been on this for a while but I have re-ordered my meds from Beacon and have received my tablets today. 9 days which is the quickest it’s ever came which is surprising with the current situation.

If anyone in the UK needs help getting them drop me a message and I will tell you exactly how I source them and will give you the contact details of the person who I order from. 

They are 15 USD for a pack of 30 and 65 USD for delivery.

Well wishes 


Hi Singh . I would like to place a big order but worries about customs . How many did you order with them ?

Hi Meedo,

I ordered 30 boxes and customs is nothing to worry about, if they do keep it for a few days they later release them with a small tax charge.

Kind regards

Who did you order from, Mouree at Beacon is not responding to my order request emails?

Hi Singh, was that delivered by EMS?



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