Has anyone tried emu oil? It is obtained from the fat pad on the back of this strange bird. I have been reading some interesting features about it and decided to order some off Amazon. I bought a 2 oz bottle for $13.80.

It contains essential fatty acids and has been found to thicken skin that is thinning. Apparently it has anti inflammatory properties and can penetrate the skin better than most oils. And it can inhibit DHT, which is what Finasteride does. I have had FFA long enough to know there are no magic cures, but this does give me some hope.

I have been applying it to my scalp and forehead for almost a week. I am hoping it may help with the papules I have at my temples and around my chin, and of course I have the hope deep down that I might see some regrowth. It is non comedogenic, which means it won't clog pores.  I must say my skin is so soft! I've started applying it to my hands too. I apply it to my scalp after I shower and when my hair is dry and have no greasy feel or problems styling my hair (well of course I have problems styling my hair thanks to FFA, but not due to it being oily!). I haven't had much problems with itching, but the mild inflammation I can see around the follicles seems somewhat diminished.

Here are two links that have more info:



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I found it! Thank you so much for posting this. I am going to try it. I love when others share their research and experience. I am currently taking pumpkin seed oil because Dr. Donovan, the dermatologist from Canada wrote about using it in place of Finasteride recently on Instagram. Do you follow him? I know there are no magic cures, but I am trying to keep what I have and slow this loss down if I can.

Right now, I am most interesting in dealing with the facial papules as I just started getting those at my temple after having them on my chin for several months.

I wear a hair piece during the day, so I hope this doesn't make the scalp feel oily or cause problems with the hair piece. I am also wondering if you use any other treatments. Thanks again for this information. Sally

Sallylwess I do think there is a strong correlation to what we take and what we put on our skin as far as food and ingredients go. I have been doing the AIP diet for 1 1/2 months and have seen the papules appear more as I reintroduce foods. One food group one should avoid are seeds and nuts. If your papules have gotten worse since the use of pumpkin seed oil, you may want to reconsider.

I have heard of emu oil, that it is super soft and the Blue Emu oil is supposed to be good for joint aches & pains, but have never tried it for anything- even though my mother has a pet emu!  I have been using tea tree oil to help with the itching/inflammation on my hairline in between the clobetasol applications, that seems to help.  I think I might look into this emu oil now :-) 

My Fellow FFA Sufferers.....EMU oil is a CRUEL product!  Particularly when you can get the SAME and more benefits from a CRUELTY-FREE oil such as Argan oil!  The same properties you find in EMU oil you can find in many other products that do not require killing animals.  Don't we have enough ECO issues besides contributing to killing species instead of trying to propagate and prevent more animals on the extinction list.  From what I've read and talked to several Doctor's about, there's a good possibility it's things like this that has caused us to be suffering this horrible inflammation based disease!!  Using products that contribute to destroying the environment and messing with our planet's eco system such as raising and killing ancient majestic birds such as the EMU.  Here's what you DON'T know about EMU's:

90 million years of evolution to roam over vast tracks of land, with long powerful legs & camel like feet, emus are adapted for speed, not slabs of meat and merchandise.


When there are SO many alternatives that HELP us and don't include cruelty, why not choose the latter.  We're suffering ourselves so, spreading the empathy and compassion to not only other people but also other living species should be easy. 

Again, there are alternatives that can match or do better anyway!

this one is the official alternative to Emu Oil


Also, this oil is fairly new on the scene Batana Oil


There's always these and particularly Argan oil is KNOWN to work well.

Argan oil

jojoba oil

Olive Oil!

I've been using Aveda's Inviati conditioners and hair serum and I see regrowth!  I didn't want to share anything until I saw my Dr but I started it over a month ago. I wanted to wait about 3 months to see the results.

Please reconsider using EMU oil.

Thank you for keeping compassion in your hearts.

Best of luck everyone.

I've reconsidered and won't use it, thank you for sharing all this info-

Are you saying you have actually seen regrowth with FFA scarred areas??

Anne Louise,

I live in southern NH and know no one else with FFA. Could we connect?

Christine J

If you are seeing regrowth.....tell us everything you are doing . Medications, topicals, vitamins and the exact names of the Aveda products. Also are you using any of these oils you have mentioned?
Hi! I did try emu oil. I used it for a while, I would say maybe 3-4 months every night. I didn't notice a difference, but sometimes hard to see the effects with this disease. I started adding essential oils to the emu oil, lavender, rosemary, thyme and cedarwood. After I started adding the EO, I did get little baby hairs coming in around my hairline. I continued using this for a year and a half. I had very little if no hair loss at this time BUT, I was pregnant and nursing during this time, so hard to say if it was helping or not. I think it was more likely the pregnancy effects. After I stopped nursing, started noticing some thinning at my hairline, despite using the oils. I stopped using it recently since I was receiving laser treatments from my derm, but going to start back with the oils. There is at least one peer reviewed study where emu oil did help with hair loss, so definitely nothing to lose. Keep us posted!



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