Hi, I went to the Dermalologist today after 7 months on finasteride and clobestasol and a paleo autoimmune diet. There is no more redness or indication of the FFA and I am growing back hair in a few places. He was very pleased and believes that the finasteride can work after about 6 months. I believe it was a combo of that and my adherence to a diet to cut down the inflammation in my body. I am so pleased. I will continue the finesteride and cobestasol for 6 more months to be sure....and I will adjust my diet but will always have an anti inflammatory diet and turmeric paste tea every day. Hope this gives someone some hope........I can barely believe it. I was gettting myself ready to get a hair piece soon.....not now! I have no eyebrows, loss above my ears on the sides of my head and upper hairline but because I have so much other hair I can still hide it........praying this continues.

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This is fabulous news!! So happy for you! I stopped my finasteride after only 3 months as I began to experience significant flushing of my cheeks (rosacea, I suppose) and was worried it would get worse. The last thing I wanted was to develop a new medical issue in trying to solve the first one! However, in reading of your experience, it makes me wonder if I should try it once more...

I would wonder if it was the finasteride that was causing that. I don't think there are side effects from it like that. Finestaride is currently a favored drug and it is supposed to take longer than 3 months to do its trick. But I don't think it works for everyone. If nothing else is working it may be a good idea to try again.

That's wonderful news Robin.  So with AIP, have you eliminated all nightshades?  What are the other differences between regular paleo and the auto-immune protocol as it pertains to elimination?  Wishing you continued success!

Yes, I do want to say that I am reporting this now and I do want to see how this goes for the next 6 months. I am very hopeful and will continue the finestaride, colbestsol and diet. But, now I will also begin to challenge back some foods to have more to choose from, I have added eggs and am ok with them and black pepper.....I will go slowly.

I am following the autoimmune protocol as outlined by Sarah Ballantyne .http://www.thepaleomom.com/autoimmunity/the-autoimmune-protocol

No nightshades, no grains, no legumes, no seeds, no nuts, no dairy, no seed spices, no coffee, no alcohol. I have been eating lots of yummy veggies cooked with avocado oil, coconut oil, and olive oil, organic and grass fed meats. The recipes are fantastic. It takes concentration and work shopping and cooking but if you can, you will love the food and feel so great. There is a large community of people with autoimmune diseases who are using diet and nutrition to heal. There are many resources. One of my other favorites is Eileen Laird at http://www.phoenixhelix.com/.

There are many podcasts and personal healing stories that are so inspiring. Very few have alopecias though....not sure how many of us have tried this. But, the cause of these autoimmune diseases is the same, leaky gut, food sensitivities, lifestyle, environment and genetics. Read about it and see if it inspires you. I believe this made a difference for me along with drinking turmeric paste tea to calm inflammation.http://deeprootsathome.com/how-to-make-use-turmeric-golden-paste/.... We have to try......healing is a process. Good luck....

I'm definitely trying the tumeric tea. I bought a bag today. Thanks for that tip. I went paleo over a year ago when I was diagnosed w/FFA. I have hashimotos also. I was hoping my thyroid antibodies would reduce, yet that hasn't been the case. Before paleo I ate mainly low gi foods for about 15 years. I love fresh food and can't imagine going back to a diet laden with highly processed foods. Thanks again for telling your story.

Right there with you - I too have had some regrowth - take no drugs but do really watch my diet and do curcumin which is a turmeric as well

Hi Robin, Thanks for posting this good news! I was wondering if there was a time you noticed it working. Your Dr said 6 months but did you ever notice a difference at some point? Im at 3-1/2 months but i still feel the crawing, itchy feeling. I wake up every morning with hopes that today will be the day.

Clobetasol is a steroid, correct? I can't take steroids as it causes hives all over my body....



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