Anybody have any success stories with going Gluten Free? We are going to make a Gluten Free diet attempt for my 5 year old starting in the next few weeks and trialing it for 2 months. Our family dr. told us two very inspiring strories about adults with Alopecia who have gone gluten free and had success regrowing their hair. I'm willing to try it!

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Hi there, I am trying to figure out what the connection might be--I guess healing the gut/healthier immune system? Not to disuade you but we were on a very strict gluten/casein/soy-free diet the year she developed alopecia. I know a lot about how to eat GF and where to get products if you want any help with that, although we are not GF at this time. Some people can bypass the GF diet by using enzymes so let me know if you want info. about that too.
Best of luck,
Hi Jen,
I have been seriously thinking of trying this as well for my son. He has had stomach problems (vomiting and diarrhea) spells for about two years now. He started with all of this before his diagnoses of AA in May 09'. He had a upper endoscopy done in Nov. and the doctor said that there was no sign of gluten allergies. We are trying to get a appt. with another GI doctor for a second opionion. When my son had the upper endoscopy in Nov. I really didn't want it to be Celiac Disease but at the same time I thought it might answer alot as to why he might have developed the AA. From some of the things I have read you can also just be gluten intolerant and not have Celiac Disease. For now I don't want to put my son on gluten free until me meet with the new GI doctor. Please keep us posted on how it is going. I'm sure it will be a difficult journey but just remember that it may have a great outcome!!
fortunately the dr. only wants us to trial it right now for 6-8 weeks. I am not willing to start playing with her medications so this sounds like the least invasive way to try to see if we get a result. I have no clue where to start. I am trying to wrap my head around all of this GF stuff but I think I just need to dive in and take a trip to Whole Foods! :)
Hi Jen,
Was just checking to see if you started the GF diet? If you haven't started yet, can you please fill me in how things are going and if you have seen any changes in your daughter. I have a good friend of mine that has had some stomach issues for awhile now and has been GF for about two months. She said she feel so much better. She did have her gall blader removed about a month ago and her doctor told her she could try and put gluten back her in her diet to see if it was strictly her GB acting up or to truely find out if the gluten had any part of her having the stomach issues. She told me last week that she was almost afraid to because of how well she feels. If you don't mind me asking, does your daughter have any other health issues other than the AA? I noticed you mentioned that she was on meds..
We are starting a GF diet today! We first noticed a quarter size bald spot on my 6 yr old daugther about 8 weeks ago. It has remained the same without change. After speaking to her dr and knowing her other symptoms, we are going to try GF as her bloodwork on thyroid came back normal. When looking into celiac disease, my daughter has about 4-5 other symptoms that go along with celiac. It can't hurt her and hopefully it will only help her, her hair and her tummy! Will keep you updated on our progress....keeping fingers crossed.
We started Gluten Free this weekend... she was really excited to go shopping with me at Trader Joe's picking out new snacks and other foods. Neither one of us are too keen on the bread that we's heavy and has a funny aftertaste...we'll have to experiment with some other brands. She loves the GF pasta choices!

My daughter has no other medical issues besides AA. Her family dr. has two personal friends with AA and they both saw some regrowth after about 6 weeks GF. I'm willing to give it a go and see what results we get. It cannot hurt her to go GF and she's in good spirits right now. We're going to try for 6 weeks and then evaluate to see whether or not we will continue. The meds that Kayla is on is for her AA.
Hello, I took my daughter off gluten & dairy a few months back (while we were waiting for allergy tests). Her hair loss seemed to stop during that time & we even saw some regrowth. She was off those foods for about 2 months. When we got her allergy tests back, everything was normal, so we went ahead and gave her the dairy & gluten back and her hair has started falling again. The timing may be coincidental, but since there is no harm in a gluten/dairy free diet, we have started her back on the diet and hope to see the same results. Good luck :)
We are trying a new DO who specializes in nutrition. She suggested we go gluten free while we wait for the results of all the fifteen tests she ordered. Poor Mya started passing out while they were taking the seventh tube of blood. I am sure it was because of the sudden drop in her blood pressure. She turned real white, got real clammy, started sweating and kept yawning. I questioned them about the size of the tubes, but they said they needed that much. I beg to differ because there is a big difference between adult and pediatric size tubes. They may have needed that many tubes, but they could have used the smaller pediatric size instead, except for the fact that they do not keep that size in stock. Next time, I will do any bloodwork at the pediatric office instead of Quest Labs or bring the tubes with us. Anyway, If anyone has tips about gluten free, please send them my way. Thanks:)
We are on day 10 of gluten free. Too soon to notice any change in her bald spot, but have already seen positive chnages in her skin. Her exzema has decreased signicantly as well as her dry cracking hands. We are also starting iodine on her bald spot next week (waiting for it in the mail) as well as biotin and zinc pills.

We noticed her bald spot in Feb. and so far, has remained the same (keeping fingers crossed). In the last 2 months we have been on a wait and see, but I have now decided to take some action. We don't want to do steriods, so we are going to try what I mentioned above for 6 months and see how that goes.

We have had our 6 yo daughter tested for food allergies and have been wheat (not gluten) dairy egg peanut free for 6 months. Her hair has all but stopped falling out and she has had re-growth in all her bald spots. Again, it may be coincidence but it seems to work for us and I am not complaining about that :) It is a hard adjustment to make and her allergies are not very severe but she was sensitive to many foods which added up. I was told by our doctor that the food issues where upsetting her immune system which may have led to the AA. We also have her on vitamins (iron, zinc, BCD&E) which also have really helped with her overall health. I have found a lot of recipes and have tried a LOT of products is anyone is interested.
My 7 year old daughter just tested positive on the blood test for Celiac Disease. I requested having her tested after we found out about the alopecia. She has always complained of tummy aches and had stomach issues, but I didn't take her too seriously because she comlains about everything else too.

We decided not to do the endoscopy. I was satisfied with the markers her blood test showed and didn't want to have her put under anesthesia.

We began a gluten free diet on Monday. So far, it has been great! I am lucky though because she will eat a large variety of foods. I bought a bunch of gluten free sauces (bbq, terryaki, etc.) to season meat and just serve fresh veggies with everything. The only thing that has really changed is not serving bread with dinner. Well, and my grocery bill has changed. The gluten free products are incredibly expensive. I don't mind though.

Even if this diet does not stop her hair loss, at least she will be eating a much healthier diet. No more junk!
My daughter tested negative for gluten allergies, but we are still going ahead with a gluten-free diet. It has been one month now and she is covered in peach fuzz. Could be related to gluten or maybe not, but like you said, we are eating healthier.



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