Dee Connelly


Gettysburg, PA

United States

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About Me:
HI, I have had alopecia universalis since I was 2 years old. I am so glad that Cheryl Carvery sent me the email regarding this site. I truly enjoy the NAAF conferences that my husband and I attend and the opportunities that they give me to make new friends in the alopecia world. If anyone would like to write me regarding their experiences with alopecia I would love to get to know you.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

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  • chelsi

    Thank you for your comments, but it's more difficult for me because i speak french.I will try to read your text .
  • Mr. Hasson J. Rashid

    Peace Be Unto You,

    Thank you for welcoming me to Alopecia World.

    Yours In Peace
    Mr. Hasson J. Rashid
  • Di

    hi dee..
    thank-you for a response its very nice knowing i have someone there to talk to if i need them im still navigating this site its all so new to me at the moment will get back to you asap di
  • Roger

    Hi Dee.

    Will I meet you in Louisville?

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Dee,

    I'm trying to go to this years confrence. Maybe I'll see you there

  • Michael

    Thank you very much for the warm welcome.
  • Brandy Forsch

    Thanks for the welcome!!
  • Roger

    Yes, I will be there next year too =)

  • Kelly

    Thanks Dee!!
  • Dawn

    Hi Dee,
    Thanks for the welcome. Have been diagnosed with Androgenetic Alopecia 2 yrs ago, and have been using Rogaine 5% twice daily since then, after much thought. My mother has genetic alopecia as well, and now my siblings, so the gene is very strong in my family. I definately have gone through extreme boughts of depression and anxiety regarding my hair loss, but did receive counseling from an excellent therapist and take Lexapro for my depression. My mood overall has been pretty good, hopeful, over the past couple of years, but still have periods of discouragement. Luckily, I have enough hair on top of my head to disguise my hairloss, most of the time but always question what the future holds for me regarding continuing hair loss. Just nice to talk with someone my own age, and whom I can relate. I have always tried to stay fit and keep myself up to date, so my hair loss has been very devastating. Any words of encouragement are appreciated. Thanks for listening.
  • Gwen

    Hello Everybody! Thanks to everyone for such a warm welcome. I can feel the love that comes with every greeting and I know this is definitely a great place to be. I have two adult sons who shaved bald when their hairline began to recede. They prefer to stay bald. They have not sought medical advice re their hairloss so I can't say that they have alopecia. I do have a friend that says she does have it though and I want to learn more about the causes and cures of hairloss. I plan to share information about this site with my sons (however, I don't know if they will care to join) and my friend whom I know will be more than happy to join and share.
  • Roger


    Of course we will talk through this year. I will take lots of photos there as well.

  • Gwen

    Hi Dee! Thanks for adding me as your friend.
  • Sami

    Thank you for the welcome, this heart-warming to see your support
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Dee you can't make it to the conference this year?
  • Fitzy

    thanks so much! I am glad the fashion industry love it here, makes me feel like I can help others out there.
  • Joyce

    Hey Dee,
    Thanks for the welcome! I too have alopecia universalis. Because of my faith in Jesus, I have been able to overcome the negative issues surrounding this disease. I have discovered alot of positive about myself through experiencing alopecia for the past 3 years - things I probably would not have otherwise thought about had I not acquired alopecia if you know what I mean. Good to hear from you.
  • Erin

    Thank you so much. It's nice to have a place to talk about this thing that not many around me can actually relate to.
  • Kelly

    Hi Dee, I'm having a good day - have a sinus infection but shouldn't last long. Schoo is crazy busy always and keeps me running, but I enjoy what I'm learning. Tell me more about yourself.
  • Dee Connelly

    HI Travis, We just wanted to say that this is the best site in the world! You will meet so many new friends!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Sorry Dee, maybe I am tired, but I am not understanding what you are asking me?
  • Nicky Lam

    Dear Dee
    thaks for sending me a welcome message- I have nearly A U- just few hairs here and ther but not enough to get excited about - I have a strong family history of it - but I hoped it may have skipped me but at 36 I found it hadn't !
    we just have to get on with life hey and make the best of things - like a good supportive husband, family and friends.
    Nicky lam ( australia0
  • Nicky Lam

    Dear Dee
    sorry I only just picked your full message up- OK if you could sned me some pictures sometime that would be great
  • Michaela

    Hi.. Thank you for your willkome
  • Dee Connelly

    HI everyone! I am looking for someone who deals and sells wefts of hair.
  • Donna Evans

    Thanks for welcoming me. I have updated my page throughout the day so I’ll hope you’ll look at again.
  • Carol

    Hello Dee. I see we're neighbors (states next door). This site is pretty cool, huh?
  • Erin

    Hi Dee-Do you mind me did you meet your husband?
  • Karina Louise

    Hi Dee, I love my eyebow tattoes too! I think you were very brave to get eyeliner done though - the lady who did mine said she'd never do eyeliner on me cos I was freaking out just with the eyebrows!! And I can't imagine how much it would have hurt..
  • Carol

    You are in Pa., right? I'm in Baltimore, Maryland
  • JayB

    Hi Dee, thank you lots for the welcome.
  • Erin

    That is awesome! What a great story. I wish I had as much luck with match as you did.
  • kat533

    Thank-you Dee, i appreciate your warm welcome. It will be wonderful to get to know you.
  • Nicole

    Thanks for your encouragement...I got the tattos and like you I love mine to!! What a difference they have already made in my day to day routine!

    Have a great day!
  • Joan Gundersen

    likewise! Hope to talk to you more soon...
  • Nicole

    I agree I feel I have more character in my face now...with out my eyebrows in the moring I felt like a blank slate. I love facial expression and have studied american sign language so to be able to do sign language invloves a ton of facial expression so I love having the tattoos and nothaving to do them every morning free hand!!
  • Malia Watson

    Hi Dee,
    Thanks for the warm welcome. I haven't read Ruins, but I just finished Stephen King's Duma Key, which was seriously freaky. Worth a read, though.
  • Carol

    Westminster is a little far from Dundalk. Although, it would be a nice Sunday drive. Geeeeez.....makes me remember when I was very young and every Sunday that's what my Mom & Dad (RIP xox) and I would do. I loved our Sunday trips. Of course, my Dad would only eat at a restaurant that served beer!!! LOL
  • Barbara

    I do not work in a salon any more, I work for a large cosmetics and hair supply co. I get to test all the new products coming on the market. It is a very interesting job. I have never used a weft of hair. I figured if I spent the money on it, the hair needed to hold it might fall out!!! I always used wigs
  • Andrew Ambrosie

    hello how are u doing, i have never really talked to too many people about alopecia, actually a girl named Amanda stopped me in disneyland and she was the first real person i have to talked to about it and she sort of introduced me to this whole world, its actually nice to see some many people out there the know what i have been and still going through, i just want to say thank u for welcoming me and hope to hear from u
  • Carmella

    Enjoy your week as well. Thanks for droping by to welcome me.
  • Sandy

    Thank you so much for your kind words. Believe me I know its hard being in our predicament. Your diagnosis is more severe than mine, as it has only affected my eyelashes and thinning of my eyebrows. I really hoped Lumigan would be an answer for alot of us. I know they are doing clinical trials so maybe they just need to adjust the dosage or somthing. Everyday brings new breakthroughs. When I first started using Lumigan, I could tell that it was working, then suddenly after about six weeks a small section started to fall out again, but I kept putting on the Lumigan and the lashes starting to grow in again in that section and now I have no spaces between the lashes. It has been four months and so far so good. How long did you try the mediciation? I use to use false lashes or thick eyeliner when it was just a small section and that worked pretty good, it just seemed like I could never get the hang of putting on false lashes the same way every morning in a timely manner. I wish you all the best and will say a prayer. Thank you so much for contacting me. Sandy
  • Lesley Berry

    Hi Dee, thank you for your welcome, I look forward to chatting to you. :)
  • Gena King

    Thank you Ive found my place here. I like to know people who know what each others going through.
  • Ingela

    Hi! Thank´s for your comment *s* I just can´t be sad because my life is just wonderful so I don´t even care about my hair lost... (I hope you understand my wroten English) // Ingela
  • Kaitlyn

    Oh, I will. I won't let this minor set back be an obstacle that I can't overcome. I'm so young, I just want to live my life to the fullest, and I consider us lucky because we have this experience that can help us see the real beauty of people. Therefore, we can live our lives to the fullest. It's really unfortunate, but we can get through anything if we really want to and put our hearts into it; I wish I would have known that when I first struggled with some very inappropriate coping methods because of this. It's so helpful to meet other people that are going through the same exact thing.
  • Heidi

    Hi Dee, as I've just explained to several others, sometimes I'm VERY slow in keeping up with stuff. I've made the hotel and conference reservations, just need to figure out the plane yet. Are you going this year? Love meeting my old friends and making new ones. Take care, H ...
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Dee,

    Thanks for the info. i hope you are having a great weekend.

  • Roger


    Soon its time for me for my first conference. I promise to take photos!

    Take care, Roger.
  • ozi

    excuse please, that the am Neptune rather.Came be on alopecia world,only tell to all women, that the are men for which are and smooth you most beautiful.I don't know English so be afraid,to am was well twigged.