

Waynesville Georgia

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I started losing my hair about 6 years ago. It started just before my third heart surgery. The dermatologist diagnosed it as telogen effluvium. It was very scary at first but I have learned to accept it and not let it control my life. I have been very blessed with a surportive family and friends. I really look forward to meeting everyone.

I am currently trying to find a solution that is both comfortable and affordable.
Do you have alopecia?
Hair loss due to medical treatment
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Dawn, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Just stopped by to say hello. I have some friends who live in Marietta. Is it near you?
  • Cool Head

    Hi Dawn
    Welcome. I have family and friends in Atlanta and Roswell. I may be visiting later this year. If I do, I will let you know.
  • jennifer

    Hi Dawn! Thank you! That new pic is a wig, not regrowth. I wish! :) Yes, we are so lucky to have supportive husbands. Some husbands don't love their wives with hair, and I have the most awesome husband and i don't have hair! He doesn't care a bit, but just wants me to be happy. I love him so much! I feel very blessed to have him and my beautiful son. You should feel blessed as well. Ya know if you do have tellogen effluvium (sp?), your hair should come back eventually. That is something to celebrate! Jenn
  • Diana Hayden

    Hi Dawn; thank you very much for the warm welcome .
  • Jessica

    Thanks Dawn!
  • Crystal

    yes they are...taken in various locations across the Island
  • jennifer

    i got my wig from loriswigs. i think the website is loriswigsite.com, something like that. it a new style called codi. when i don't have it tucked behind my ears, it looks like the jenny mccarthy new style. a modern bob sort of. do you know the style? i love it! the top is monotop to so the part looks very natural. jenn
  • jen

    where in ga do you live i live in the sticks too
  • Lori D.

    Thanks for the Welcome Dawn. Everyone here is so nice!
  • merita hinnant

    hi it good to finally find some one close; welcome to Alopecia World!! Its a great place to be
  • Kristen Ridenhour

    Hey Dawn, how are you?
  • jennifer

    hey dawn, your hair is really pretty and doesn't look thin at all? was your pic taken recently? you look great! does the dr. think it might be androgenic alopecia? or is he/she sure it is telogen effluvium?
  • jen

    um i live in ellabell, its around pembroke, um about an hour away from brunswick
  • merita hinnant

    Dawn, i get my wigs on line bestwig outlet is a good one and beauty trends is another; anyway i can help you all u have to do is ask.
  • Dawn

    You are alot braver than you think. Just taking that first step says alot!!
    Thanks that pic was last year; I need to post a more recent one. I need to get some more batteries for my camera. It has thinned out alot more recently. It was super, super, super, thick and curly before now it's thinner and straight. Wierd huh?? It's mostly on the sides so the top seems to cover it up.
  • jennifer

    i read your info. on your page and noticed you mentioned you wish your family was more supportive. i think your acceptance will come easier if they accept it. you should express to them how you feel about their lack of sensitivity. i bet having a heart condition is really tough. do the females in your family (your mom and grandmother, aunts etc.) have thin hair?
  • Dawn

    I am the only one in my family with alopecia. Everyone has very thick hair.
    Whenever I have tried to discuss my condition even in a positive light with family (parents and siblings) they just roll their eyes. It makes them very uncomfortable and uneasy. It really hurts. My family has never been the compassionate type. My mother has never been motherly or sensitive. All of my heart surgeries, none of my family came (except my husband and inlaws) visited until I was well and recovered. Illness and sickness seems to be a sign of weakness to them. I think it is very scary for them and they just don't know how to handle it so they avoid it. With the alopecia, they act almost embarrassed of me. I hate to sound so negative about them, but that is really how they are to say the least. That is okay. I think it has molded me into being extra caring and compassionate for others that have been broken spiritually and/or physically. I have found alot of support from people at my church and a pastor friend of mine.
  • Khabalu

    thx :)
    This is an Iranian name for a 'sleeping woman'. Iran is my latest fascination. I tried to learn Iranian language a bit but it turned out to hard and too time- consuming.
    Though, I am going there for my August holidays this year- can't wait.. :)
    And how r u doing?
  • Marisol

    Thank you! Dawn I'm also the only one in my family with alopecia. I'm sorry that your family is not very understanding to your feelings regarding your condition. My family also had a hard time understanding how I was feeling and how this was impacting me. It will get better
  • jennifer

    it sounds like your family avoids feeling uncomfortable. some people are like that. they may not mean to hurt you but they have no idea how to deal with it. i keep thinking that your hair loss is different and will come back eventually. perhaps your body was sort of in shock after your surgeries. it sounds like you went through alot with your heart surgeries! i am happy you have a supportive husband. one more question, when you had your son, did your hair come out and then come back again? also, there are some antidepressants that can make your hair come out. i am not sure if you are aware of that, but it may be something to investigate. talk to you soon, jenn
  • Billie

    Hi Dawn! Glad to meet you and see you here on the site! We all are in the same situations that vary a bit more but the support and kindred spirits I have found here are wonderful!!!!
  • Candace

    Thanks for the Welcome Dawn! Good luck with your house. Look forward to chatting with you!
  • Jan Pond

    Thanks, Dawn, looking forward to communicating with a lot of people.
  • jen

    yea kinda its like 30 min. from ft.stewart
  • Melissa Romanowski

    Hi Dawn, I read your profile. I am not shocked that your family isn't accepting of it yet. How long have you said you had alopecia? My parents never "accepted" it at first. They never came to one doctor's appt with me. I am not sure why. I will never know to this day why my parents just said, so your hair is falling out. I don't know if it was that they didn't accept weakness or just didn't want to accept something was wrong. I was devastated that my parents wouldn't ask me what was going on or seemed remotely concerned. I went from age 12 to 16 alone, literally. Because of how they treated me I didn't feel that it was ok to tell anyone what was going on. I can get more into depth with that later. I found when I was 16 I was dating a very accepting and nurturing guy. He knew something wasn't right and asked questions. Even made it known that he was there for me and started coming to all my doctors appts and holding my hand when I got injections.
  • Helen

    Hi Dawn
    thankyou so much for your welcome I have only had AA for just over thre weeks and my daughter shaved the little bit of remaining hair i had left on Sunday. I have been so fortunate that my husband and children have been amazing. Two of my grandchildren wrote me the most beautiful poem I will share sometime It certainly helps to know we are not alone cheers
  • Tamara Dixon

    Hi Dawn.
    Thanks for welcoming me. I was just diagnosed yesterday even though I figured it out myself. I only have a few spots and my doc prescribed some cream so I am just learning.

    Thanks again
  • VanessaVandalism

    :o hii and thanks :D
    omg i love alopeciaworld, everyones so nice ^-^
    and no one gets bothered about having alopecia :D
  • Sarah S

    Thanks for the comment Dawn. Most of the pictures are of me before my hair fell out. My profile picture is me with my wig on. I just received a new wig I ordered on Monday so I plan on posting some more pictures with my new wig on. Congrats on building your house. That sounds like a lot of hard work but a lot of fun too!!
  • Liliana

    Thanks for taking the time and sending a greeting! I will be getting to know more about this site, and learning more about you all great people in the next few days, glad to know I am not alone!
  • Sarah S

    Hi Dawn- The two wigs I have are both Rene of Paris wigs. One is called the Jennifer and the other is called the Erika. I have AU...no hair on my body at all. In May I finally shaved the two patches of hair I had left on my head off. It was hard to finally shave the little hair I had left off, but at the same time I am glad I did it.

    My husband and I love to travel! We just moved from Austin to Houston in February. We miss Austin a lot...it is a great place! We really love Chicago and we just recently went to San Fransisco a month or two ago. I think we may try to go to Boston in a couple of months. My husband is a huge baseball fan so we were thinking about going to see a Red Sox's game!

    Hope you are doing well!

  • Kate

    Fabulously thanks! I have had my two wigs for 3 months now! And the photos on my page are all of my wigs apart from the one with the statue of Jesus and one other where my hair is tied back really tight. So I am really pleased with them, think they look pretty good and by now have pretty much gotten used to them as well.

    Man, sounds like you have been through a bit of a rough time. I hope you are doing well at the moment, and that the house building is going smoothly - very brave I reckon!
    You look great in your photo, and I can imagine it must be weird to change from really think hair to thin and straight. But you look great and people that didn't know you before would never know that that wasn't the hair you always had.

    Best of luck with it all!
    Kate x
  • Laura

    Thanks for the information, what is the difference between a reagular wig and vacuum pieces? I just don't know anything about wigs.
  • Maggie

    Thanks for welcoming me. Its nice to know there is someone else in Georgia having similar problems. My doctor tells me its not too rare, but i haven't met anyone else with it until I joined here. What is Waynesville close to?
  • Billie

    Good afternoon ! I hope this Friday is going well for you. What a week it has been here - TG for the weekend..... Have a great one!!!!
  • ruth

    hey thanks....this is cool having an online support group....
  • ruth

    hey thanks :)
  • claire

    hi the black one is a lhasa apso and hes jack the brother of izzy the one i lost, sorry to hear you have lost yours i understand the pain you will be feeling right now, but think of the good times your doggie had with you x
  • Maggie

    Yeah I definitely did. It was one of the first ones I joined ;) How are you doing today?
  • Sarah S

    Hi Dawn-
    I am getting to like Houston. We moved here for my husband's job. We loved Austin too. It was hard leaving Austin and all our friends. I think we want to try to go to Boston in the next month or so. We are also thinking about going to Washington DC. My husband has not been there in about 10 years so we though tit might be fun to go to all the museums. My husband is a huge baseball fan so I know he really would enjoy going to see a Red Sox's game in Boston.
    Hope you had a great weekend!
  • Jaime

    Thank you, it is like nothing else in the world. I love being a mommy...
  • Bec.

    Hi! The Navy has been fair I guess. I like the moving, but I'm getting ready to settle into one place. Where exactly is Waynesville, GA?

  • susan

    thank you soo much! ..i never knew there was wig tape.. O.o hahah
  • Laurie

    Hi Dawn,

    I also have been diagnosed with telogen effluvium. I've only been shedding for maybe 7 months and am ALOT thinner. As you can tell from my picture, I started out with fine, thin hair and didn't have much to spare. I think I may have AGA and was already slowly thinning but didn't know it - the drop in estrogen (stopping birth control) sent it into a tailspin. I know what you're going through!!

    no i dont have family there. i use to drive 18 wheeles and i had a delivery not far from wanynsville, its a quaint little town. almost like monroe, ga. have a great day talk to ya soon
  • Max

    its my hairhair i tease my hair iam get the same hair soon in a wing
  • Jessica

    Hey Dawn,

    Great to meet ya. Yeah my hair started falling out during my third pregnancy with a boy my other 2 are girls so the doc thinks that my have triggered it plus I have hypothyroidism. I have a full head of hair again from the shots but its thin and shedding like crazy. I' ve also lost some body hair in the female region and part of an evebrow lol but life could be worse. So glad to find this site cause the past year was really rough dealing with this thinking i was the only one out here with hair loss.