
37, Male

Upstate NY

United States

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About Me:
Alright time to update this...

I've been living with alopecia for a couple years now. I first noticed a spot on the side of my head, and one in my facial hair when I didnt shave for a few days. I went on line to research it and found out what I might have and went to the doctors. They diagnosed me with AA and said not to worry that I wasn't going to lose all my hair. Well about 6 month later the spots kept coming and so I stopped all the treatments (creams, shots, everything... I even tried some alternative medicines such as acupuncture). Well 6 months after that and I'm completely bald on my head (no eyebrows, a few eyelashes left) and it appears I'm very close to being AU and having no hair at all. I've given up on treatments and have focused more on just living my life and accepting it, as hard as that may be sometimes.

Away from the whole alopecia thing...I'm a junior in college. I'm a Physical Education major with a concentration in Adaptive PE. Which means I'll be specialized in working with kids with disabilities. I really enjoy what I'm going to school for, and because of that my grades actually show it for once haha. I also enjoy coaching youth sports. The past few years I've coached 7th and 8th grade boys soccer and 7th grade girls basketball. It was a great experience and it was amazing to see how much of an impact I could make in that short time. I had to stop because of transfering schools but it's definately something I want to do again once I'm done with school.

Other than that I love sports and music. I'm a huge soccer fan, sometimes a little too much haha, but I have at least one team in every major sport I can root for. Music wise I like everything. I've been playing drums since I was 5 (self-taught) and have begun to teach myself to play guitar and piano.

I'm just a typical college kid, like to have fun. I'm pretty open minded and a pretty accepting person. I often put my friends before me. I love being on the St. Lawrence River, where I live and everything that comes with that.

If theres anything else you want to know about me just ask
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Dotty

    Hello Drew,
    I am just now getting back to the wonderful messages of thoughts and prayers for my daughter, Kristin. I had the best sleep in 10 days last night because she is home from the hospital. Thank you for thinking of us and your prayers were heard loud and clear. Hope all is well with you and yours.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Billie

    Hi Drew! I am making my rounds and checkin in. Hope the day and the week is going well for you. Is it as hot there as it is here?
  • Gabrielle

    umm...there are like two spots in the back but they are growing in:P
    so i hope it stays:D

    my exam actually went very well....i just studied alot and i passed:D
    so im pretty happy!!
  • Phoenix 2.0

    hey drew guess what i finally figured out the playlist thing check out my music and these game sites Addicting games.com, and miniclip games.com also here's a BIG biggie I...am...growing...my HAIR back! Unbeliveable right?RIGHT?? I also gots a girlfriend so being bald is not that bad after all!
  • Mandy

  • Sara

    how's the acupuncture?
  • Jennifer

    Hi Drew, How are things? Long time, no talk!
  • Ann

    Hey drew came across your page and wanted to say hi!
  • Robin and Danielle

    hey there, thanks for the welcome to the site :)
  • Carrie & Nicky Johnson

    Thank you!
  • kastababy

    Yeah, I see that they are!!! The Bills are rockin this year!!! Glad to see you've been doing well!!!
  • Jennifer

    Everything is good! I got my eyebrows tattood. I almost had a nervous breakdown the following day. But, I think I'm good now! How is everything with you!?
  • Celeste Edwards

    Awesome!! That's Exactly what I need right now!! Thanks!
  • Catherine

    Hi Drew, I'm going to university taking Psychology at the moment. I'm not exactly sure what I want to do with it. I was thinking of becoming a teacher for the last 6 years but on and off. It is easier said then done, especially when your a girl, at age 18, how to wear or colour your hair seems like the big issue haha , thanks for the comment! :)
  • Esther

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Mandy

    Hi Drew! Good to hear from you. How have you been? I've been so crazy busy lately since I moved and started school. Things are going well though. I sure miss having the time to read and comment on all the forum discussions on here though. :o( Just no time anymore. I hope you're doing well. How's the dome?
  • Heather

    Thank You!
  • Jude

    Thanks for the welcome - it's amazing how many different people from different places there are on this site.
  • Babe

    hey Drew! thanks for the add, im super busy but i try to get on here more and more frequent! :)
  • Phoenix 2.0

    Hey, it's going real good, like my music?
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Drew,

    Stopping in to say hello and see how things are going with you.

  • emilie

    Hi Drew!
    just wanted to say hii! :)
    whatss upp?
  • Ashley

    Hey Drew,
    Thanks for the add! I saw you're going to be attending conference for the first time, last year was my first, and trust me, you'll LOVE it. It's so worth it, and such a good time. I know it helped me with my alopecia a lot. =)
  • Catherine

    How is everything with you now? I haven't been on here since the end of September so I'm not really sure even who to comment too, there is lots of new people and "online/offline" people.. everything. Do you go to school or anything? I noticed in our earlier chats I told you I was going to school but didn't think to ask if you were or anything! Anyways, hope all is well!

  • SportyAusGirl

    HI Drew, Glad to hear you're not letting alopecia stop you :) I'm also glad to hear you're enjoying your PE teaching!! i'm a teacher too!

    Teachign is great, it keeps me grounded!!
    Nadia xx
  • porcelinh

    Hi Drew, love your choice of music! See you this summer at the conference. Take care, Holly
  • Gabrielle

  • Izzy

    Happy Birthday!!!!! : )
  • Heather L

    Happy Birthday Drew!!!

    Hope your birthday wishes come true!!
  • Brianne

    Happy Birthday! I know we have never talked before but I see you are going to the conference and you are about the same age group as me! I am excited to be going this year. This is my second time but it was a while ago that I went. I don't really know anyone but I am excited to meet people!

    Hope you have a good birthday and hope to see you in Houston!
  • Izzy

    Ur so welcome!!! I hope u have a wonderful day!!!
  • Roger

    Drew. Will I see you in Houston?

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Drew,

    See you in 11 days at the Conf.

  • JeffreySF

    Oh Yeh,

    I'm pumped up, It's gonna be good
  • Roger

    I will travel alone too from Sweden =) Same as last year. I will arrive wednesday afternoon. How about you?
  • Andrew

    Sup Drew! How you doing man? Did you go to the conference? I'm diggin the playlist. I read you play drums.....im taking lessons this summer. Thats cool your going to school for Physical Educations......it sounds like you found your niche. late
  • carli

    hell yeah! lol dude as long as ur nice to me and not tell me to shut up all the time
  • Ashley

    Hey Drew...or better known as the avoider (haha),
    I'm glad I got to meet you at conference, finally. Next conference, we'll be more social to each other. Hope you had a good experience for your first time, and hope to see you next year at Indy, because I know I'll be there for sure!! =)
  • rebecca finlaw

    Thanks for the advise. I appreciate you taking the time to write.
  • Sara

    You too! It was a lot of fun and I hope that everyone makes the effort to go next year too! I am still trying to catch up on sleep...
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Andrew,

    It was great meeting you at NAAF!!!
    Leo and I just got home.
    "Joline" sends her love lol

    Talk soon.

  • Matt

    Hey Andrew,
    It was fun hanging out at the conference. If you send me your email address I'll send you my ofoto album of the trip. I'm still experiencing the conference afterglow. I don't want it to wear off!

  • Roger

    Thanks Drew. You too.

    Im back home now. I uploaded some pics here too. Take care man.

  • carli

    yeah lol
  • Gena King

    I will be there next year they have great concerts in Indy...Miss ya..
  • Nicole( colby's Mommy)

    SOOOOOO excited you found me, call me 3184531187
  • Roger

    Drew. Do you use Facebook?

  • Danielle

    Hi, Drew How is your summer going?
  • Wendy Green

    My husband and I started coaching youth soccer when Nicholas started playing 4 years ago it has been a lot of fun and a learning expereince for all of us. We try to encourage Nicholas to try sports and things too to help his confidence.
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Drew,

    Whats up?
    All is good here with Leo and me.
    I wanted to invite you to a little Get-Together planned in Boston. If you would like to join in on some fun the dates are 10/22-10/27
    So far we have a group of 12 attending. Most of whom you know.

    Hope all is good with you. Let me know if you are interested.
