

Jacksonville, FL

United States

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About Me:
Born with Alopecia Areata, but didn't start REALLY losing my hair until around 1998. I am one of the lucky ones whose hair fell out very, very I had a lot of time to prepare before having to purchase my first hair piece (I wear vacuum pieces from New Hair Technology based out of NYC).

I haven't been to a doctor or even tried anything new in a long time, because all of that just upsets me when I'm usually never upset about it! I prefer to just go on with life without worrying about not having any hair. I don't ever go out in public bald, but at the same time I don't keep my Alopecia a secret either. I don't have a problem talking about it, or showing people...i'm just a girly-girl and prefer not to be bald in public.

I'm going to take some bald pics and post some on here soon! :)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
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  • Jennifer

    Your hair looks amazing! Now atleast I have something to look forward to if it all falls out!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Ashley,
    I'm the same way -- I'd rather have my hair on in public. There's nothing wrong with that!
    Take care, LeslieAnn
  • Sarah S

    Hi Ashley-

    I love your vacuum piece!! I had my first spot of AA in December of 2006 when I was 28. I had spots here and there but in January of this year I lost all my hair in about 2 weeks and am now au.

    I have started looking into a vacuum piece and since yours looks so great I am definitely going to check out the place where you got yours!!

  • Karen

    Hi Ashley,

    I have been reading your blog and notice that you are wearing a vacuum hairpiece. Would you be able to tell me how the piece would feel like to wear during the summer. I have heard that they get really hot but wanted to know if they are breathable like the advertisment had advertised.

  • Jennifer

    hey ashley it was great seeing you this year.
  • Beth

    Ya, another crazy night…went till around 6 then hit the bourbon trail. Got home late Monday night and still waiting on my lost luggage. Did you get to see your parents? Hope you had a good time!
    ~ Beth
  • Dawn

    Hi Ashley! I live in GA too. Your hair is gorgeous. If you don't mind me asking, where do you get your hairpiece? I can't seem to find anything around here.
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Ashley. It was great to meet you at this year's NAAF conference. I also wanted to thank you for being an Alopecia World-class member. I certainly wish you great joy and good success in all that you do. :-)
  • Candace

    Hi Ashley...I just joined Alopecia world and I'm real interested in getting a hair piece from New Hair Technology and was wondering if you had any advice for me???
  • Samantha

    Hey long did it for you to really lose your hair and have to purchase a wig? Your wigs look awesome!
  • Samantha

    Hi Ashley...that is EXACTLY how I am losing mine. It has receded all along my forehead but underneath it just keeps coming forwards. I just cut my hair and put a lot of blonde in it. It definitely seems to help to make my forehead not look so big. A lot comes out in the shower...I'm just amazed at how much comes out, yet I am not bald yet!
    I have no brows. I went to get them tattooed. I went swimming today and I couldn't tell you how much better I felt about getting out of the water and still having them there.
    Have you had any regrowth? I've had a couple of lovely white hairs grow in, but they just fall right back out.
    Where did you live in Chicago? Were you here long? I don't know if I could live anywhere else, unless it was really warm...and by the ocean!
  • Nick

    hiya :]
  • Samantha

    I actually live in Lincoln Park. Right by the Weiner Circle. The smell of those greasy-ass french fries and fattening hot dogs blows in to my window everyday and it's so damn good!
    My bf works on Michigan. He says he walks down to Chestnut a lot when he needs to get out of the office...which is quite office.
    Why did you move? How do you like Atlanta?
  • Samantha

    Ahh yes, moving for a guy. Guys can move for me! I've dealt w/ enough BS from them. :)
    Yeah Clark and Fullerton. Right down the road. I go to the Golden Nugget whenever I get my yearly craving for pancakes. My friends were pretty hammered a while back. It was storming out pretty bad and they still insisted they had to go to the Golden Nugget....which turned in to the Golden Apple...which I then yelled was in New York...and that would be the Big Apple, what they call New York. The story is probably not very exciting to you, but everytime I walk past the place I think of how many different names it was given that night and how everyone had to go there during a storm.
    Where did you order pizza from in Chicago? We get into huuuuuuuuuuge fights about this. I love the Art of Pizza (Ashland and Barry). I used to order from them back when I lived in Cicero and had no idea they came out here.
  • Renee

    Like you, my 12 year old daughter is absolutely beautiful. She has Alopecia as well. Her hair has also come out slowly, but faster than yours. We are at the point where we need to find wigs, and all the other accessories for nearly complete hair loss. I could really use some guidance and information on wig cost etc. You mention the vaccume wigs - are they expensive? We are not rich by any means, but I will do whatever I have to to get her something comfortable and natural looking. I'm very concerned about her emotional state and feel she needs to talk to people with this same disease. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  • Jodi

    Hi Ashley,
    Your hair looks fantastic! Amazing actually. You look so comfortable in your own skin. I could probably learn a thing or two from you. I'm 33 years old and have Androgentic Alopecia and struggle with it DAILY. I wear synthetic wigs right now because I have two young kids and it's EASY.
    When/where did you meet NKOTB? I'm a fan. Had a huge crush on Joey back in the day. Hee Hee!
  • Renee

    Thanks for the info. Showed Courtney (my daughter) your profile page and photos and I think it gave her new hope. Your pics are great. Thanks again!
  • Zoe

    Hey Ashley,

    I love your hair. It's so pretty and I'm so jealous. I should start thinking about a similar wig.

    Thanks for sharing all the infos:-)
  • Laurie


    I just wanted to say 'thank you'. I have only recently begun my hair loss journey and it can be devastating. In my case though, it may or may not be permanent (only time will tell if I have telogen effluvium or androgenic alopecia). Seeing how 'normal' you look and live has given me the inspiration and courage to face the hairloss and not let it get the best of me! Thanks!!!
  • Jessica

    Hey Ashley,

    Luv the pic's with NKOTB that must have been mind blowing I too grew up listening to them that is really cool you got to hang out with them.

    ps I love you hair i read you blog about it but really how comfortable is it? I've meet the women that sells them here in the chicago land area and her hair looks great too. How easy is it to get a great style and keep it up. my first wig was human hair but was so bulky and very hard t style.
    thanks Jessica
  • Shannon

    hEY!!! I noticed you do not live to far from Nashville and I just wanted to stop by and tell you I am hosting a Links for Locks tournament here in the Nashville Area Friday Sept 19th and would love if you could make it!!! There are some people coming up from GA and down from KY !!! Would be awesome if you could come. It starts at 1:30 in the afternoon. Let me know if you would like some info. I am in need of golfers and maybe a few more sponsors ... if you have any connections or know of anyone who would like to play please let me know :) thanks

    Shannon O'Neill
  • Laura

    Hey Ashley, I also get my hair from New Hair Technology. I love my vacuuum wig. But I was wondering how long yours usually last. Mine seem to lose hair and shape so fast. Do you bring yours there to get washed and styled? Also, do you sleep and shower with yours?? THANKS
  • Terri

    Hey Ashley:
    I hope everything is going great for you. I know you said you use New Hair Technology in N.Y. for your hair pieces, but do you have to fly up there each time you need one? How does it work. We are in the South also. I currently use someone (hair consultant) in N.C. my piece is made in California and goes to Europe. We have had alot of problems. I am afraid that my little girl is becomming depressed and isolated. I was curious if this was an option for us too. The current piece is made w/ real hair and vacuum sealed- just curious
  • LM

    Hi Ashley,

    Your wigs are awesome! Enjoy, specially your last one. Do you know anyone who cuts wigs in South Florida or even Atlanta?

  • Terri

    Hey Ashley:
    Does the New Hair Technology send you a casting kit to make your mold of your head? I currently have to go to N.C. to get that process done. My order goes to California and Europe. The last piece that we got back in August, I wasn't please with it at all. This one is thinner and frizzy. The color is perfect though. I have emailed The New Hair Tech. twice, but have not heard back from them. I was just curious if they send you everything through the mail etc.. Your last hair piece looks great by the way. Have a great day.
  • Prayer

    Your pictures are adorable and your hair looks so good. Can you tell me a little more about the hair institue in Kentucky? Is this like the Hair Club?
  • Zoe

    HEy Ashley,

    I love your new wig. Did you also get it at the hairplace that you wrote about in your blog?

    I'm also starting to lose all my body hair. Do you still have your eyelashes? Or what kind of eylashes do you use? What's the colour of your eyebrows?

    I like your haircolour, too. What'S the colour? Is it butterscotch blonde or vanilla lush?

    I'd be very happy about your answer since I feel very helpless in my situation at the moment.
  • Denise

    Hi Ashley, I just joined this sight and I like how you have dealt with things. I have had alopecia since I was 9 as well. You have a great out look on things. I still struggle with it from time to time. I have had two bad cases where I've lose all my hair. It has grown back enough so I took my wig off. I just wanted to say Hi.
  • elvira delgado

  • Natalie

    Hi Ashley! You are soooo pretty and your wig is fabulous! I am in the process of shopping for a vacuum wig, and I am meeting with someone from Freedom wigs next week; hopefully I will be able to stay as upbeat as you are! Take care, Natalie
  • Melissa Harris

    Hey Ashley,
    Do you sleep in your hair piece? What do you do at night? Do you remember more or less how much you paid for it?? How long do they last? Thanks! You really look great!!
  • Nikki Mans

    i cant beleive that is a wig u cant even tell
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey Ashley....I was reading one of your posts regarding acupuncture. I have been getting acupuncture for 4 weeks now mostly for a thyroid condition which is thought to be the main cause of my hair loss. After my second week of treatment I stopped taking my thyroid medication. I have now been off of it for 16 days and I am noticing some new hair growth on my head and starting to feel some hair growth on my legs too. :) Not sure what the cause of your hair loss is....but I would definitely give it a try. Let me know if I can help
  • Shannon

    Hi Ashley,
    Unbelievable photos - you're right, it would be impossible to know you're wearing a wig. My question is, what kind of a 'form' you put your prosthetic on to style it? I would like to style on a 'form' and I'm wondering where I could find accessories like a proper form, proper shampoos, and towels to keep the wig at its best as long as possible. Any tricks or suggestions? Thanks, Shannon
  • Leah

    Your hair looks amazing. I'm relatively new to this site and I would like to know if you have ever tried the full lace/or other system that is actually bonded to your head? Why did you decide to go with a vacuum wig as opposed to a bonded hair system? Thanks Leah
  • charlene lewis

    what an inspiring attirude you have, would love too become friends with you....I am transgendered, and suffer from male pattern baldness......I live fulltime as a female, so wigs are a necessity, would love too wear them for fun, and not need......Charlee
  • sharon

    Red Ribbon
  • Zoe

    Hey Ashley,
    I'm also a blonde person and I've got the problem that my eyebrow tattoos are getting lighter- Do you have the same problems? How often do you get them done? Do you still have eyelashes?
  • Devin

    Thanks for the add Ashley, cute pictures!
  • Mark

    from someone who wants to be your friend...
  • Chefpam

    OMG..I am in shock! I just saw you get your wigs from the Hair Institute in Lexington! You have to message me ASAP regarding this please.
  • Chefpam

    I have..that's what I wanted to share with you. They stuck with me 2 Dolly Parton nonrefundable wigs that cost over $3000. My hair stopped falling out so I didn't need anything, now that it's all going my husband doesn't trust any of them. So I am feeling a little hopeless....
  • Chefpam

    I see this place you go is in NY, are you saying there's one in Ky also?
  • Chefpam

    It seems like the most natural looking wigs are the vacuum. I still haven't LOST all my hair, it is just torturing me. So I don't know what my options are. Thanks for replying. You look great.
  • Lexi

    Ashley, oh I see the info on what you no need you know if one can wear vacuum wigs if they still have hair, or must it all be gone for you to wear one? I see we are neighbors, me being right next to Tampa, ...are they hot to wear...since you surely would be the one to ask!!!! Thanks.
  • Lexi

    thanks so much for the fyi on vacuum..I kinda thought it wasn't for me, but the woman at Hair Therapy was seeing $$$ in her eyes, and wanted to sell me a vacuum unit for $2000...sure, the hair was gorgeous...but I was unsure if this was for me...and I would have been stuck with something I shouldn't have been directed to buy, and out a lot of money. Why are people like that?? You would think they were in the business, and they would KNOW and direct you to the right thing..
  • Chentil Changing

    hello i just joined the sunshine group and I saw that you live here in florida and that you also wear a wig like me....i have seen other vaccum wigs but they cost thousands of dollars and i can't afford them. living in florida it makes it difficult for me when i want to go to the beach and am so afraid my wig will fall off in the water. How expensive are these wigs from ny? Thanks!
  • MacKenzie

    Hey Ashley, you hair looks absolutely amazing! Do you still get it from that place you referenced in NYC? I am waiting on a new lace wig to come in, but am also trying to search for other options. I think that not having to use tape would make my life so much easier! If you have any advice please let me know!
  • Mark

    Red Ribbon
  • Jessica

    congrat's on the wedding!!! you are a beautiful bride