

Harrisburg, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I've had alopecia areata since I was about 9 years old. I have a great support system, a wonderful man, my Mom, 5 brothers and 6 sisters, 5 children, 3 grandchildren, 41 nieces and nephews and numberous great nieces and nephews. My life is great, I love it. More later...'s later, here's a piece of my story...
After about two years of contemplation I decided to shave my head completely bald. Trying to cover the three spots I've had since the onset of my AA was beginning to challenge my otherwise healthy self-esteem. I've had my hair braided, worn hairpieces, glue-in weaves, sewn in weaves and that order. Tired of running to find a headcover when someone other than family came to visit, tired of going to the hairdresser with clients who didn't understand AA, tired of trying to figure new ways to wear my hair, just plain tired...I knew it was time. I'm a free spirit of sorts, I've worn almost every hairstyle, with the latest being a curly afro, which oh by the way turned a lot more heads than my new bald look :-) I shaved my head on July 5, 2008 and after a week of only wearing it in the house and waiting until my man, all of my family members and close friends had seen it, I braved the Sun on Sunday, July 13, 2008...first stop, Wesley Union AME Zion Church. Most of the folks loved my new look, one lady passed me a note that said, "you look beautiful, go girl", I smiled and thanked her. After church, I went out to eat with my eldest daughter, LaTosha, she's always been one of my "Super Cheerleaders". I have seven others, my 3 other daughters, Naisha, KaLisha and Dara, my son Chet, and my grand daughters, Journey, SaMani and SaNai. As I strolled confidently into the restaurant, there were stares, a few whispers, but I exude confidence...soon the folks were smiling, some winked approval and some came up to me to say how beautiful I looked. I went shopping afterwards and two young girls about 9 or 10 came to me and said "hey miss, you look like a model". My confidence solidified, I was prepared to take on the world, the next day, Monday, July 14, I walked into work, my head held high and shining bald...I dusted it with a bronzer, I smiled at those who stared and strolled right past them into my office. It's been a week and four days since I shaved my head, I've only had three comments that I didn't care for, a man at work said "hey Linda, you don't look sick", a woman at work asked me if someone had dared me to shave my head and the little girl next door to me said, "I don't like bald heads". I look at it as being their hang up, I don't have one, I think "Bald is Bliss"!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Mallorie Varchetto

    thanks you , glad i joined :)
  • Diane Holland

    We are about 30 miles away. I am 75 south...Douglasville is 20 west.
  • zee

    Thanks for welcoming me Linda!
  • Pat Latina

    Thanks Linda !!
  • suzie

    Hey girl how are you doing?!
  • Doll

    Thank you so much Linda=]
    Today I went to the doctor's and we decided not to try treatment(all those shots in your scalp) and interestingly enough she said something very close to what you did. So I guess if two smart ladies, who have probably never met said that, then its probably right =]

    take care!
  • Sooyeon Lee

    just stopped by to say hi!
  • Leresa

    Thanks for welcoming me. Yeah it's my tatt. It's crazy because the tattooist said it would be hard for him to do marilyn monroe without the hair... So odd & I thought it would be less work for him:)-he is now an educated tattooist on alopecia.
  • Nicole Davis

    Hello...thanks for the welcome. I look forward to being a part of this community.
  • patricia whitehead

    Hi Linda thanks for the welcome, I hope to be putting a photo up soon, and to stop by more often. Blessings
  • Bernice Jones Williams

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful, brave story. I've been on TV, News and the cover of NAAF but most of the time I wear a suction hair prosthesis. Living in cold Michigan, I really need hair to keep warm, even at night. I finally can accepted my baldness after being in denial for 35 years. You can read my whole story of my web site Bernice Williams
  • Susan P aka DGADBS

    Hi Linda, great to hear about the lucky number 222! We did it, my man shaved my head last night, I had lost more hair than I had thought once we used the clippers there were patches I didn't even know were there. Good thing I decided when I did because I don't think I had much time left anyway. Now if I could only get a clean enough shave so I can great rid of the black and white patched look :) What an experience I have to say. Thanks for your support, you look absolutely lovely.
  • Susan P aka DGADBS

    Hey Linda, well I'm back from vacation and it's my first day on the job with my baldness, what a challenge. I feel sick, wish me luck.
  • Susan P aka DGADBS

    Linda I have to say my first day back to work bald was a great day. I even got referred to as an Egyptian Goddess!!! Hey I'm going to milk that one. So needless to say I wasted most of my vacation worrying about how people were going to react to my baldness. Turns out your right "Bald is so darn Beautiful" Thank you my friend
  • Jordyn Charthern

    too all
  • Sarah Car

    Hi Linda! I would love to get together! I have lived in York for 5 years but don't know anyone with Alopecia. So it would be wonderful to connect with you! I am starting a new job next week so I need to get a feel for my schedule, but I will let you know about availability soon. Have a blessed day!
  • Danielle Pace

    Thanks luv! i am happy to be here.
  • Monica LUPUS MATTERS Ellis

    Hi linda,thank u soooooooo much for the birthday wish:) have a blessed day!!!
  • Joye Pressley

    Thanks for the Welcome Linda. I'm realy excited about this site. Talk to you soon. Have a Blessed Day!!!!
  • Elith Williams

    Thank you so much for the welcome. I really like this site.
  • Tracey Tiznor

    Hi Linda; Thank U for hitten my page........feel free to add me as a friend, Im still learnin my buttons.......LoL
  • De'Andrea Freeman

    Linda, thanks for the wonderful comment! I swear your story sounds just like mine, always trying to hide it! And just like you, this is the best move I've made in more than 20 years of hiding my alopecia. Again, Thank you!! You got it going on!!!!
  • Trina Berry

    Thanks for the welcome and the compliment Linda. I really appreciate it. I'm hopeful to find strength and inspiration on here as I find acceptance of my CCCA.
  • Retha

    Thank you for starting Alopecia World
  • Trina Berry

    Linda, Thanks. I have joined the Sisterhood of Woman Who Shaved Their Heads. This is partly how I found the inspiration to shave mines.
  • Linda Rollins

    Hi Linda, (nice name) :), thanks for the welcome, I'm so glad i found this site. Its an outlet to finally be able to express yourself. I'm not bold enough to go bald yet but who knows what will happen over time and support I receive from people like you.
  • hannah sophia holland

    Hi Linda, thanks for the welcome and the comment! :D
    How are you?
  • stephanie a ponteau

    Thank you very much.
  • Nichole Christian Durand

    Thank you
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hey Linda, I wanted to drop by and see how you are doing?
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    I know what you mean, our grandson is 3 months!
  • Valerie Hutcherson

    Hi Linda,
    Thanks for the welcome. I'm so happy to have found this site. I love your pictures. You look beautiful with your bald head. I'm not there yet but I hope one day that I have your confidence!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Linda, You were on my mind today, so I thought I would drop by and say Hi. Hope you are doing well! Cheryl xo
  • Lori D

    Hi, Linda! Thanks! I've been on here for about two years... I think. I was checking in every now and then. I've been using my membership a lot lately. I think I'm going to set a goal for "letting it all hang out" in the summer. Right now, I'm working up the courage and trying to keep my head warm! Looking forward to the self-esteem boost though! :o)
  • Sequoia a.k.a. Cookie

  • Barbara Fowlks

    Thanks Linda, just embracing what God gave me plus you have to be bold to go "bald". I often questioned God as to why out of 9 girls in my family I had to be the one with AA. I finally figured it out, although all of my family si behind me, none of the others are strong enough, nor bold enough to rock this look. Hey have a great day!
  • Angie P

    Hi Linda. What's going on? Hope you are doing well. Thanks for the friending. :)
  • Angie

    Wow! Sista got soul. Thank you. You are so beautiful and full of life. I can feel it all the way here in GA. When or if I have to shave. I'm going to turn on my computer and sign on to Alopecia world world and look for Linda. Thank you.
  • Judy

    I love your attitude. I wish I could be so brave. I have had alopecia since I was 11 years old. For the most part I do not let it get in the way of my daily activities, but it is still something that I do not share with people unless they are very, very close to me.
  • Angie

    Hi Linda,

    Thank you for saying hello to me. You're beautiful and your family is beautiful! God bless you always!

  • Tay

    Thank you. My girls are twins and I have an eight year old son. Yes we can meet. That would be good. I've been really struggling with accepting hair loss. I have not been myself this pass year. I've been letting this situation control me and I need to get out.
  • jean

    hey linda, how are you and your family. just wanted to say hello and thank you for your message. it encourges me to stay bald. sometimes i think about wearing a wig in the winter months, but then i think back to how free i am without it. yu are so right, the comments are wonderful, i shared with someone else the comment i heard most of all is you are so beautiful, you are working that look. but anyway, i thank GOD that i know i am beautiful in and out. thanks for your message. have a great weekend, jean
  • Clayton

    Surprise!!! I know, I know. It HAS been a while, but there I had a legitimate reason for being away so long. Things are fine now and I plan on spending time on AW like I used to.

    I hope you'll have me, peace!
  • for my loving daughter KT

    Hi Linda my nmae is Francheskia and my daughter's nmae is KT..we found out is has alopecia a few months ago...I'm trying to be stronge for her and confused about is
    .. not sure how I'm suppose to make it through the school year. Staying Postive!!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Linda,

    You were on my mind, so I thought I would drop by and say hello. How are you?
  • PJ

  • PJ

    So what do you use on your is so even toned're so pretty and it looks nice on you.
  • Mrs.B

    Hey Linda Thank you for befriending me...I feel so welcome amoungst my peers..
  • Linda M Mizell


  • Tavy

    Thank you!