Lee's Blog (13)

When did the site come back up?

Everytime I tried to get to this site, it brought me to another page...did that just happen to me? Glad to see it's back!!!

Added by Lee on May 27, 2011 at 6:09pm — No Comments

Hope my baby has hair

I can't help but worry! I have been pretty strong through out this whole alopecia deal, but if my baby boy has to go through it, thats gonna kill me!! I secretly wanted a girl for this reason only...because Im afraid that if they dont have hair, a girl can wear wigs, ect. I know a boy can too, but it seems harder to hide with a boy. It's not something that I think about everyday, not stressing too much, but it lingers in my mind. If it happens, Ill be as strong as possible, but Ill feel so bad… Continue

Added by Lee on February 18, 2011 at 12:36am — 6 Comments

How to apply false eyelashes

Hi everyone! Wanted to type this up because I see a lot of questions about this, and it took me about 2 yrs to get it down! These are my personal preferences. I like to use Revlon self adhesive lashes, and DUO glue. They can be found at CVS, and most other drug stores. The reason I use those lashes is A) extra glue on top of the adhesive really keeps these in place. I have kept them on up to 10 hrs, even cried in them ( wedding) and they never budge. B) Because of the adhesive, the lash line is… Continue

Added by Lee on December 3, 2010 at 2:59am — 2 Comments

Pregnant ; )

Pregnant with AU! It was a surprise...we were planning on getting married first, but are happy regardless! Hope my baby has hair!!

Added by Lee on November 9, 2010 at 1:24am — 15 Comments

Three years with AU

I can't beleive it's been three years already! I remember when I lost all of my hair, the depression, anger, and sorrow I felt. I cried and cried for weeks. I didn't think I deserved it, I even questioned if there was a god. How could god let this happen? This group and another have helped so much! I am back to my old self. Of course I get down in the dumps sometimes, but I have a guy that loves me, a family that loves me, my music and my friends, thats all I really need!

Moving to another… Continue

Added by Lee on September 9, 2010 at 3:35am — 3 Comments

2.5 yrs AU

Hey everyone, I was just thinking about life and alopecia. I was recently diagnosed with Asthma. I had my first attack in late Nov. I had to go to the ER twice since then. It was the scariest thing I have ever gone through...not being able to breathe. It's still scary.

Anyways, it reminded me of when I first got AU 2 1/2 yrs ago. I was so scared then too. Well, as far as I'm concerned, I'de take AU over Asthma ANY DAY . I WISH AU was my biggest problem. When it comes to life or death, we… Continue

Added by Lee on January 6, 2010 at 3:03am — 6 Comments

What he said today

I like to write about my boyfriend because I think it's important for women to know that there are some really great men out there...and you shouldn't let alopecia stop you from snagging a good one ; )

My bio hair was blonde...thats how my boyfriend met me years ago...as a blonde. Last 2 yrs, I have had brown hair (wigs)...and Im contemplating blonde again. I asked John which hair color he likes best. He said " I like you best with no hair...you are so cute with no hair"

;… Continue

Added by Lee on December 8, 2009 at 2:20am — 7 Comments


I just want to say, after having AU for 2 yrs, I am sick and tired of doctors knowing nothing about it. I have gotten them once...and with other medications, my eyebrows are growing back. I also have hairs on my head now. This is the first thing that has worked for me in two years. I moved to the D.C area, and went to a Dr today for shots. He didnt want to do them because he says A) they dont last ( I KNOW this already...that have to be done once a month) and B) they will leave scars. So he… Continue

Added by Lee on September 21, 2009 at 4:44pm — 13 Comments

Moving to VA

Right outside D.C for work. I got a new job...and a big raise ; ) Anyone from that area? Alexandria/ Arlington?

Added by Lee on August 12, 2009 at 1:37am — 4 Comments

New Vacuum Wig Pics

on my page. ; ) To try to explain things a little better

Added by Lee on March 9, 2009 at 5:16pm — 1 Comment

What he said today...

I'm usually not a mushy person, but I had to post this, mostly for women who are concerned about finding love with this condition. I developed AU a little over a year ago. I have been dating John since June. I told him pretty much right away about alopecia. He seemed fine with it. I slept in a wig with him, (which was itchy) because I wanted it to be a smooth transition. I didn't want to force it on him right away. I wore the wig to bed less than a month, and i said I can't wear it to bed… Continue

Added by Lee on December 22, 2008 at 1:49am — 12 Comments

NEED help with insurance company!!

If anyone has any input...please help. I am trying to get reinbursed for my hair prosthesis through United Healthcare. I already appealed it...sent them a bunch of paperwork...and they denied it! I'm not sure what to do at this point. Should I try to get a letter from my doctor saying I need a scalp prosthesis, not a wig? What else can I do?

I cant beleive this crap!! Its bad enough we have to go through this...and they have the NERVE to say that this is COSMETIC!!! ; (

Thanks for… Continue

Added by Lee on July 14, 2008 at 8:33pm — 10 Comments

Pretty Alopecian women

When I see a beautiful woman that has alopecia, that keeps me going. I am newly diagnosed with AU and at this point, I just don't want it to be noticable, I want to cover it up. I'm sure someday I will accept it..and I don't look bad bald. I have seen a bunch of women here that are beautiful and it gives me hope that maybe I can look like me again. In many of your pics, I can't even tell that you have alopecia! Not that I'm saying people should hide it...but for me, right now, I need to. So if… Continue

Added by Lee on April 16, 2008 at 2:46am — 5 Comments


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