On June 2nd, 2008, an early Monday morning, my child, best friend and walking partner of 14 years passed away. He was the sweetest, kindest and most honest “person” I have ever met. He was handsome, happy and healthy up until that terrible day. He was my puppy Max. I am very sad but I have been thanking God every day that he blessed me with such a wonderful friend. When I stopped to think about it I learned how to be a better person from him and will try hard to apply that to the way I live my life. I gladly lived my life for Max for years. Everything I did and didn’t do revolved around him. I find myself wondering what to do now. I’m sure every day will be a struggle for a while but I am a better person because I had that kind of love in my life for so long.

Views: 1

Comment by Drew on June 8, 2008 at 8:55pm
I'm so sorry for your loss. It is amazing the healing power animals have for us. Many times we think that they are dependents, but in reality they do just as much as we do for them. I hope you can find the strength to get through your rough time in the good memories you have of Max. Again, I'm sorry to hear about your loss.
Comment by Mandy on June 9, 2008 at 9:36am
Oh I'm so sorry to hear about Max. :( I have a dog, too, and she means the world to me, so I completely and totally understand how you feel. Losing pets is very hard. But I promise it will get easier as time goes by. Focus on remembering the good times.
Comment by Donna Evans on June 10, 2008 at 4:53pm
What my dog died from is called Vestibular Syndrome. It is sometimes called Old Dog Syndrome. The symptoms are rapid continuous eye movement and dizziness. Max was his normal self one day and the next he could hardly stand up or walk. The syndrome can partially go away I guess but in Max's case he didn't get better and we felt his quality of life would never be the same so we had to make the terrible decision to have him put to sleep. It was the hardest decision we have ever had to make, but it was the best thing for him. Talking about it with my mom has helped though and the tears have slowed down. I feel really weird when I get up in the morning and he's not waiting to go outside. I open the door anyway and look at the usual rout he took along the fence and barn. The house feels different even though he was not a loud or wild dog. It's kind of cold feeling and it feels like it’s really empty. Walking alone is pretty weird and I don't feel as safe but I imagine him walking along or a bit ahead and I feel a little better. It's hard for my husband also but together we can remember how sweet Max was and remind each other of funny little things. Together we will get through this sad time.
Comment by Amanda on June 10, 2008 at 8:58pm
I am so sorry about losing your Max. I can't even imagine what it would be like w/o my little furry friends.


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