(For all those interested, please do your own research, I am not a Doctor)

My daughter was shedding bad, she lost the whole head.

She started to lose the eyebrows and even a few eyelashes.

In the midst of all of this we suspected allergies and did blood tests to confirm increased antibodies and allergic responses to things we never thought about (tuna,trees, ect....)

I personally take zyrtec for seasonal and environmental allergies daily but my symptoms are more flu like. My daughter does not get the sniffles but she has the SAME allergies as me as confirmed by the blood test. It could be her body reacts on the skin level, this can be seen by the fact that her dairy allergy too reacts on the skin. We double confirmed it one day when she ate a bag of peanut snacks and her scalp turned red, we never would have saw that had she had her hair!

We started by going on an allergy free diet.

The thought came to me that the obvious solution to allergies are oral antihistamines (histamine H1 antagonist).

I proposed an off-label use of oral 2nd generation (no side effects) antihistamines like cetirizine (zyrtec). I did a google search for 'alopecia antihistamines' and found university studies confirming the same, see the below links.

Going on that lead I decided to use OTC Childrens Zyrtec (cetirizine) daily.

This was around the same time when her eyelashes started falling.

The hair loss stopped mid-eye the day we started, halfway through one eye's lashes, and the eyelashes grew back pigmented right away!

The eyebrow follicles which were still there (had not fallen yet) kept pigment too.

Her head and eyebrows are now covered with a thin white hairs and a patch on the neck grew back pigmented too now. Her head looks bald but there really is alot of white hairs growing now. I looked closely and saw a few tiny hairs coming in lightly colored on top too.

I know if we discovered this sooner we could have STOPPED the hairloss.

I understand everyone's causes and stories are different, but this solution is so obvious you should surely consider it, especially if you think it is related to allergy/histamines.

I'm sharing this in hopes it can help you in your healing!

=Here are some important resources, please check them all=

This is a report from a university in Iran proposing the concept too;
Cetirizine (ZYRTEC) and allopurinol as novel weapons against cellular autoimmune disorders.

Here is a report showing antihistamines (histamine H1 antagonist) prevented induced alopecia in rats;

This is an interesting report related to topical steroids (good for a back up plan!);
"0.2% fluocinolone acetonide in a cream base applied twice daily, Children who had had the disease for up to 7 years still showed a good response. " "Every child between the ages of 3 and 10 years showed 100 percent re-growth of hair, whereas only approximately 50 percent of the older children and 33 percent of the adults responded." http://www.keratin.com/ad/ad045.shtml

Here are some related links you may need;

Some important books which helped our journey till now;

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so your daughter started taking allergy medication and her hair is growing back??

We also did a IGE blood allergy test and stayed away from ALL allergens even if they are level 1 or 2.

We did a candida detox too which means staying away from sugar and yeasty foods.

We have white growth all over her head, eyebrows and we saved most of her eyelashes.

Also, I wanted to add this link to my post which I found yesterday;

Is the Zyrtec still working?

Hello, I too when my daughter began losing her hair I thought of an allergic reaction, because as soon as the onset alopecia have gone the other symptoms that were manifested for the allergy. So it is as if the body had moved the reaction on the hair, as if the vent is alllergia so now ... But to my daughter, I never gave anistaminici, because the symptoms were not so serious and I wanted to avoid the drugs, also when I suggested that there was a link between hair loss and allergies, the allergist told me that there is no correlation between these disorders. However I have always remained the doubt ... With antihistamines have you finally solved the problem?
I also think we need to solve the problem of allergy without medications, or understand what triggers the immune system against harmless substances to others. I have done a bad idea that prevents absorption of nutrients for our body to function properly, including neurological and hormonal ...

sorry, no news on that angle.

apparently we started too late, bc she still has the eyelashes.

we are off the zyrtec, but I'd say it was def part of stopping the progress.

some news on a different front,

we went to Israel for a month; starting 2 weeks or so into the trip, her eyebrows started to grow NORMAL. No white hair, nothing like that, real normal hair grew, almost filling the eyebrow area.

Then a week later a few real follicles started to grow on the head.

Our trip was over, we came home and it almost all fell out.

So is your daughter recovered now or did her hair fall out again??

Thanks for posting this.

Any news about , your child , my son has been diagnosed since 6 months ago, did your child gain her hairs back? Plz let us know appreciate .

My son developed alopecia areata when he was 10 years old (now 12).  The spots grew quickly until he lost it all across the top of his head. We started steroid injections in his scalp - this did help to some degree in helping fine hair to grow back, but other spots kept developing. It was like putting out a spot fire attacking various sections of his scalp. He later lost over 50% of his hair from around his ears and back of scalp.  His hair started to grow back last December, but then 60% fell out again from Feb to October. He has been on an immunesuppressant drug imuran for approx 12 months which has been steadily increased.We have also put him on a gluten free diet  for 6 months (there is coeliac in our family) and started him on a daily probiotic 4 months ago.  As he also sees an allergy specialist for hayfever, dust mite and mold allergy, he started a daily dose of Zyrtec at the start of October. In mid October his hair started growing back rapidly. As I write, his hair is pretty much back to normal (a few tiny spots just left that arent noticeable). Given there are numerous medicine and lifestyle diet changes we have trialled on and off, I cannot pinpoint what exactly has helped, but something has!  Our big test is to see whether he makes it through this Jan/Feb without any hairloss again like last year. We will stop his daily dose of Zyrtec in early January when the hayfever season eases up here in Australia.If it still holds we will start reducing the imuran and see how he goes. Fingers and toes crossed it holds. Good luck everyone. As you all know it seems there are so many variables involved in alopecia.



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