Was wondering if there is any common thread to people having AU who were also asthma sufferers or who had had related ailments like exzema etc?

I really dont know a whole lot about AU as perhaps I have been blessed in some strange way in that once I was told (a few years back) I had AU I just got on with life and all around me seemed to pay no more than passing interest in my change in hair status.The one thing that did bother me though was that I was loosing my finger and toe nails, they became very sofy and some even fell off completely. I found what may be a solution to the nail problem or it may have just have been that my nails grew back (nothing else did) at the same time as i tried the solution. Some years before AU I had tried something called Advanced Hair Studio treatment for typical male pattern baldness, principally because I was looking at bringing the franchise to Botswana for a friend to run and wanted to know how it all worked. The lazer treatment did nothing for my semi baldness but the oral treatment (tablets) did make my hair grow a lot more than usual, so when AU kicked in I phoned the chemist who dispensed the tablets as part of the treatment and I asked him what active ingrediant he thought could help and he recommended Saw Palmento. Nails grew back, but like I said it could have been coincidence.

Please excuse my ignorance if the above has been discussed before or is of no value. I have only just started to try understand and learn more about AU and would appreciate and thoughts/comments.


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I am AU, but am relatively healthy. I do have some osteoarthritis, and recently my rosacea has flared up and also affected my eyes. The eye doctor says "it's all related" to autoimmune disorders.
These autoimmune conditions do seem to cluster. The problem with all of the treatments out there is they work for some of the people some of the time. There is not a sure "cure" at this point.
my daughter sees a dermatologist at a university hospital that specializes in "hair loss". she (dr.) did tell us that having asthma and being "an allergic kid" are linked with alopecia. no causal connection just an association. her nails are affected also and 18 mo after being diagnosed appear to be spontaneously getting a bit better. hope that helps somewhat :)
My son had horrible exzema when he was an infant but he was treated and it never came back. No one knew why he had it since I was nursing him and was using Dreft to wash all his clothes. He doesn't have asthma but does have pretty bad seasonal allergies--hay fever.



My daughter has eczema, asthma, anaphalatic food allergies and alopecia areata(Universalis).  She lost her hair when she was 12 has grown it back with spontaneous remission 3 times in the last 8 years. No specific aa medications or treatment were used to achieve regrowth.  She uses ventolin, and mild steroid creams (occasionally) for her eczema. We are deligent with making sure she is not exposed to the food allergies.


In my experience (I have meet and work with 100's of people dealing with alopecia areata), there seems to be a definate correlation between AA and other auto immune conditions (thyroid problems, arthritis, skin and blood conditions etc.) 


This condition is (in my opinion) part of a bigger problem that has very little to do with hairgrowth. I believe those with this condition have extremly overactive immune systems and depending on genetics (or possibly environmental, or hormonal changes) it becomes activated or not.  If we could find out the cause it would be a wonderful thing. At this time I feel people are still theorising



I went to one doctor that said the autoimmune disorders tend to run in packs for reasons that are still unknown. I have a thyroid problem, I had exzema as a child, and I am pretty much allergic to nature (trees, grasses, pollen, most animals). I have had AU since I was 13 and I am now 20, but what is strange is that I have an identical twin that has a full head of hair but all of the other conditions. There is definitely a link here but researchers haven't been able to completely figure out what it is.

I have vitiligo and Hashimoto's thyroiditis along with alopecia universalis. Yay, a hat trick of autoimmune disorders (ice hockey term meaning three goals in one game). As for allergies, a cat allergy and a bit of season hay fever, but not too bad.

I have AU, asthma, eczema, epilepsy and a sensitivity to wheat and dairy products. I've read some recent research saying that there is some evidence pointing to a link between alopecia, celiacs disease, rheumatoid arthritis and a few skin disorders like psoriasis. Funny enough all of the above run in my family.



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