
I am Male, 36 Years Old, Played sports at a high level, Had alopecia as a child but always just patches on my head that would come and go, I could cover them by letting my hair grow a little longer. 

2010 I really pushed by body hard by entering a sports competition, I had a 13 week prep, Maybe 2 week after completion of the competition I noticed patches of body hair fallen out, Then a small piece  of my eyebrow, my beard had completely stopped growing. Within maybe 8 week I was completely AU. 

I unfortunately fell for every Con, Bought all the Gels, was sold the magic Pills, The Creams, Listening to horrible people who claimed to have the answers to fixing it if you purchased their snake oil etc. Like many on here I scoured the Internet looking for answers and would often spend 6hrs straight on this site looking for answers. 

Luckily enough after a year or so I was able to find acceptance and start to move on with my life, Which was incredibly hard since it completely altered how I looked etc.

Always being into health and fitness I tried the Auto Immune  diet, For me it was just too difficult, My Wife and I don't drink so we like to eat out and I found it very hard to enjoy nights out.

In 2013 I started to read up on Intermitting Fasting. The gist of the diet was simple, pick 8 or 6 hour window, Eat within these 8/6 hours, When the 8 hours have pass you go into a fasted state (No food, or drinks with cals) It was sold to me as a great way of staying trim and strict on a diet. After spending maybe 6 months or so on the diet I got back some body hair, Hair on my head etc, By 8 months in I was fully back. My brows, Facial Hair, BodyHair (Only thing I didn't Miss Much ha)

For some reason I did not connect the hair and fasting and after awhile I started to skip on the diet here and there. Until one year in Id changed my diet and I was no longer fasting anymore. 

Gradually I started to see the same spots again. I had patches in my beard, Body Hair, Hair on my arms stopped. I wasn't as crushed by this as I was the first time around, I spend a lot of time learning how to accept it but at the same time It did hurt, People asking if I was ok or peoples faces when they could see I was losing it again. 

From 2015 to 2018 or so I was pretty much AU.

My brother and I were always into fitness and Id become sluggish etc when he suggested I give the Intermitted Fasting another go. So in early 2018 I started again as a way to stay in shape. My window was 12 to 8pm, If I didn't eat in my window then I didn't eat. (unless you have health issues this is completely fine, Some people panic if they haven't eaten in a few hours, You can fast for few days with zero issues)

I first noticed hair kicking back in hard on my legs and Arms, I had other health issues such as inflammation in my legs and especially my back and hips, I noticed this had also fallen greatly. within 8 months I was back to somewhat normal. My hair is not as thick as the first time around, My beard is not as strong etc but I have full body hair, eyebrows (Very few lashes) I have facial stubble. 

it was then I made the connection to Fasting and my AU

Over time I started to find more about intermittent fasting, High level athletes like GSP were using fasting not just to look good but for also the insane health benefits that came with it. 

Basically humans as not suppose to be able to go to a fridge and gorge. Today people eat way way too much and the issues is the majority of what we eat is absolute junk anyway. By eating within a 6 or 8 hour window you give your body 18 to 16hrs of rest and repair, make new cells and recover from the toxins. 

I am of course on here with nothing to sell, Like so many I spend years of my life on here looking for answers and never really found them, The top person in the field of fasting and its benefits is Dr Rhonda Patrick. She has many podcasts and written articles that go deep into why Fasting can really help people who have health issues. My brother has used Intermediated Fasting now for 8 years. I know I will stay with this diet long term as its helped me with inflammation greatly and I just feel better in general. 

Just thought Id post my experience here. There is plenty of information on fasting but I would suggest Dr Rhonda Patrick

Thanks for the read :) 

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Hi Jim

 it’s nothing to really do with ketosis. I suggest if you have time to listen to Dr Ronda Patrick and listen to the benefits of fasting. We are not designed to eat and graze all day long on food. 

Todays food (especially in the states, I lived there for 2 years and it was scary the standard of food) is such substandard. If you put poor fuel into your car, you cannot expect it to operate. Yet we do this with our bodies everyday, fill it with sugar and other toxins. To me it makes sense, auto immune issues are caused by too many toxins that send your body crazy. 

But that’s just my opinion. Fasting has greatly helped many other almments 

Hi Jim

 it’s nothing to really do with ketosis. I suggest if you have time to listen to Dr Ronda Patrick and listen to the benefits of fasting. We are not designed to eat and graze all day long on food. 

Todays food (especially in the states, I lived there for 2 years and it was scary the standard of food) is such substandard. If you put poor fuel into your car, you cannot expect it to operate. Yet we do this with our bodies everyday, fill it with sugar and other toxins. To me it makes sense, auto immune issues are caused by too many toxins that send your body crazy. 

But that’s just my opinion. Fasting has greatly helped many other almments 

Again that is not fasting, but fairly close to normal eating. I rarely eat after 6pm to maintain my weight, which is 13 hours of fasting as you put it. I watched Rhonda Patrick youtube and it has some whacky stuff with the gut health, micronutrients etc. Like her smoothie which she talks about the anti-inflammatory properties of Kale, yet she puts tomatoes in the smoothie, which is an inflammatory. Just cancelled out the health benefits of Kale. She is in her 30's and has been skinny all her life. Really she could eat totally opposite of what she preaches and be the same weight. If their was 1 diet you could say works, defies the aging process and is totally based on anti inflammatory foods, it would be Tom Brady's diet. Brady is 41 years old, still is one of the best quarterbacks playing in the NFL long after most players his age have been retired for years. He claims his diet changed his body. In his 20's his arm would be sore after every game, now he never is sore.

Being healthy is not rocket science or follow 1 particular diet. All about eating healthy, sensible and exercise. I once asked my competitive body building friend to give me a list of all his supplements he takes so I can be lean and ripped like him. I get everything through my meals. The only exception is I take, creatinine before and after your workout, and that's it. Then he followed that up with eat clean and train dirty. In other words their is no shortcut you have to put the time into training.

Very sad and in the same time inspiring story! I have beat AU only one time, thanks to they made my mind clear and body health so I never has been depressed because of AU. I wish everyone can be strong-willed as you! Good luck, Joey in the future, hope everything gonna be okay with you!

OK Joey you win, I am on the intermittent fasting. Been doing it for the last 2 weeks since the Otezla I was on  didn't do a thing for my AA but give me hives.

Actually the intermittent fasting is way easier then I thought, really don't miss the breakfast. I'm doing 16 hours fast and I'll report back here after a few more weeks if I see any change in my AA that is right now AU. 

I couldnt drink any kind of wine and beer too but the strange thing is that drinking vodka was ok for me. Last month I made a blood test that shows food intolerances and it came out that I dont tolerate yeast. And I was using a yeast my whole life almost everyday. It's not just a bread but everything that is fermented (yoghurt, fermented cheese,vinegar, salad dressings). Many people think they dont tolerate a glutein but a yeast can be the reason because those 2 are very often together.

Hi Ema, 

What test did you do for the food intolerances? Thanks

In the country where I curently live now food intolance tests are very new thing and not very popular yet. So there was only one option for me - Pinner test. I dont want to look like a person who advertises something so I recommend to visit a dietician and ask maybe they can offer something similar that is more suitable for you.

Thank you Ema!

I tried posting this video several times, but it never gets posted,  Its a video I saw on Youtube of a woman who was cured of AU with antibiotics.  Please check this out and tell me your thoughts.  Im very curious.  If it were that easy, everybody would be doing it, so Im curious what this doctor thinks about AU that no one else does


I watched the video - interesting. Do you have any idea which antibiotics he uses?


@alopeciamum, no I dont.  But I did explore further to the technology he uses to diagnosis patients.  He uses dark field microscopy to see bacteria and virus that otherwise cannot be seen in regular standard blood test.  Regular blood test are mainstream and dark field microscopy is not used as a staple in most doctors office visits and testing.  I found that interesting, as I think that may help more in better diagnosis of people with chronic disease.  But we all know a cure makes no money, so standardized blood testing is what most doctors use.  I think its great that some doctors choose to think outside the box.  

I also did further research and found that its beneficial to take high doses of probiotics when taking antibiotics to help maintain intestinal flora, which is good to do anyway while not taking antibiotics.  From what I've read over the years, most diseases start in the gut.  So what this doctor is doing seems to make sense to me



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