Some of you have seen my earlier posts about my difficulty of accepting my alopecia. Now I have other personal problems that are really hard for me to deal with, and I've noticed that I am not feeling well mentally. Years ago, I used to seek therapy from counselors whom I did not like vey much.

Now that I have alopecia and personal problems, I slipped back into depression and it is manifesting itself in physical symptoms. I feel I am about to cry or break down ANY minute now. This depression is getting worse and I am thinking of seeing my family doctor for a referral for a psychologist/psychiatrist. But what is stopping me from getting mental help is that the doctor or psychologist might not care and will give me "so what it's just hair" attitude. I have a hearing disability from which my personal hardships stem. So these might not be a psychologist's typical I also realize that I am having unhealthy daydreams (from my childhood problem) that are beginning to blur the difference between reality and fantasy for me.

Please share advice. I'd really appreciate it.

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I saw a counselor and she was very affirming of all my feelings surrounding my alopecia. I think you'd feel a lot better after speaking with someone. Good luck!

I think seeing a therapist is a great idea. And don't worry....if you don't "click" with the first therapist you see, keep searching until you find one you do "click" with. And in the meantime, hugs to you.

Going through much of the same thing. Since my AA was induced by Lupus (which I cured AA with biotin and iodine), I still have many other symptoms. You may want to research autoimmune diseases and go to a health food store for herbal formulas for depression. For Lupus they use Prozac, which I don't want and will not take. In my case, avoidance of sunlight, (which triggers Lupus flares), is the best way to stop the cause. Since you mentioned physical symptoms as well, your problem may well be a physical one. In my case I have pain and stiffness of the hands, knees and feet, eye inflammation, chronic fatigue, as well as psychosis, and many more physical symptoms. The first thing that came to mind for me when my hair started falling out in patches and all the other symptoms was that THIS IS A DISEASE.

Blood test from a medical Doctor may be a good idea. Also NEVER take melatonin as it excerbates alopecia areata. Losing your hair is enough to depress anyone, bless your heart, and I wish the best for you. I did find the cure for my AA, and somewhere down the road you or someone else will find the cause and cure for yours. Remember, we are living in the 21st century and medical breakthroughs are commonplace these days. PS some of these hair loss symptoms are thyroid based, which that and autoimmune diseases and other physical conditions can cause depression.

Hi Mariam, if you'd like to try the counselling route with someone who's been there, please check out my website. I have Alopecia Universalis, and I'd be happy to work with you over the phone or via Skype if that suited you. Best wishes to you, however you proceed, Karen.

Mariam, I just wanted to let you know that I had been crying a lot and was very isolative. I went to a psychiatrist and he put me on Paxil which is really helping me. I havent' been crying and I am not isolating. The anti-depressant doesn't have to be forever but it gets you through an especially difficult time. The psychiatrist was very kind and he realized that alopecia universalis is difficult to deal with. A psychologist is the one you can talk it out with. There is help available, please be good to yourself and get the help. It is a blessing. I wish you love, strength and peace.

Hi please don't be afraid to approach a doctor about depression or any other mental health issues. I am bi polar so I know what you are goin through, help is out there so p,ease use it. Sometimes my Alopecia can make me feel very low and depresses, if you would like a chat I am here anytime.

Hi Mariam, 

As someone who works in the mental health field, please understand that we are not trained to think or give a "so what" attitude to any patient's problems, no matter what type of problems they are. We are trained to understand, be empathic and compassionate to any patient's pain and suffering. Please keep in mind that finding the right therapist or psychologist is like dating, sometimes you have to try a few before you find the right one. But most clinicians will be very sensitive and empathic to your situation, just remember you may need to educate them on the condition and the etiology of it (autoimmune, etc) and try to convey the impairment this causes in your life, but for the most part a good clinician will focus on your emotional pain and work to develop healthy coping and reach a level of acceptance. Hope this helps. 

I started losing my hair and going crazy with that having nightmares and the depression hit hard. I went to a psychiatrist and she gave me zoloft for the day and xanax for the night so I could sleep. Its been better she gave me time out of work too so I could regroup myself. Meanwhile I got the diagnosis of AA and had to shave my head... so im still a mess but the meds are helping a little also my dog.

Hi my name is Jeanette. A mother of a 6 year old with Alopecia. As a mother I can tell you I sincerely understand what your saying in regards to Dr's of all types have that same attitude. I remember when my Dr. diagnosed my daughter he said to me firmly, don't worry its a "Healthy Illness" WTF?! An illness is still an illness regardless. She has Alopecia Universalis and as a female its a harsher position to be in. Woman feel that they are deifined by their Hair! I see that they loose their identity within society. Was socially acceptable and whats not! My daughter gets 2 type of extreme attitudes from people in the public. First one is aaawwww does she have cancer? Or she gets the sad look along wit gifts. Then the other side of it is people that are uneducated regarding their choice of words and ofcourse age group. Kids can be so cruel sometimes, without realizing it. I walk with my daughter in the neighborhood I grew up in and still I see other children isolate her.  As we were walkin one young girl she looked about 12yrs old, called out freak beside her as she walked by us.

Image that comes to my mind, (grab the girl and give her a good spanking) lol! However, I have my 6 yr old try to understand that sometimes people are afraid of something different. Instead of asking they can use words that will hurt her. My daughters reply is "I have Alopecia, and Im beautiful!" Lol. I always stated to everyone the best defense I can give my daughter is having her realize what she has and isn't as bad as people make it seem. "Knowledge is power and the best weapon she can arm herself from the public with.When my daughter watches the Cancer children commercials, she gets emotional and realizes," i'm going to live and I can live the rest of my life either happy, mad, or sad!" I need to speak to the level of understanding to my 6 year old (going on 19) lol. Too smart for her own good however prepared for the negativity as well. At her age its easier not to allow your surroundings, people, society, or neighborhood define you. Its so much easier to brush things off as a child without turning it into emotional baggage on yourself!

Their are moments my child has a grumpy day or moment and again being faced with another child teasing her calling her baldy, she goes "and? that all? Well I can wear all different princess colored wigs anytime I want! How bout you!" Lmao! And she says it with a snap to her hip with some attitude! I love it! I spent my moments crying and depressed over what she will be facing in the future, middle school & high school. They were never easy for me, and I can only imagine her! However, I started to notice how strong willing she is not to allow others to bring her down.

Our advise to you, find a good friend, that you can trust love and will always hear you out. Vent, cry and scream, good or bad days its the best medicine in the world! I say that cause I advised my daughter I want her to express her feelings to me good or bad. She does on a daily basis with wat eva incidents happen in school.

As a teenager, I had a lot of enemies growing up, not because of anything else but my natural beauty. I allowed the highschool crowd to have me feeling so ugly inside, that even though every person I came across called me beautiful, In my heart, mind, and soul I was "UGLY" and no one was able to change my mind! I was suicidal, so I was sent to speak to a psychologist...she spoke to me with no remorse, no emotions, and no understanding! She mad me so much worse than how I went in. Im not saying all dr's are like that but sadly, its more about the quantity of people that pass thru their offices than it is the quality of service with some bedside manners that dr's "DO NOT HAVE ANYMORE!"

Another type of therapy that was my god save was a teacher that handed me a gift for Christmas my sophomore year in highschool. A diary I can write all my anger, hate, and pain for the world I was living in. I had my own friends spread rumors I had AIDS. All because the guys they were interested in , were interested in me. I had one girl tell me the truth about how that rumor started 20yrs later when she was diagnosed with cancer!  I was so gullible and naive I never even noticed because I had my own demons to deal with sexual abuse from step father.

At that point in my life I realized the only person I can count on to get out of the "Shithole" I called my life was to help myself. At one point in every single persons life they have gone thru their own pains and sufferings. This is what dictates the person you choose to become or what society forces you to be labeled as. My heart goes out to you, should you need a friend, you can count on me. Just remember, start off with a journal, who knows it can become a book later on or an A&E movie. Even calling up a close friend or family member to hear you out will help you feel soooo much better. "Trust Me!" Always remember as a human being, we can only handle so much emotional, physical and mental pain that these ingrediants are triggers to what poisons our bodies with additional side effects such as , loss or gained appetite, constant headaches, aches and physical pains, distress, depression. All brought on by keeping so much in you, that once you find your release, it will feel like a natural high!

Monks go into a monastery to meditate and away from distractions from the world. That includes negative people, whether family, friend or lover. What this all boils down to is your alone time and allowing yourself to love and care for yourself enough to build back up your positive energy, and face those who want to see you fail! "Listen this is how I see it, once your at rock bottom, their is n other way to go except up!" Hit me up anytime, and god bless, all goes well.


Jeanette De Jesus

You say you feel you might cry at any time. Go ahead and cry it's very healthy . I'm a big tuff guy who has been dealing with ptsd and AU for forty years and some times I need to just lie down and cry. I see a therapist and she helps me so very much. But sometimes it all gets to be too much and I just need a good cry. And if you need to scream just let that happen to.
Please seek help. You have nothing to lose only gain. Get the help you need an deserve.



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