so, was sooo disappointed how The View today handled Miss Delaware win. instead of celebrating what she has done and celebrating those who choose to go wigless, it ended up in a discussion on who should wear a wig or not!!??? black women only if their head is shaped right? white women, no, cause they look like coneheads???!!!!!!!!!!!!! C'MON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow - dem ladies missed the whole point!!!

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Whooa. I'll make sure I never EVER EVER EVER watch The View. (Not that I've tuned in years but still ...). This is what I dislike about most television shows ... it's all about getting a cheap laugh or collecting the highest ratings. Who cares about integrity.
That should inspire people to read a good book or take up a hobby instead of watching that show! Those type of shows are such a waste of precious time anyway.
I watch the view some if I am home and there is nothing else on. I am glad that I missed that. It's talk like that (even if made in jest) that fuels the attitudes that make it hard to want to go out with out a wig.
Humour isn't humorous when it's at someone's expense. Not happy and not impressed. Boo to them! BooooooO!
You would have thought that considering Barbara Walters has always been held up as a woman of journalistic integrity she would not allow anyone associated with that show to stoop to such a level. I was even more surprised that Whoopi Goldberg, who by far usually produces the most intelligent discourse of any of those broads on that show (sorry, but Elizabeth Hasselbeck is a twit, pure and simple) and usually catches the most flack herself would even go there. Who GIVES a rat's ass about the debate whether or not to wear a wig or not??? I have fought that issue with my own mother for years and just unfriended someone on Facebook because they made a hair-insensitive comment and thought it was funny and didn't care who it offended. Miss Delaware is an inspiration to us all, even us older alopecians who have lived our entire lives with it. Shame on ABC for allowing this to even air -- and I BET they don't even issue an apology.
Last week one day I caught a little bit of it and Barbara is gone until the end of summer because of surgery, and Whoopi was gone for that week at least working on a movie. I'm not sure if she's back this week or not but I would like to think that she wouldn't stoop to that level.
i think that is what really shook me up - whoopi made the comment about black women!!! shocked. i adore whoopi and she always stands for people doing their own thing. maybe she was trying to be funny, but it was extremely insensitive. she stated that black women who have a funny shaped head should not be doing the bald thing. i can take joy and sherri being like that, but whoopi????????????

Thanks for posting this, I wanted to see this for myself and I have to tell you it makes me feel sick to my stomach. Being bald for the first time and trying my best to face the world without covering up, to me this is liked a kick in the stomach, it's like being picked on in the school yard.
dont let this get to you too much. obviously they weren't thinking. use this to believe in yourself even more. that you are trying to face the world without covering up is AWESOME!!! the best way to face ignorance IS with education. i am sure, if the ladies of the view actually get to see this rerun, they would be ashamed of themselves.
good reason to be!!! but you - you have done nothing to feel shame and in fact, are fighting for your true self.
go for it and be happy that this error in judgement would not happen to you!!

hang in there susan!!!
What a shame - they missed a golden opportunity to support and honour all Alopecia/cancer sufferers everywhere - instead they went for cheap laughs and meanness. Whoopi - shame on you especially - I expected better from you.
Thanks RJ for posting the clip.
So, there I was thinking that the world was accepting of baldness. Stupid me. Ten steps back in my acceptance if I let this get to me. Good thing I think nothing of this group of halfwits.

Fellow Alopecians - stand tall. You are beautiful and three-dimensional and unique and wonderful. Don't give opinions like this the time of day.

xoxo love you all!



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