
, Female

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
Hello to all my fellow alopecians!! I'm thrilled that it's finally Spring! I like spending time with my boyfriend, his kids, and my friends and family (oh... and my kitty ). I've had AA my whole life and AT since I was about 22 or so. I'm 27 now. I'm currently a nurse, but am looking at going back to school again someday for something else. So glad to have a site to meet others with alopecia. I have not been able to make it to the conference yet, but plan to one of these years. In most of my pics I have a wig and/or scarf on. There are just a few reeeaally old ones with my hippie hair before it all fell out. Also, I don't have any pics of me without a wig or scarf on at this time, but will add some sometime soon. :)

I also enjoy listening to music, traveling, drawing, reading, watching movies, hiking, going for walks, learning (and, boy, have I got the student loan debt to prove it!) and doing volunteer work.
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Katey

    Hi everyone! I just joined. I am looking forward to getting accquainted with the site and all of you! :)
  • Hayley

    hey Kateyxxxxxxxx
  • Katey

    This pic is of me and one of my closest friends. I'm on the left (hence the scarf). :)
  • sandra

    Hello Katey, thanks for adding me to your friends!!
  • helga

    Hello, and thanks for adding a beginner in the Alopecia World as your friend!
  • kyra

    Hi Katey,thanks for adding me,lovely to meet you hunni xx
  • Angie

    Hello thanks for adding me.
  • Jennifer

    hiya katey! welcome to alopecia world!... im a newbian myself... im sure you'll have as much fun with it as i am!!
    where abouts are you from??... just to let you you have to click on the other persons name and leave a reply on their page.... otherwise it just comes up as you leaving messages to yourself... just thought i'de let ya know.. cos i did the same thing! hehehe
  • Tanya

    Hi Katey! Nice to meet you :) Lovely photo. You look stunning. Tell us about yourself too!
  • Lisa

    Hi Katey,
    What type of Alopecia do you have? Nice to meet new people here with the same type of thing.
  • cate

    hi Katey! nice to meet you!
  • Jason "Shanks"

    Nice to meet ya Katey, thanks for the invite!
  • Kristen Ridenhour

    Hey! Nice to meet you. How are you doing? Thanks for the add.
  • Catharina

    Hej Katey! Nice to be your friend! Have you been in Sweden? Love from Catharina
  • Tanya

    Hi Katey! Yes I sky-dived and loved it! Just once though!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    What beautiful eyes you have!
  • Dotty

    Hello Katey,
    Thank you for adding me as a friend. It's nice to meet you. Love your pics. Hope to meet you in chat one day soon. Love and Hugs, Dotty
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Katey, Thanks for your interest in the book. It will be out probably in August and if you email me at LABARTIST@aol.com I will add you to my mailing list to let you know when it's available and how to get a copy!
  • Janna

    Hi Katey,

    It's so good to get to "meet you"! Thank you for the friend request. Looking forward to getting to know you :) I think that it's funny in your bio that you mention it's still winter in South Dakota. I live on the 'mild' west coast of Canada, and we had a snow storm the other day. Almost unheard of for March! I can't wait for the buds to start to blossom.

  • Karina

    Hello Katey!
    Thank you for the friend reguest. I´m looking forward to know you. Hug Karina
  • Pat

    Hi Katey, love your photos. I'm not that regular a visitor on this site so far, but it's nice to know you've added me as a friend. I pretty much think of everyone as my friend as we all have alopecia in common.
  • Roger

    Hi Katey.

  • Roger

    How is South Dakota to live in?
  • Roger

    Ohh. Snow so late! But I know Dakota is in the north. Its getting warmer here in Sweden. We still have a little snow here in Stockholm, but its still cold in the northen parts.

    Do you have any plans to go to Louisville in june?

    Take care, Roger.
  • Maureen

    Hi Katey, How are you doing today? Thank you for the add. I am glad you joined the group. Btw it is still winter here on Long Island, NY. too! LOL!

    Have A Great Day!
  • Joshua

    Hi Katey,

    Thanks for adding me, is there by any chance we met before in NAAF Conference 2007? Take care.

  • im2sexyformyhair (A.K.A. Tina)

    Hello... and nice to meet you hope to chat more.. I am not on here as much as I would like, but I sure will try my best to keep in touch:-)
  • Yvonne~Yhoney

    Hey Katey,
    Just stopping over the say "Hey"... I am finding it very interesting that so many Alopecians are into the medical fields. Keep spreading the inspiration... Love your pictures! :)
  • Joshua

    Yeah, you should plan to come sometime in the future. Many of our friends should be there...Take care.

  • Dina

    Hi Katey - Thank you for adding me as a friend :o). Your pictures are great! Hope to chat soon!
  • Nicole

    Thank You for the compliments! I have had several people ask me about my hair so I posted a blog about where I get it and all the detials about it...check it out if you'd like and feel free to ask me any additional questions!

    Have a great day! :)
  • Annina

    Hi! thank you the "friend request"...I won't be here very often 'cause lack of time and multiple tasking..on the internet(an "alopecia maling list" with my friends of the group Volpine(little foxes).Here we are only 5 but on the mailing list we are almost 100,but not everyone write,some people like to receive our mails ..but feel shy to interact.
    I would like all of them to join this site...but few of them feel confident with the english language,,,,or at least..confident enough to communicate:)))
    ahev a nice ..what time is there? afternoon?..well good afternoon :)
  • kyra

    Hi Katey lovely to meet you
  • gerald

    You are a beautiful lady. But I suppose you know that.

    My wife is bald and beautiful like you are, my wife has au, and to me she looks better bald than in a wig.
    She does though look nice in a wig, and I love her look in a headscarf.
    I like you in a headscarf also, and I am sure you are gorgeous bald, like some of those women who fashion model with shaved heads.

    I have always found bald women attractive. It is a unique style.You can really see a lady's beautiful features when she is bald, it enhances her femininity.
    I always wanted to marry a bald lady, and I did just that!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Katey!
    I wanted to let you know that advance copies of my book, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" are available now online! To find out more, see my page, and to order, go to www.leslieannbutler.npauthors.com...
    Let me know how you like it!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Great! Big hugs to you -- you are gorgeous!
  • Lise Marie Bordeleau

    ty for adding me to your friends.... have a nice day ...Lise
  • Roxana

    Thanks for the friend request. I am new here, how long have you been on the site? Oh by the way, you are beautiful!!
  • Kelly

    Hi Katey, it's nice to know you! Thank you for adding me on your friends list. You are a beautiful girl and look great with your headwraps/wigs on. Are most of them with attached hair or is it a wig and a headwrap over them? I have a company that makes headwraps, www.iwearitwell.com, and we are always looking for ways to improve our products or add new things. Your's are all gorgeous.
  • Liesl

    Cheers for the friend request! Your hair looks awesome!
  • claire taylor

    Thank you i love my dress also i cant believe i will never wear it again in public but you know every weekend i will be wearing it while me and my hubby have a few drinks in the house ha ha, two of my cousins have got married also this year so we have arranged a little party where we are gonna try each others dresses on ha ha how SAD am i lol
  • Stephanie

    Hi Katey, thanks for the add!
  • Donna Evans

    Do you have on a full wig with your bandanna in your pictures?
  • Zoey

    I loove your pictures. they are great!!!!