


New Zealand

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About Me:
Hi, I'm Anna Reeve (Fitzpatrick). I have had alopecia since I was 7. Used to model (bald) in New Zealand and around the world and am now happily married starting a new chapter in my life. I hardly ever log on to this site but happy to answer questions, best way is to seek me out on at
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

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  • Kaiana

    Hi it's Kaiana and Jaymee here just wanted to say hi and how are you going?We are fine and school has had no suspitons yet.Hope to hear soon! :)
  • julie and jaymee

    hi anna its jaymee just writting to say hi and how are you
  • Kaiana

    Hey Anna, I am watching The Seen right now!!
  • Anna

    Hi! Rose-Marie tipped me about your beautiful photo with glitter on your head. Loved it!!
    I must also say that I recognized myself alot in your story about your youth. It's wonderful that you have found your place as a model. :-)

    Best wishes
    Anna from Sweden
  • Kaiana

    hey anna,

    we have been great since your visit, no negative behaviour from anyone! kaiana has decided to get a freedom wig, so deanna is coming down after the holidays and she should have it by xmas!! soooo excited bout it :) how did fashion week go?? bet you were rushed off your feet, hope muzz rubbed them for you every night. lol.

    cheryl & kaiana xoxo
  • TC

    Thanks hun 4 ur message...ive been a bit busy 2 with wrk also my brithday is cumin up soon & i need 2 decide what im gonna do :o) good luck with the NZ fashion week......
  • Rebecca Anne Richardson

    thank you very much,:-)...and you are beautiful yourself! your modeling pictures are soo cool!
  • julie and jaymee

    no we are not yet we are on our last week yaaaaaa im fine how are you we sadly lost are final game on saturday for netball but we got the big sheild and the most medals out of all the oher marist teams yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa go jj and we might even be doing twilight netball,how are you i bet you have been really busy.been looking for you alot on tv but cant see you and is your show still on i weny on the channel and it was not on
  • Lucy

    hey fitzy, how are you?
    i just wanted to say that i lovee your modeling picturess their great i absolutely lovee them really wow, your gorgeous..
  • Sharon

    Hi Anna how are you doing? Nicoles Freedom wig arrived this week. It is beautiful! Nicole is getting alot more comfortable with putting it on. We are off to Aucks on Thursday to get it cut which is great because then she will have a week of the holidays to get used to wearing it. Will post some pics when it is all cut. Hope all is good with you. Take care. Sharon
  • Liesl

    Hey Anna! Check out my new head!!! I LOVE IT!! Sooo happy. How are you anyway? Xx
  • Amber Lounder

    Wow you are beautiful Seeing you makes me proud to be bald too :) xox
  • Kaiana

    it is fantastic aye!!! we have few wheels in motion on how we are going to raise the money to pay for it............

    we are on holidays now, my friend and will's teacher left on friday to take up a DP job at another school :( very emotional day i must say.

    when do you finish at uni??? can't believe we only have one term left and the year is over! then kaiana is off to intermediate, very scary.

    hope you and muzz have recovered from fashion week :)
    cheryl & kaiana
  • Mike

    Hi Anna.
    Thanks for the link to Princess Charlotte Alopecia Foundation. I never knew it existed. I also saw in your blog, the bit about an allowance for Aussies with Alopecia. Very interesting.
    Thanks again;
  • Sharon

    Hiya Anna how are you doing? Nicole's New wig looks fantastic, she is so happy with it and hasn't stopped smiling since she put it on =) Take care
  • Gena King

    hey wondering if you could tell me any thing about real hair wigs like do they stay on good. I miss not being able to curl or style my hair ya know. thanx
  • Kaiana

    Hi It's Kaiana How are you??
  • Gena King

    Thank you so much.for your help. I will try this freedom wigs..ur the best...
  • Liesl

    wig is going beautifully!! I'm so ridiculously careful with it....I just want it to last for ever haha. How you going? can't believe it's friday again. Anything exciting planed for the weekend? I'm just kicking back and maybe just play with my hair. how's uni going? What's new? xxxx
  • Julia

    So Anna, once this book is done...I can come there for a book signing, right? It's going good Anna, you all are going to be so proud. The goal was to inspire others and this is going to do all of that and more.

    I have something too that I want to run past idea I have and want you to be a part of it.
  • nikki

    u lok fab ,nikkix
  • Liesl

    oh my god how exciting! How did your exam go? I've just been working, nothing really interesting. Parties lined up for you then, final exam parties! Yeeew! congrats. I've got a engagement party 2moro night which is the first kinda formal/dinner party event that i;m going to with my new hair. I'm going to curl it to make it ringlety.. Pretty excited. I love getting all dolled up now. Never used to. I would take me about 2 hours before this wig coz i'd be so stressed and concerned. Now, clint loves it coz 10 mins i'm out the door haha. When you coming back out here? xx
  • Liesl

    Oh yeah and i'm not so anal and protective of it now. I still do treat it with care but yeah it's my hair now. Although clint yells at me if it's lying on the floor, not on its stand coz he thinks i should treat it like he treats his surf boards. I told him i won;'t be kissing it a night lol. Surfers, they do my head in....make me vomet lol.
  • John Paul

    Anna - love your story and your spirit. my wife, who's a kiwi herself and a well-informed publicist (even tho she has'nt lived there for 15 years), immediately knew who you were. i'm trying to find a way to take our story even further out in to the mainstream here in the States and you would certainly be such a positive part of that story. hope our paths cross one day....
  • gill macgregor

    Hi Fitzy, I am new to this site so don't know if i am doing this right. I am also new to alopecia. I understand you wear freedom wigs and would like an honest opinion on how you find them. I am after a wig that will let me lead the type of life i had before i lost my hair eg very sporty.
    hope you can help.

    gill macgregor
  • John Paul

    thanks - those are the kiwi genes for sure!
  • Karen

    Hiya Fitzy - been trying to look at the princess charlotte site but your link isn't working and when I googled it, it came up with nothing. Has the site closed or changed it's link? Thanks
  • gill macgregor

    Hi Fitzy,
    thanks for the advice. I lost my hair in august and don'tknow how long to wait before i should trade up. But i think i will look into freedom wigs maybe nect feb. Thanks again. x
  • Sharon

    Hi Anna have you heard anymore news about the $70 subsidy they were going to initiate in Aussie??
  • Roger

    Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year.

  • TC

    HAPPY XMAS hun! have a lovely day!!! xx
  • Jaye-London

    Hi Fitzy,
    I'm researching the art of undercutting wigs/cutting baby hairs around the perimeter, and have heard that you've found a skilled hairdresser that does a fabulous job on your wigs, so that they hide the edges when you wear your hair up or when it blows off your face. Are you happy with the results? I don't suppose you'd consider sharing some photos of the baby hair?

    It's not a practise that I've come across in the UK - not even a high profile, award winning, celebrity-turned-wig-styling-expert knows the importance of cutting baby hairs. (Just another critical difference between styling bio hair and wigs.) But I'd love to educate him! :-)

    Best wishes,
  • Hayley Burton

    Hi Anna, just seconding Jaye's message down there, is there any chance you could email me the pics of the baby hairs (undercut) cut into your wig? I should be receiving my first Freedom in the next few weeks and am slightly worried about getting it cut!! Thanks. my email addy is
    Love Hayley xxx
  • Ray

    You are doing great things to help people with alopecia.

    Well done!!!!!!
  • SportyAusGirl

    Hey Anna,
    Just wondering how to follow up on that Aussie 70 dollar a week grant thingy? It was the first I heard when I read it on your page. Geez, 70bucks a week would help with all the eyebrows and liners!! ;)

    Is Matthew on here (The guy from Princess Charlotte alopecia foundation)? If so, i might get in touch with him and see if he know smore about it.
    Nadia xox
  • Hayley Burton

    yes you did, thank you!! waiting for my wig to arrive any day now.....soooo excited! xxx
  • Meme

    Hey i have a question. Would you recommend getting a freedom wig if i do sports? or would it be too hot.

  • Meme

    Yeah, that does help! thank you. Im still debating whether or not to get one because i still have enough hair to hide my bald parts but i dont know how much longer i can keep that up.
  • Dielle

    Thanks for adding me!
  • Jude


    I am interested in getting a Freedom wig. I was wondering how easy they are to style. Can you tie your hair up in a ponytail? Most of the pictures I've seen of them people tend to have their hair down.
  • Natalie

    Fitzy- Thanks for the add! You are absolutely stunning and give me a lot of courage in my own alopecia journey. Thanks for the inspiration :)
  • MiNAH

    Hi it's me again!
    Small World."Alopecia World"I have had such a great time getting to meet people who have travelled the same road..the same journey.
    The same adversity and there is light at the end of the tunnel...and I'm not as alone as I thoughI was for so many years.
    See my new freedom wig!
    Although..I have to shave every day in order to wear it.So I simply "don't"
    However...this wig is unbelievable and yes I would recommend it..if anyone feels that they want a change.
    Not only is it feels a whole lot better than the wigs made for people with hair."FOR REAL"
  • sg x

    Hi, i'm thinking about a career in modeling and wondering how you started off in the business? Could you give me any advice please :) x

    Lots of love

    Sarah :) x
  • olivia

    hello fitzy,

    i am a girl 13 living in new zealand with AA. i just want to let you know that i think you are awsome and are full of inspiration i hav seen you on the island wars program on t.v, you are great there to. im sure you are great where ever. !!!!!
  • leanne

    Hi Anna, just wanted to say hello. I am new to this site, my daughter has AA & we are awaiting the arrival of her Freedom Wig & looking forward to her being able to continue living her life to her fullest potential. You are a true inspiration, many thanks for your positive role modelling :)
  • MiNAH

    Hi Anna.
    Sending you some luve from USA.
  • olivia

    hay how you doing
  • Bluebird

    I LOVE how your Freedom wig looks in your photos. Do you happen to know if vacuum wigs are they OK for those with andreogenic alopecia too?
  • Hilary

    hey im 17 and i have alopecia totalis. I dont wear a wig or anything. I noticed on magazines and stuff that you said you never fitted in at school well for me its like i fit in way more because im bald because people love how different I am. I think you are so beautiful and that you represent us boldys proud! im from n.z too! xx
  • ☆Anaís Sanz☆

    Hi Anna!
    I'm a girl from Spain and I am great fan of yours. And I wonder:
    As can you work as a model have alopecia?
    in my country reject me.
    Give me some tips or something to help me to follow in your footsteps.