  • Female
  • Everett, Wa.
  • United States
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  • Yolanda Pigatt
  • Sorodmom
  • Alo-mom
  • leah

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Mollygirl commented on Bon's blog post No Title
"Hi Bonnie, I'm in Abbotsford, BC, not too far from you. :) I've got AA which seems to becoming AU and desperate for answers! Could you please share the protocol Dr. Lang has you on? I don't know what LDN and LDI is. Thanks! …"
Nov 12, 2020
Bon liked Georgie's group Gluten Free Alopecians
Sep 19, 2020
Bon replied to leah's discussion Meeting end of 3/2020 or in 4/2020 in the group Seattle Area Alopecians
"Hi Lea, I received an email a few days ago saying that you posted on this site but I can't find anything recent.  Did you? May I ask the nature of your post as I am  interested. I did post that I joined the Scarring Alopecia Holistic…"
Aug 27, 2020
Bon liked Lauren Simpson's group Seattle Area Alopecians
Aug 27, 2020
Bon replied to Alo-mom's discussion Reliable Wig Repair
"Hi! Are you replying to me? I'm sorry I haven't been on this site nearly often enough as this pandemic thing has caught my attention and energy.  I do have a specialist in Seattle that might be of assistance.  Thank you and stay…"
Jul 17, 2020
Bon replied to Marcia7854's discussion Has anyone tried Cepharanthine, an approved medicine from Japan for alopecia?
"Yes! I have been on 4.5 mg. LDN for 3 months now prescribed by my naturopath.  She also is using LDI (Google it) every 8 weeks, just had my second injection.  I guess the LDN takes 3-6 months to show any results. My hair is a…"
Jul 17, 2020
Bon commented on Lauren Simpson's group Seattle Area Alopecians
"Hi Everyone, I have come to a point that my hair is so thin I need the name of a hairdresser around the greater Seattle/Everett area who knows about our condition and can hopefully cut my hair so I can still wear it on occasion.  This…"
Jul 16, 2020
Bon posted photos
Jun 5, 2020
Picdubois liked Bon's profile
May 20, 2020
Bon left a comment for Sorodmom
"Hi Alomom, thank you for the complement I need to update pic as I've lost more hair....sigh.  Anyway luckily we ARE NOT our hair, body, etc. We have intrinsic value.  It is what it is....I'm not at the stage to yet shave or buz…"
May 12, 2020
Sorodmom left a comment for Bon
"Hi Bon, I’ve been told only that I have alopecia and it’s A form of  women’s hair loss,I do not get patches of hair loss,I’m thinning/balding all over!i have shaved my hair a few times!I mostly wear hats, wigs on special…"
May 11, 2020
Yolanda Pigatt and Bon are now friends
May 9, 2020
Bon left a comment for Sorodmom
"Thank you, your photos are very helpful. What type of hair loss were you diagnosed with?  Also, have you ever shaved your head?  Looks like you have a loving family and support. What's your dogs name? Happy Mother's day in…"
May 9, 2020
Sorodmom left a comment for Bon
"Hi! I hope you are doing well and feeling better. I'm sorry for what you are going through . I started losing my hair at 18 years old 1981 , doctors had no answers other than stress related  and now it's just hair loss some kind of…"
May 5, 2020
Sorodmom liked Bon's profile
May 5, 2020
Bon left a comment for Patrish
"Hi Patrish, pretty woman!  I have a rare form called Lichen Planopairlis, scarring. I guess living with thick curly hair most of my life I feel the Universe blessed me for many years so moving into acceptance has been easier for me. I am not…"
May 1, 2020

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About Me:
Hello All. I have been losing my hair since 2016,in 4 months I lost 1/4 of it, then it slowed down but began again.Yesterday I was diagnosed with LPP.
Do you have alopecia?
Scarring alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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Bon's Blog

I'm new to this. Is anyone from the greater Seattle, Washington area?

Posted on February 8, 2020 at 3:03pm 3 Comments

I'm new to this. Is anyone from the greater Seattle, Washington area?

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At 5:58pm on May 11, 2020, Sorodmom said…

Hi Bon, I’ve been told only that I have alopecia and it’s A form of  women’s hair loss,I do not get patches of hair loss,I’m thinning/balding all over!
i have shaved my hair a few times!I mostly wear hats, wigs on special occasions. I try wearing wigs to work but it’s hot and I work with kids.

I think you look great.

At 4:16pm on May 5, 2020, Sorodmom said…


I hope you are doing well and feeling better.

I'm sorry for what you are going through .

I started losing my hair at 18 years old 1981 , doctors had no answers other than stress related  and now it's just hair loss some kind of alopecia.

Glad to meet you here and I'm here if you for you.

At 7:55pm on February 27, 2020, leah said…

PS private messages.

At 7:54pm on February 27, 2020, leah said…

Hi Bon, I message you my number, is at bottom of my messages and going to again (right after this). I get a lot goin on and with doctors and hope the injections work for you. I seemed to have dermatologists chase my spots and areasmissibg hair. In end decided + $600 a visit wasn’t worth the 3 hairs (my insurance won’t cover...I don’t want discourage though, know some people they really helped! Thanks, talk soon and take care! 

At 12:50pm on February 22, 2020, leah said…

Hi Bon Thanks and sorry delay and you didn’t see my msgs on Seattle group page. I am sending you a private message with  my number, on this site you can once people accept friend request. Or least that’s my experience and couldn’t before. Please call or text me. Thank you & good thoughts your way -know is challenging!



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