Kim Burns
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  • Calgary Alberta
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Red Ribbon From Tiffany B

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Oluminant Aloepecia Community Watch – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!

We have been hearing A LOT about the new FDA Approved Lilly and Incyte's OLUMIANT® (baricitinib) drug. We would like to start a discussion here on Alopecia World with people who have tried it, are trying it, or considering trying it.  This is a place you can discuss both success as well as side-effects and objections to trying the drug.  Hoping this form will help people with alopecia make more informed decisions.  A place that hopefully we can get real users’ comments and reactions.  Maybe…See More
Jan 31, 2023
Kim Burns updated their profile
Jan 31, 2023

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About Me:
Mom of two beautiful children and married to one awesome husband, sister, daughter, friend, career woman...and BALD!!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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Kim Burns's Blog


Posted on June 7, 2010 at 4:30pm 16 Comments

In one week I have:

Made new friends, laughed, cried, looked in the mirror differently, been encouraged, laughed, been inspired, have received great advice, read lots of stories; lost all of my eyebrows; learned how to draw(on my face); felt comfortable; felt welcomed, taken my first wigless picture and learned to love my bald head more each day! The only thing that I am dissapointed about is that I didn't find this site full of beautiful bald people sooner!! Thank you…

New to Alopecia World but not new to Alopecia

Posted on May 30, 2010 at 7:42pm 11 Comments


I have never before joined a site like this but I am encouraged to see how beautiful and open so many of you are about having no hair and flaunting it! I hope to be there someday! I am a Mom of two beautiful kids a wife to a loving husband, hair or no hair, and a career woman. I have had AA my whole life but never noticeable to the outside as it was always in places that could be covered and always grew back. After the birth of my first child it became AT and I struggled so much… Continue

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At 7:50am on February 17, 2011, Norm said…
Happy Birthday, you Old Person, you! Just how many times can someone hit 21??? Eh??

Have a good one.... :)
At 5:47pm on August 27, 2010, Jill said…
Thank you! We had a fun day and are very blessed. Have a wonderful weekend!!
At 12:35am on June 8, 2010, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
You are going to Montreal :( LOL! I have to get back there soon. My family was just here 2 weeks ago, so perhaps I will go up late summer. Take care and thanks again for sharing. Cheryl xo
At 12:29am on June 8, 2010, Mary said…
Nice to hear that you found the scarf video...I made that and put it on YouTube on Aug. 1, 2008...It's interesting for me to see it now. That was 6 months after I shaved my head (end of January), and I was getting close to the point where I gave up trying to wear a wig and increasingly went out bald everywhere.
At 12:05am on June 8, 2010, Mary said…
Thanks for the Friend request. I love Calgary - so beautiful! Someday I hope to get back there for a visit.

All the best,
At 11:18pm on June 7, 2010, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
Woo Woo Kim! Thanks for sharing your great week!
At 6:05pm on June 4, 2010, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hello and welcome, Kim!
How are you and your family doing today?
At 7:37am on June 4, 2010, Norm said…
Well, I think it's good to laugh at stuff - there's humour in everything, if you look carefully, and finding something to chuckle at in an adverse situation is a way of gaining a little control. It's too easy to become overwhelmed by something "bad", and before you know it, it's practically consumed your life.
So... if you can step back, and move your viewpoint a leeeetle to one side... I mean, really. Our hair fell out - isn't that kinda funny in itself? We must have been REALLY bad in a former life... :) Then again, peeps like us don't need hair to be good-looking or sexy, right? :) (it says here...)

N xx
At 11:57pm on June 3, 2010, JeffreySF said…
Hi Kim,

My Para Medical Tattoo Artist is really really good. I hope you find someone as good as I did.

At 7:14am on June 3, 2010, Norm said…
Hiya Kim! Big Ta for the add! Hope you're doing OK?
Norm xx


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