The cancer question -- I finally got it

Well, it was bound to happen to me, and today was the day.

Cheryl and I went for a walk and stopped at a local restaurant to order water.

While I was paying, Cheryl stepped away to get a couple of straws just as an older woman tried to touch her and say, "God bless your heart."

Realizing that I saw her, the woman smiled at me and asked without pause, "Does she shave her head, or does she have cancer?"

I immediately responded, "Neither. She has alopecia areata, a condition that prevents some of her hair from growing. She's fine otherwise."

The woman seemed relieved and overjoyed, and added, "Good for her. Let's knock on wood."

She talked some more for about a minute, but I was distracted by her "knock on wood" comment.

Cheryl and I then wished the woman a good night and left the restaurant, at which point Cheryl said to me, "You handled that very well, Babe."

"Really?" I replied.

However, I thought about it later and said, "Why not? One of the best prepared me for the occasion."


Views: 42

Comment by Tallgirl on August 5, 2010 at 11:09pm
Good for you, rj, to be so supportive and matter-of-fact. Let's knock on wood for all those who still think AA means something terminal or catchy!
Comment by Cheryl, Co-founder on August 5, 2010 at 11:30pm
It was when I was a couple of feet away that I heard her ask rj "the question". Knowing that rj can handle it, I continued to go and get the straws and return. It is comforting to know that rj did not shy away from the situation. Like I said to him, he handled it beautifully ;).
Comment by Norm on August 6, 2010 at 4:43pm
Tallgirl's right - Knock On Wood was, in fact, a very catchy song. I can only hope the three of you harmonized well and didn't draw unwarranted attention to yourselves. :)
Comment by Mary on August 6, 2010 at 6:42pm
Well done, rj. My husband has gotten "the question" too.

It's amazing how even after you tell people you don't have cancer and are healthy and active, they still feel compelled to believe you're sick. I get things like the "knock on wood" comment often.

People also ignore evidence to the contrary: I spent a week at a dance and music camp recently, and every night I was out on the dance floor, dancing hard for several hours. Yet, near the end of the week as I retired to my tent for the night, a fellow said "Well, I guess you have to get your sleep." I couldn't resist asking him what he meant, and sure enough, he thought I was undergoing chemo! Amazing.

Go Kayla! Having an Alopecian Miss America would definitely raise awareness!
Comment by Tallgirl on August 6, 2010 at 11:34pm
I was at one son's Pop Warner football game once, after waiting a few years since my older son was playing for the team to then watch my younger son play. A couple looked surprised to see me, and said they thought I had DIED by then! I was insulted and a bit angry to think the whole of my small town might have been thinking or gossiping about the same assumption. I quickly set them straight.
Comment by Roslyn on August 7, 2010 at 11:17pm
I'm happy to share your story with my hubby. It will help him when I finally decide to take his advice and go out without hair or a scarf.
Comment by Julie Koch on August 8, 2010 at 7:06pm
I think you handled that beautifully RJ! It is best to educate those and let them know about this condition and tell them that we aren't sick... We are not contagious and we are fine otherwise! I often wonder how many people get asked that question and I was actually shocked to hear that this was the first time you had to answer it! Take care and lots of hugs to you and Cheryl! I love the both of you for creating this place!
Comment by Vicki on August 9, 2010 at 9:43am
Yes, you did handle it well. She got a quick education on Alopecia. But I will say this, cancer is such a common denominator in our society it has touched many people. People feel as though they can talk about it freely. Don't we remember when at one time cancer was taboo, people almost felt as though you could catch it. So I'm not offended if someone assumes its cancer, especially if they are older. Older people have the right to just about get away with saying anything :)


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