At least that is what my family told the child abuse hotline.

Two years ago my daughter was diagnosed with AA. Since that time at its worst she has experienced 80% hair loss and at its best a few spots here and there.

Today I received notification that a child abuse claim had been made against me and that the state wants verification from my daughter's doctor that this is an actual disease and is not me or my child pulling out the hair along with proof that the desease is difficult if not impossible to treat.

I am angry beyond words... stressed and scared. Why would someone do this? We don't deserve this.

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There is a wonderful group called the Childrens Alopecia Project or CAP - it is a great resource for parents with children with alopecia - I am sure they would be willing to help in any way they can. Jeff started it because his daughter has AT or AU. I think CAP is a member on here.

Are they calling the hair LOSS or the shot treatments the abuse to the child?

You are much stronger and calmer than what I would have been. I know how devistating that this disease can be to a full grown adult when it happened to me. Let alone having it happen to your child and having such a weak and shallow and not to mention moronic (exuse my lack of a better term) support(?) from a family member. I am truely flabbergasted to say the least!!! What is seriously wrong with these people??? Please be strong through this time and God bless you and your child. Your child needs your strength. Who ever reported you seriously has mental issues they should have addressed.Perhaps the child abuse agency can refer them to someone who can address their mental health issues. God Bless and stay strong!!!!!!!

Hi again! There is a great non profit organization called Global Alopecia Mission. The directors name is Robert, he can probably help you. It is He is a really nice guy. He has had AA for 20 years so he will understand and I am sure he will help!

Hi Stacey and Sabree- I've seen several different reactions to my alopecia, and have had it since I was 2 years old. I am now 40. As a child, seeing my mother go through several trials and tribulations in working with me through my alopecia, it has helped me to understand how to respond to such illogical reactions as well as equip myself with the tools to respond to them. If you need to talk please contact me, and I'll be happy to help - Try to stay calm and positive despite this hurtful action, and this will help your little girl as well as yourself move beyond this. I KNOW it is very difficult as I've lived it. Kind regards and bless you and your beautiful little girl.

Tell your pediatrician immediately...maybe someone in their office could contact child welfare and handle this for you! It is horrible!!!!

I do understand your frustration in dealing with this situation. And a lot of you are correct in saying most people do not understand the emotional distress from this disease or any disease for that fact. I know before I was diagnosed I had no clue about Alopecia and I am betting not many of you knew much or anything about it either. Don't be so angry with somebody for not knowing.

I know I would be upset if I were ever turned into child protective services. But I would get over it quickly because I know I could easily prove that my child wasn't being abused. But I would also be proud of living in a community that people care about your child. You now have an opportunity to educate your community.

But there is a bigger picture here. Child abuse. I am reading these comments and thinking do we really care about alopecia more than child abuse? Everything I have read about our disease is that most people with alopecia are healthly. So, let's continue to still learn and educate others. But let's educate about child abuse too.

I personally don't know you. And I have to say I pray to God that you are not abusing your child and it was just because of the alopecia that somebody turned you in. But just because your child has alopecia and you don't abuse her doesn't mean that another child with alopecia isn't getting abused. Who is watching out for that child?

I do hope everything ends well. Please pray for all abused children. And remember we are the ones responsible to educate others about our disease.

Kathyk; I don't think that this thread even implies that anyone cares more about one problem or the other. But the point of this is that her family has called child services because or the Alopecia claiming child abuse. That is ignorance. And I would be wild if I were in her shoes. It's not just not knowing, it's people she knows reacting to the condition without talking to her first. That deserves an angry response.

Also Alopecia is NOT a disease. It is a disorder. An auto-immune disorder.

No. It doesn't deserve an angry response. We don't know all the facts, do we? And it is our responsibility to educate are friends and family about the disorder. Your community isn't going to ask what is alopecia. My family knows I have it but they don't understand it. And as long as I am healthy they aren't really going to worry about it. So, when I find out information it is my responsibility to share it.

How many of us personally know each other on here? How many of us live in the same community, have lunch on a regular bases or have any sort of interaction other than through some sort of social media. I have never seen her interact with her child ... So, yes I do believe we need to be supportive of both issues. Not just focusing on being angry. Where does that get us? Refocus the anger to complete a goal.

Oh, lisamarie, thank you for calling it a disorder. I when I see my doctor I will let her know that she is to be corrected. I would much rather have a disorder than a disease. I feel more blessed every day.

And to Stacey and Sabree. I do understand why you are upset. But feel blessed that others are worried about you and your child. Take the opurtunity to explain what you both go through. You can easily get the documents to prove your child has alopecia and that you are caring for her by taking her to the doctor. It is just a trail that God has put in front of you to overcome. Like I said before, I hope all ends well.

I agree with Kathyk, we don't know all the facts & what led up to the allocation &/or allocations of child abuse &/or neglect.
A child's welfare should always come first & foremost. The investigators assigned to the case will review the allocation &/or allocations & material given ( see my narrative regarding CPS ) The proof as they say will be in the pudding. The end result, if the allocation is based on ignorance of our disease, will be a closed case & the investigator will advise the allocation & or allegations is &/are founded to be unwarranted, listing the evidentiary support, for example, letter from physician explaining the cause & effect of the disease.

In response to the above noted term disease & Lisamari's "Also Alopecia is NOT a disease. It is a disorder. An auto-immune disorder".
I too will have to inform my Dermatologist; along with, NAAF & AAD (American Academy of Dermatology) of the above. Each of the above states that Alopecia Areata is a disease.
Disease - an abnormal state that disrupts a plants or animal's bodily functioning.
Synonym of disease - affection, ail, ailment, bug, complaint, condition & disorder.

According to my dermatologist I have a disease called alopecia areata universalis, a disorder of the auto-immune system.

Stacey & Sabree, as I noted previously you are in my thoughts & prayers & I too hope all ends well.

AA, is an illness that carries with it all kinds of attacks from the pit of hell. Someone made a comment to me today that nearly brought me to tears. I replied gracefully, but when I walked away, I thought to insensitive and insulting. I regret you are having to prove to Child Protective Services that you aren't abusing your child. Keep looking up, God is looking down!

Vesselong I love what you wrote, "Keep looking up, God is looking down!" That is so beautiful. I will be borrowing that lovely sediment.



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