Did anyone see this show last night? A quote from Julia Louis Dreyfus' character (the Vice President of the US) "The kids had alopecia and the mothers were on crack. It was a freakshow!"

We need to write HBO to tell them that alopecia has NOTHING to do with substance abuse and that we are not "freak shows".


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Any 8-year-old who could watch Veep without falling asleep or dying of boredom would be mature enough not to be harmed by the line in question.

And 8 year olds hear others talking about such things. I always amazes me how people think children are invisible or don't pay attention. They hear and absorb everything. Some people are so able to regard everything as OK and non-offensive that they must make acerbic comments about others who are genuinely hurt. We have a right to speak about things that we really find offensive.

News flash: They have already done that, no outcry was made, and HBO constantly wins cable ACE awards and Emmy Awards because regardless of the manner in which they deliver the message, the message is still getting out that these conditions exist.

I thought the joke was hilarious in its broader context. I have lived with alopecia for 30 years, and I joke about it myself, because I learned a long time ago that you can't be hurt by other people laughing at you if you're laughing at yourself. It's a lesson everyone in this thread crying foul needs to learn. The world is not a politically correct place, no matter how much you want it to be. It does not stop turning because you, I, or anyone else in this community either lost their hair or knows someone who does. Therefore, suck it up, rub some dirt on it, and move on. You neither have to watch that show, nor do you have to pay for HBO. HBO is an OPTIONAL add to your cable package, not mandatory like ESPN or CBS or ABC. So if you don't like it, don't watch it and don't pay for it! It's that simple.

And you do not have to read these blogs and reply to them - this is an OPTIONAL website. Frankly I think you are hear to stir up trouble in an attempt to get people to go to the other website which you are working for that claims they are going to find a cure.

Hear? What am I hearing?

First of all, I am no longer affiliated with ANY website for ANY cause. The same drama that goes on on that website is the same drama that goes on in this community, but nobody want to comment upon that, do they?

My opinions are just that -- MY opinions, nobody else's. You don't have to like or agree with my opinions; however, they SHOULD make you think. I am not obligated to hold your hand and tell you what a wonderful person you are and how wonderful it is to have alopecia because quite frankly, that's not always the case. How I respond to someone who was diagnosed with AA 2 weeks ago is completely different than how I respond to someone who, like myself, has lived with it for 10 years or more.

Case in point: I'm at work right now, and a few moments ago, in the restroom, I ran into a lady that works on the other side of the floor my office is on, and she asked me if I was going through chemo. I simply said "No, I have alopecia." She then shared with me that she was about to leave to go have a biopsy done. She also said that she had seen me in the office and wasn't sure how to ask until she plucked up the courage today to do so. I reassured her that everything would turn out the way that it's supposed to be, so long as she had faith that it would. Do you want to know what her response was? "I've been worried about what it would be like if I lost my hair, but seeing you walking around the office without a care in the world about what other people think has shown me that it really doesn't matter. Plus, it's too hot outside to have hair on my head anyway!" That lady walked away from me with a smile on her face and renewed courage to face what could be life-altering news in just a few short minutes, and she doesn't know me from Adam's house cat.

I tell you that story because far too often, everybody loses sight of what's truly important in life. A joke told on a cable television program is nowhere near as important as possibly having to face your own mortality, based upon the results of a test. Whether or not I have hair on my head pales in comparison to whether or not I will have the ability to bear children, or have my breasts removed, or a lung or a limb taken because cancer or diabetes has robbed me of it. When you look at everything else that's wrong with the world today, getting upset over a joke on HBO is the height of pettiness and selfishness.

I read and reply to the blog postings of my choosing because it is my inalienable, God-given, constitutional First Amendment-guaranteed RIGHT to do so. It is an OPTION whether or not to be offended by anything I have to say, just as it is an OPTION whether or not you respect it. I don't like or agree with the majority of things a lot of people and experts have to say on a lot of subjects, alopecia included, but you know what? I still respect those things, and those people, because they have a RIGHT to feel that way.

You, on the other hand, see me as a trouble-maker because my views are in direct opposition to the status quo, and resort to name-calling and false accusations in an effort to intimidate me into apologizing and falling back in line. Well guess what? That is the very definition of bullying, you're being a bully, I'm not apologizing for anything, and my opinions aren't going anywhere.

Controversy or arrogance?

It amazes me that Kastababy comments have evoked more reaction than the original post. I'm confused what position she is taking as she seems to be doing a lot of "SHOUTING" yet she clearly states she doesn't advocate bullying. Some of the shared views are very useful, yet many people seem to be arguing about winning favour of opinions.

Do Coping strategies and personal philosophies have match?

The comments have started to become very personal which does seem to be steering away from the facts. HBO did knowingly allow these comments to be aired and yes it has (rightly or wrongly) evoked a mixed reaction. I actually welcome a cross-section of opinions in hope of understanding wider perspectives from the Alopecia community...This said, I don't feel some of the comments are being constructive. Guys, I'm slightly disappointed that it's not about communicating our ideas and be motivated others to do something positive with them... I'm concerned this reaction has devolved into a verbal sparing match.

I feel there's strong opinions, but how they have been presented is starting to air on the side of antagonism.

Parenting guidance aside - I think it's useful to "give" people your opinion, but don't ram it down their throats. I can clearly see people are passionate about this whole subject area of humour, Alopecia and children....The BIG questions are for me.....

Who sets the boundaries for acceptability - when can you laugh at a condition?
How do Alopecians want to be represented - Globally?
How do we communicate to the world about the positives of being an Alopecian?

I'm amazed reading all these comments how divided everyone is. One condition doesn't out rank another. Feelings are important, so projecting your negativity or bias opinion on a select community, doesn't win you favours or build relationships.

Having an opinion is great, but please be respectful and value others....you may feel strong and want to tell the world...but don't forget Alopecia can be a lonely condition and being Controversial may gain you some notoriety in the short term - but surely alienating people isn't the best way to bulldoze your way through life????

Being bald gets you noticed, shouting or complaining just switches people off.

HBO have obviously been successful in achieving a reaction. If NO one reacted, what would be the overall effect?

Funny they still list you as a 'team member' so are you not disclosing the truth or are they not? And you recently posted a lengthly reply to a discussion on their FB page (but then again you ALWAY reply at length)

Love that idea maybe they can open up some ignorant people's eyes to something that truly devistating to millions of children and adults I want to shave there heads and make them where a bald skin cap for a month and she how much they like people asking what happened to there heads or asking if they have cancer they could film that for a special show too

I didn't see it either.
It's a tasteless joke but I think if we go around getting pissed off at everything we'll be miserable all the time.
They make fun of Cancer and AIDS all the time too.
It's horrible but it's probably going to happen more and more.

That's not going to stop me from contacting them and telling them I will not be watching the programs on their station anymore though. :P

Thanks for the link.....Ms. Dreyfus should know better to put the 2 together much less
talking about kids in general as "freakshow" it's terrible

You know she's an actress, not the writer, right? She just says what's in the script. And I think she deserves an Emmy nomination for this role, actually.

This is deplorable...Just disgusting. It's like when bullying seemed to be a trend on TV a few years ago it's just uncalled for. I wanna punch whoever got the idea for this 'joke' in the mouth. Can we get a doctor who knows about Alopecia to contact the FCC and HBO about this? Whilst a bunch of angry Alopecians may be effective too (trust me, I will make sure my mother and I both send in emails from our respective addresses she'll be furious) a doctor's words may be able to sway them to get rid of this joke

It's not funny...It's horrible and I can only imagine how many kids and adults with this condition are going to be tormented because of it. A person is smart but people are stupid quoting Agent K from Men In Black as ignorance unfortunatly happens...This is ignorance.



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