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Squadric Acid side effectsHI all, i am 32 years old and been fighting with alopecia areata since 5 years ago. With cortisone shots i have seen regrowth but it falls… Started by Lechu |
0 | Jun 16, 2016 |
Clobetasol for treatment. Success?Hello. My 12 1/2 year old daughter was diagnosed with allopecia two weeks ago. The doctor started her on clobetasol solution to put on he… Started by Ksp |
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Mar 4, 2015 Reply by Michelle |
something extremely annoying about this AA condition I haveIs it just me? I have shaved my hair and wear a wig. However my hair grows in 3 days. I find myself shaving my head at least twice a week.… Started by Janine |
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Oct 7, 2014 Reply by BarbaraK |
Telogen effluvium/AAI've been reading a lot of materials, both on this forum, and on my own, as well as heard my many doctors talk about telogen effluvium and… Started by Epo |
0 | Jun 25, 2013 |
How many with AA have lost their facial hair as well?I look at some of the pics of people in this group and alot look like AU and I have AA and was wondering how many with AA have bald spots o… Started by Danielle |
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Jan 21, 2013 Reply by Norelle |
Shaving your head.I was wondering how many of you have shaved your head? Recently my AA has gotten so bad that it's barely worth it to even keep the little h… Started by Charity |
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Jan 21, 2013 Reply by Norelle |
ThymuSkin?Has anyone heard of ThymuSkin? http://www.thymusking.com/ Started by ChasingOrion |
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Jan 20, 2013 Reply by Surya |
Discolored hair...regrowth or just the process of losing?Hi, i am new to Alopecia World, this group and alopecia in general...This is my first experience with losing my hair and I am almost 32. It… Started by Louis |
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Jun 15, 2012 Reply by Ypsimama |
How did your AA progress?Hi all, I'm pretty new to this forum and so far it's one of the best sources of information and help that I've found (better than most doct… Started by Kyle |
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Jun 15, 2012 Reply by Ypsimama |
hair extensionsHi...my 14 year old daughter had a bad bout of alopecia areata a year and a half ago (this was the 2nd time in her life, first time she was… Started by Julie |
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May 30, 2012 Reply by You can do it : ) |
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