There are people lives that I believe I have touched because I was not afraid to show my “scars”.

Below is a song that the words ring so true to me and I wanted to share the lyrics with you.

Don’t Hide the Scars
(Michael Puryear/Cheryl Rogers/Jeff Silvey)
From CD: Sisters–The Story Goes On -1995
Vocals: Beverly Crawford/Cindy Morgan

I wept alone
Suffered on my own
I didn’t think that anyone would understand
Until you opened up
And shared your painful past with me
Then the wounds that I kept hidden
Were touched by heaven’s hand
Because God used you
And all that you’ve been through

Don’t hide the scars
Don’t be afraid to let them show
‘Cause someone who hurts will see themselves in you
There is healing in knowing you’re not the only one
You can touch another heart
Don’t hide the scars

Everyone must go
Through dark nights of the soul
And bear the pain and all the wounds
That life may bring
For in our weakest times
We need each other’s strength
And with God’s love flowing through us
We find the faith we need
So no matter where we’ve stood
It all works out for good.

Don’t hide the scars
Don’t be afraid to let them show
‘Cause someone who hurts will see themselves in you
There is healing in knowing you’re not the only one
You can touch another heart
Don’t hide the scars

Views: 588

Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on January 18, 2012 at 6:58am

beautiful song with words that are so true
I believe if I can help just one person by sharing my story then its worth it.

Comment by margaret staib on January 18, 2012 at 7:48am

Thanks!!!!!!Cheryl! I'm going to read this on the 31st! :) That's wonderful!

Comment by SilkHead on January 19, 2012 at 12:50pm

Wow, Cheryl, so true and beautifully written. It's so true, we just need the faith to push on through and it will get better and life develops true purpose when we are able to help another. Thank you!

Comment by Julie Koch on January 20, 2012 at 12:21pm

I really enjoyed reading those lyrics. They are so true. Those of us that feel like we suffer are going to help others someday in the same situation. WE are there to help others in similar situations. Everyone suffers at sometime in their lives and it's how we handle that experience of suffering that can make or break you. Thanks for sharing!

Comment by Apple on October 13, 2023 at 11:01am

I think it helps when someone who is going through the same thing as alopecia to say those words, when people who have no idea how I feel it does not resinate. There is fear, fear of sharing your story, fear of getting close to someone because of alopecia. feeling ugly no matter what others say because they do not see everything.

Comment by Cheryl, Co-founder on October 16, 2023 at 3:03am

Apple, I can agree with you.  Part of the reason why we started this site.  A place where atleast we are slightly understood.  We all have different journey, but I am sure many of us have similar feelings.

Thanks for sharing!


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