
52, Female

Milton, DE

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I'm a 39 year old married mother of three. I just moved to Milton, DE from Baltimore, MD and really love it so far.

I've had alopecia areata off and on for about 17 years. I used to have bald patches that I could easily disguise by styling my hair differently, but I progressed to alopecia universalis a couple of years ago. I stopped taking prednisone after taking it for 10 years, so I kind of doubt my hair will come back. The hardest part about losing all my hair this time has been also losing my eyebrows and eyelashes. However, I had my eyeliner and eyebrows tattooed on and it was the best thing I could have done for myself!!!

My family and Baltimore friends all know that I'm bald and love me the way I am, but I usually wear a wig or a bandanna when I go out. Now that I've moved to DE, I've been always wearing my wigs, so no one here knows yet. I guess I should've just started out here letting people know right away, but so far I haven't. The funniest part is that I work part-time in a hair salon of all places!!!

Sometimes I get kind of down, but I try to remain as upbeat as possible. Life is too short to worry about the opinions of strangers.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • rj, Co-founder

    Hey, Daria. Thanks for the very positive and encouraging feedback. I'm delighted to hear that you've made yourself at home here in Alopecia World. Tell your husband that we welcome him to join us as well. Great looking profile, by the way! :-)
  • Erin

    Thank you so much for the contact. I have both eyebrows back, minus a small section that is missing from one. I actually considered having mine tattooed on, but most of my friends didn't think I should. I kept drawing 'em on every day and now just fill in the spot that's missing...when I decide to wear makeup, that is. You have a beautiful family. I don't think I have ever had my photo taken without hair on. I'll have to get to that and post one up soon. Let me know if you get your eyebrows done and how it turns out.
  • Sandi Walmsley

    At 3:03pm on April 2nd, 2008, Sandi Walmsley said…
    Hi everyone, I had spotty patches for a while (starting in 1996), which turned in to a type the dr called "ophiasis" which was a 1-inch band missing all around the hairline (entire head). I had this for a while (maybe about a year), along with no eyelashes or eyebrows. Then a while later I gave birth to my 1st child (a daughter) and about 6-8 months after that tramatic experience is when I lost all of my body hair (100% loss). Then about a year later I got pregnant with my 2nd child (son) and it started to regrow when I was about 3-4 months pregnant. It started to re-grow on my head (only) in the nice form of a mohawk (no kidding)...the mohawk gradully grew downwards to cover my entire head. Luckily enough it grew into a hairstyle. Gradually over a period of about 3-4 years I regained about 80-90% of my hair (entire body) back. There are still some sections on my legs that I don't have back. Hormones? Not sure? I've never done any treatments in any form. I wore wigs, which I've since figured out were probably more for the benefit of others than myself. I found that people were uncomfortable if I wasn't wearing one...
  • Sandi Walmsley

    PS - I love the "I love bald chix" shirt...
  • Trina

    I got my eyebrows done in Tysons corner, VA. The place is called the permanentmakeupclinic.com. Go online she has pics and everything on there
  • Cool Head

    Hi Daria
    I live in Baltimore also, northwest. You look great and I wish I was as brave as you, but I'm not. Rock on!
  • Julia

    It did Upload...Thank you! We will set something up REAL soon for photos and I'll send you the release form soon.

    By the way...you have a beautiful family...

    we'll speak soon

  • Shannon

    hi. i just joined and it looks like we have a lot in common, including our aa story. i hope to make some new friends on here that i can relate to. your photos are awesome.
  • mandy

    hiya and thank you so so much for adding me,
    i have done the prednisone 5 tbs aday 4 2 weeks than a drop down to 4 tbs aday for 2 weeks and then so on and so on and they worked well for me untill i stoped them. then it all seemed to do what it wanted from gray to brown then ok i am leaving you again.

    I really wanted my eye brows back cos for some reason my brow and eye lashes never grow back so i had the steroid jabs in my eye brow's which were a killer I have also done the jabs in the head which made the new regrowth good but the rest of the hair fall out at the mo i dont know what to do, i have been in and out off the ali-p world for years now and now i have come to the point of oh well stick a wig on and get on with it
    thank you so much
    lv mandy
  • Shannon

    that's funny that our husband's have the same shirt. thanks for commenting. i am more excited about being "here" than I expected. really cool!
  • Dina

    Hi Daria -

    Thank you so much for the welcome. I am completely with you on the eyebrows and eyelashes. My eyebrows take me so much time in getting ready. I use stencils but some days it looks great and others, not so much. Please let me know how your eyebrow tattoo consultation goes. I am very curious about that. Hope to talk soon. Have a great day!!
  • Roger

    Wonderful photos.

  • Sally

    thanks daria :) joining has made me realise how important it is to keep talking about it! look forward to getting to know you and others! x
  • spaganya

    Thanks Daria!

    i can feel for you with the losing eyebrows and lashes - truly its the worst part of when i went from AA to AT to AU....boo. i use temp tattoos now, but the lack of eyelashes still stinks on windy days.... sunglasses are my best friends these days!

    where did that "i love bald chix" tshirt come from? i want one for the bf :)
  • mandy

    hiya Daria pleased to meet you, i love your pic's lol and i like your way off thinking (eg smile on face with a beer in hand lol),
    need to get my hubby a t.shirt with i love bald chicks on it lol
    take care xx
  • Char

    That's a champion breed boxer, he's 3 years old and my baby. I know where Perrysburg is, that's close to me. I'm only about 30-40mins from the lake :) I've also been to baltimore, my sister in law is from maryland and my brother took me there to visit. I agree about the eyelashes and eyebrows, it can be a pain in the butt.
  • Nicole

    Good for you!! I am so excited for you!!! I love mine....it has already made my morning routine so much easier!! If you have any questions I could help you with don't hestitate to ask!!! Good luck! : )
  • mary

    Your pics are great!! It was so nice to see them. everyone has smiles on their faces.
  • Orbit

    Hi Daria, thanks for the She-Laq suggestion! I've never heard of that product but will have to order some, it sound like just what I need. Do you know, does it look "shiny" once applied? Thanks again!
  • Trina


    I am going to get my eyeliner done. My eyebrows did not hurt either. I am glad that you are happy with them. A little more self confidence for you.
  • Nicole

    Good for you!!! I am excited to see them!!! I am sure they came out great!!! :)
  • Tanya

    OMG that's awesome! Post da pics girl!

    ps Did they use novacaine on you? I can't believe you're willing to go back to get the eye liner done thicker, LOL. That's brave!
  • Erin

    Congratulations! One less thing to think about now. Was it painful?
  • Beth

    Hi Daria,
    Thanks for the complement. The "natural" look isn't as easy as it looks ;)
  • Sara

    hey I'm up in Annapolis, super cool!
  • charlotte

    Thanks for the nice comment. I appreciate reading about all who are positive about living without hair. It is really inspiring to see all these great people who just keep on going with their lives. Your family looks great and you look amazing! Keep up your great attitude!! You hang in there girl, you are doing a great job! Thanks Charlotte
  • Alexandra

    Thanks for the wig tip. I'm actually looking for a cheap one to buy while I send my lace front wig to have more hair put into it. My wig is going bald...how ironic.
  • Shannon

    hey! how are you, daria? I missed your last comment to me somehow. I'm so excited about your brows and liner! do you have any photos up yet? i also had more liner put on the second time i went back. i was afraid the first time that it would look to bold but then went back for more! and now that my brows are growing back it is really easy to keep them looking great and know exactly where to pluck.
  • Erin

    Hey! Nice to meet you! Yeah it is tough having the actual physical side effects of inflammatory diseases eh? The exhaustion is my mair problem,, and the arthritis, but mine is not as bad as it would be so I am thankful for that. But yes.. lets pray our wee onese don't have to deal with this! Have a good day!
  • jennifer

    hi there! i totally agree with you. the worst part about all of this, is that i miss my eyelashes! i am thinking of getting my eyebrows and lash line tatooed but am sort of scared it won't come out right and then i would be screwed! i don't like it when it looks like a dark line ya know.
  • Tina

    Hi Daria! Thank you so much..I love this place. I wish I had found it earlier! lol. But yeah, it's really great, and everybody here is so nice.
  • Jennifer

    Hi Daria, When you started loosing al of it, was it pretty fast or did it happen slow. I've lost almost all the back of my hair in the past 6 months, and just started loosing my eyebrows about 2 weeks ago?
  • Jennifer

    so, you think I should order a wig now? Do you think I might be on my way?
  • betsy slagle

    Daria -
    Hello there ! Remember me from our Lunch in gaithersburg ? I was with Anna and we-all had our photo taken - I just discovered this website and i know cheryl from conferences - Are you going to Kentucky ? Life is chugging along and I work downtown on week-ends now to keep busy and make money - Love your photo's - I need a tutor !!! Hugs,
  • Jennifer

    Thanks for the info. I went to the mall yesterday, you know the little carts in the middle of the mall? We'll there is one with extensions! So I talked to the guy and he started putting them in. (all my spots are in the back of my head, people walking by were probablly freaking out) We'll I have a hair full of extensions!!!!! They are synthetic also, they clip in, so you have to take them in and out eveyday, it cost be $250.00!! so this will be fun while it lasts!!! I'm excited!
  • Rachel H.

    Oh, thank you!! I love that you're rockin' the bandana! I hope I'm comfortable enough to do that. Especially this coming summer. This will be my first summer not having enough of my own hair!
  • betsy slagle

    Thanks for emailing and No I have not done any BGDL since last time and YES to Conference ? - this will be my 5th ! Hope this note finds you - I'm having quite a time learning my way around this new web. Hopefully I'm clicking all the right buttons ! Any hints would be appreciated. I'm doing OK as far as the hair goes - having a difficult time detaching from my daughters - they are both grown and I miss them alot. more soon.hugs to you, betsy
  • Samantha

    Daria....Hi! I saw you post on someone else's page that you had your eyebrows and liner tattooed. How the heck is the pain on that!??? I am looking at getting them done (eyebrows and top lid eyeliner). I've researched a lot and think I've found someone with a ton of experience to do it. I'm just concerned with the pain....mainly the liner. If you have any info, I would really appreciate it! Thanks!
  • Holly

    Hi Daria - hope you are well. The pictures on your site are great. Saw that you got your eyebrows tatooed...mine are starting to fall out, oh well, I can't fight it. Wanted to see if you could forward over the contact info for the place you got yours done.
  • gerald

    You are beautiful!
    In both a wig, and bald.

    My wife is bald and beautiful with alopecia universalis.
    To me, a lady is often more beautiful bald than with hair, because you can really see her feminine features better when she is bald.
  • Samantha

    Hey..thanks for the info. The more people that I am talking to, the more reassuring this sounds. I was nervous about the pain...especially liner! Thanks again!
  • Sweet Mary HiLL

    Hey gorgeous! i was just searching for other pretty baLd peopLe in the area & i found your profiLe. i Love your pics...rockin the bandana & grey tank tops[wife beaters] you remind me a Lot of, weLL ME! i Live in baLtimore too, right next to the UMBC campus. i reaLLy enjoyed your bLog post, the most recent one...& i'm gLad you are accepting it & figuring out what's important. i LOVE it!
  • wendyrayburn

    I live in Camden about 80 miles west of Nashville on the Tennessee River. Where abouts were you looking at a house?
    I have been taking predisone for four years now. I started out at 80 mg a day and now I am down to 3 mg a day. I go back to my doctor this Friday in Nashville.
    I go out bald all the time. It does not bother me. My husband and kids do not have a problem with it they are just glad that I am still around I guess that's why it does not bother me.
    Take Care and Keep Your Head Up!!!
  • Shannon

    Thanks for your comment, Daria. My book hasn't arrived yet but I look forward to reading everything in there! I'm glad you think it turned out well. I'll let you know after I see mine.
    Take care!
  • sabrina

    Very very compliment!you are beautifull bald!
    Full me six beautiful bald than with hair
  • Orbit

    Daria, thanks for the very kind compliment! You have a great attitude and I am sure that you are an inspiration to others :-) Have yourself a great week beautiful!
  • Inez

    Dear Daria, thank you fot these encouraging and beautiful words. You are truly blessed. I've been bald too, and my hair grew back,slowly. For the dutch association of aa patients I look for pictures and stories to publish in our magazine Hoofdzaak. That magazine is all about coping and accepting. I'would love to place a picture of you, is that allright with you? Greetings, Inez Proosten. www.aapv.nl
  • Linda Ban-Sandbloom

    Hi Daria:
    It was just by accident that I googled around tonite and found Alopecia World. I always suspected there were others out there that looked like me and it's so great to see so many happy, full, smiling faces that look like mine looking right back AT me. Your photo gallery is beautiful. Like you, I do have girls as well (2) and they are the light of my life. From 12 to 48....that is the span of time that I've had to get used to alopecia areata which turned into alopecia totalis. Tough road but I'm good with it now.
    You look awesome! Keep it up....If you're ever in Arizona...look me up.
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Daria,

    I came across your page today and wanted to say hello.
    I had the tattos done as well and really think it makes a world of difference.

    hope all is well with you.

  • Mary

    Hi Daria. Nice to hear from you. To answer your question, in early March 2008, I got an email from the Shear Genius producers. It went to the local AA support group, and I was on their email list. I called and sent photos and was asked to be on the show. It was taped at the end of March. I'm is SUCH a different place now! The whole attitude of the show was "let's help these POOR women who are so tragic....." You know what I mean. Now, I'd probably have taken off the wig on the runway and told them I thought I looked better bald!

    It was an interesting experience, though, mainly because it was the first time I met so many other women with alopecia.

    All the best,