  • 38, Female
  • london
  • United Kingdom
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  • Devin
  • Tony Fitzgerald
  • nimisha
  • Ms. S
  • Steve
  • Megan Willmott

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Profile Information

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I am Sally from London.

I have had Alopecia Universalis since I was 4 years old, and I started wearing wigs at 16. I have a strong sense of fairness that I think has come as a result of having to cope with my Alopecia for so long.

Other than that I love the theatre, dancing, laughing, travelling, glasses of wine, my nephews, and I care for dogs very much, most of all Labradors!!

Next step: To upload a picture of me with no wig!!!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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At 12:44pm on March 27, 2011, Sophie Ray said…
ran out of space hahahhh.....

continued: but he was the first person i have ever told about my alopecia and i feel like i have made such a hugeeee step in my self acceptance and i beleive this is through the therapy i have been having... if it wasnt for my therapist i would have run away a month or two ago from him!! it was a really great/horrible feeling, but i sort of wish i didnt have to tell him. do you ever have this dilema or do you go out without your wig?? Hope all is well, upadte me on life!!! Soph xxxx
At 12:42pm on March 27, 2011, Sophie Ray said…
Sally! im so sorry i have taken about 5 months to reply to you, i keep fluttering on and off AW but i am back on and now and going to try make it a regular web page i visit!! How are things and how are the eyebrows holding up!? the new wig is lovely, had a brunette freedom wig since november ish, and ironically the blondey one is balding now!!! as much as i love my wig, i also resent it in a way.... i feel im not being true to myslef when im wearing and it and im finding it really really hard to meet new people when wearing it if they dont know i have alopecia... id been seeing and talking to this guy for a few months every second of every day and i absaloutely adore/d him, however we only met up a few times as he works etc im still at college and just was hard to find a time, but he didnt know i have alopecia!! ... so i told him, he told me he suffers from depression (which was a SHOCK!!!! but i guess it really avtually nice for me to feel like im not the only one with a problem in the relationship!!), he told me it doesnt bother him at all and doesnt change the way he feels about me... but then about a week later i was drunk and text him and said i cant be bothered with you if im never going to see you, which i did mean because i want all or nothing and i was fed up with not seeing him properly, i just wanted to spend time with him you know??!?, but i REALLY regret saying it, i sound like a desperate clingy loss!!!!! i apologised and explained the next morning, and he said dont worry about it...and now we havent spoken properly for about a week, when i started a conversation he did seem into it etc, but then we dont talk for 5 days or so and i really miss him- and im trying to figure whether he does have a problem with my alopecia, or if it was what i said. im feeling fairly love sick :(
At 12:30pm on March 7, 2011, Kathryn Michael said…
If you are around on the afternoon of Saturday 19th March Alopecia UK has a group meeting in London.
If you want more details please contact me

At 2:19pm on January 29, 2011, Devin said…
Hey Sal, Thanks for the compliment! That means a lot coming from such a young beautiful girl like you. I haven’t gone back for this treatment yet now because it is hard to get the drug that is used with PUVA, but I have done this about three times over the years and each time my hair grew back 100% and then it would slowly fall out again over many years, but I never would burn, just like I never burn in the sun either. Sorry it didn’t work for you, but I think you would look good bald because you have that pretty face. Take Care!

At 7:25am on January 29, 2011, Ted Michael Morgan gave Sally a gift
At 7:33pm on January 25, 2011, Devin said…
Hi Sally,
Love your new song Ive added it to my music. Thanks!
At 12:13pm on November 28, 2010, Tony Fitzgerald said…
Hey Sally...thankyou for the compliment, you don't look
Half bad in yours either! 

How goes it?

At 9:57am on August 11, 2009, Megan Willmott said…
hey sally :)
i get my wigs from a place called mandeville's in London. They are amazing wigs, made from real hair, and i use double sided tape to make sure it stays on my head. This means i am able to do sports which involves me getting rather sweaty and not have to worry about my wig coming off.
Go to and browse around a bit. if you go into the gallery you will see a picture of a young blonde girl, that's me. i've been going there since i was 5 years old. i had fake wigs from the NHS before i was 5 and i hated them so so much!
hope this helps. :D Megannn x
At 3:45pm on March 3, 2009, Sophie Ray said…
aaah this is so bad im so sorry this is so late!!! im good thankyou- but been injured for 2 months! tore a ligament in my ankle in netball! my gcses are going not so great!!- in a bit trouble with it all acutally haha. aaaw thankyou! what have you been up to? i love english springs! apart from today, being sooo rainy! hope you are goood! xxxxx
At 1:17pm on January 2, 2009, Hayley Burton said…
HI Sally,
Happy New Year!


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