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My other blog


I have decided to start writing blog posts on my other blog again. I was just posting to this site only, but I am going to start posting on my blog instead. I am a member of another support website so this way, any members of all the sites can see it if they would like. The link to it is below if you would like to view it. I'm not going anywhere so I will still be visiting this site as often as I do now. Thank you for your support.…


Added by Alliegator on September 20, 2011 at 9:56am — No Comments

My AA is gone but...

My AA is almost gone. I feel like I dont belong here because I have hair again. But coming here, I remember what it was like. I cant leave this behind, it made me who I am today. I love everybody on here for being them and for helping me. Now Im going to do the same for them.

Added by Rose Wickler on September 19, 2011 at 2:34pm — 2 Comments

Have you met these people? They're simply amazing!

If you spend quality time in Alopecia World, you will meet scores of the most fascinating and engaging people in the world today.

They are musicians, artists, painters, scientists, world travelers, teachers, rabbis, models, comedians, college students, athletes, writers, actresses, photographers, film makers, beauty queens, and community activists.

And that's just for starters!

Each day brings new faces, new stories, and new opportunities to learn how to not only survive…


Added by Alopecia World on September 19, 2011 at 3:00am — 4 Comments


This happens to me almost everyday, I am out and someone comes up to me asking what happened or if i have cancer. It usually never bothers me unless they ask rudely, because their just curious about why im bald. What bothers me is when a person will ask me why I dont wear a wig and make a big deal about it. All I want to shout at them is "I actually like how I look...thanks" but I dont. Ive worn wigs before and I honestly like the freedom of not having one though I dont think its bad if someone… Continue

Added by Rachel on September 18, 2011 at 6:30pm — 10 Comments

Full head of hair :)

Well my bog a while back had that i had regrowth but it started to fall out again, well i shaved my hair off to start a fresh and this time i have more :)

I have a full head of hair with a couple of bits still thinner but defo could walk about without my wig now. I am so annoyed with myself tho as i dont have the confidence to go about with my new hair do yet as i dont like it, lol. I love the hair tho, I think it's still a little short for me so hoping that this regrowth is to stay and i… Continue

Added by lynne on September 18, 2011 at 7:58am — 6 Comments


Im so happy to have just joined this wonderful site!
Ive been looking for years for support groups, website, etc....
I havent ever met another person with this disease, ive only heard of people, other than myself!


Added by Meaghan on September 17, 2011 at 4:04pm — No Comments

Saw a fellow alopecian today - How to say hi to a total stranger

Had a chance meeting with a fellow alopecian today--unfortunately we did not really get to talk. I was at the P.O. and when I got in line, I saw a woman a few places in front of me that was only wearing a fitted hat on her bald head--she didn't seem to have eyebrows or lashes either. I was so excited and proud of her for going out that way. I watched to see if the others in the P.O were staring or looking at her (it was crowded) and I didn't see anyone paying any attention to her--except me for… Continue

Added by Rodeli on September 16, 2011 at 11:00pm — 3 Comments

job please!!!

any jobs guysss??? i've finish 4yrs. course business administration major in business now working in a company wherein we supply furnitures from china and malaysia for 5 yrs now and i want to try other jobs out of the country.. any suggestion???? tnx.. godbless :)

Added by charlotte on September 16, 2011 at 4:13am — 1 Comment

My new job!

Hello All, It's been a while since I have logged into Alopecia World. Alot of great things have been happening in my life but the one thing that I want to talk about is my new job!! Yea me!! I started a new job about two weeks ago and struggled with the thought of returning to "Corporate America" without hair. I prayed about it and thought to myself, if not me then who. Well I'm very pleased to say that it has been an unbelievable experience. For those of you who can't imagine going to work… Continue

Added by Joye Pressley on September 15, 2011 at 11:30pm — 4 Comments

Found confidence again with great topper from Revlon

I have lost 50 percent of my hair and have spent over 2,000 dollars on wigs and hats. I found an inexpensive topper(150) from Revlon that looks great and is so natural. It is human hair and snaps on. I do not have a lot of hair so only 2 of the snaps work. I secure it with small bobby pins underneath. I have even styled it on. You… Continue

Added by Wendy on September 15, 2011 at 11:03pm — No Comments

Why is my hair white?

Hi everyone,
Just wondering if anyone else deals with all the new hair growth coming in white and why? No I'm not that old either. I have a lot that always grows back, but I always shave it right away so my wig will fit right, but if I didn't will it eventually turn to the brunette I was? I don't know if I would have the patience to find out, so basically I'm just curious if anyone else has had this and what happened.
Thank you already to any input you may have.

Added by Hope on September 15, 2011 at 8:30pm — 3 Comments

Luck with Biotin?

So I don't know if this is just a coincidence or not, but I read on here about someone taking biotin, so I did some research on it and I've been taking it for a little over a month now. I dont want to get my hopes up, but I currently have ZERO bald spots and my thick hair is growing in! Also my nails stopped peeling and breaking once they got some length to them. Has anyone else had luck with Biotin? I'm definitely making sure I take it every morning and just hoping for the best! I posted a… Continue

Added by Tamara on September 15, 2011 at 2:00pm — 4 Comments

Things are going great. : )

Hey! How is everyone doing? Sorry I haven't been on here in a while. I'm going to try to get on here more! I had a great summer! I had a wonderful birthday and I made some new friends. : ) Life has been pretty great so far. My hair is still growing . I hardly have any bald spots and I am so thankful for the hair growth! I am very blessed. I wear my wig most of the time but it's getting hard to wear it now. I don't feel comfortable enough to go out in public without a bandana. I just wish my… Continue

Added by Mackenzie on September 14, 2011 at 11:00pm — 4 Comments

The life of a closeted alopecian

Dear all,

As dumb as this may sound, I wonder if I will ever get up the nerve to change my facebook picture. To backtrack, I am now on day twelve my new "pixie cut" post wig hairstyle with two 1.5 bald spots, one above my left ear and one on the ride side of my lower neck area. Thankfully I have a great hairstylist who styled it so that you can't tell, I am extremely thankful for her :)

To use my facebook picture simply as a symbol of my current mental state (and to… Continue

Added by Jennifer on September 14, 2011 at 9:00pm — 5 Comments

Link between alopecia and cancer?

i have had alopecia since i was 15 and i am now 23. i also got diagnosed with thyroid cancer 6 weeks ago. does anyone think there may be a connection between the both? has anyone else with alopecia been diagnosed with thyroid cancer?

Added by Nadia Lionetti on September 14, 2011 at 4:30pm — No Comments

International Alopecia Day 2011 video slide show

Here's the 2011 International Alopecia Day video slide show:

This is a revised version to add a couple of photos.

Thank you to all the participants who sent me photos and participated this year! Please join the International Alopecia Day… Continue

Added by Mary on September 14, 2011 at 1:30pm — No Comments

"Your new Miss America might be beautiful — and bald" Great news article

By Lisa Marsh contributor

updated 1/11/2011 2:30:09 PM ET

Beauty pageants evoke images of flawless women in amazing shape, perfectly made-up and coifed, right?

Yet one beauty queen vying for the Miss America title in Las Vegas this Saturday night has barely any hair on her head.

Kayla Martell, Miss Delaware, has been bald for half of her 22 years — she has alopecia areata, a rare condition that results in unexplained hair loss. But… Continue

Added by Jennifer on September 14, 2011 at 11:42am — No Comments

Anyone from Hungary?

Anyone from Hungary?

Added by Andrea Pári on September 13, 2011 at 6:00am — No Comments

The inquiring mind of a three year old

My three year old grandson really wants to understand why his grandma doesn't have any hair, or more specifically why my hair doesn't grow. Keep in mind that he's only had about a week to wrap his mind around his grandma being completely bald. So today while watching him at my house he started in with wanting to know all about lobsters so we googled lobsters and we looked at photos, videos and information about lobsters and then it occurred to me....I could answer all his questions about my… Continue

Added by Rose on September 12, 2011 at 11:00pm — No Comments

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