Newly Diagnosed with Alopecia


Newly Diagnosed with Alopecia

This group is for people who are new to alopecia. It's a place to learn the essentials of coping and how to continue living life to the fullest despite the condition. More experienced alopecians are also invited to offer support and guidance.

Members: 545
Latest Activity: Feb 9, 2020

Tips for Coping with Alopecia from Day One

1. Love yourself unconditionally, with or without hair.

2. Consult a physician when you think your hair loss has become excessive or abnormal.

3. Get a second or third opinion if you need confirmation of a physician’s diagnosis.

4. Educate yourself about alopecia (hair loss), its many possible causes, traditional and alternative treatments, treatment costs, possible side-effects, and other options (e.g., wigs, scarves, etc.).

5. Remember that bald is beautiful, too.

6. Seek the advice of your physician and people who love and care about you before making decisions about treatments or lifestyle changes.

7. Join an alopecia support group to receive insight and inspiration from others who are living with hair loss.

8. Give others who may also be concerned (e.g., your employer, school, or church) appropriate information about your condition.

9. Maintain your emotional well-being by learning positive strategies for coping with depression, rejection, ridicule, stress, anxiety, and other negative feelings and experiences. Also develop conflict management skills, and other strong interpersonal skills, which you can use when dealing with people who choose to remain ignorant or insensitive. In other words, see a professional counselor, if you must.

10. Live life to the fullest, which includes allowing yourself to truly love and be loved and taking full advantage of the new opportunities alopecia opens to you.

Cheryl Carvery and richard jones (rj) encourage you to share these 10 helpful suggestions with others who are dealing with alopecia.

Discussion Forum

Scaring Alopecia

Started by Peace Apr 20, 2017. 0 Replies

Newly balding

Started by Momuv2. Last reply by Momuv2 Aug 23, 2015. 2 Replies

just diagnosed and scared...

Started by Catia. Last reply by Aly Dec 18, 2014. 5 Replies

How do I do this?

Started by MelodyAutumn. Last reply by Nov 18, 2014. 6 Replies

Development of AA

Started by Cam. Last reply by Nov 10, 2014. 1 Reply

New to this...

Started by ladyeury. Last reply by wtfsamikinz Nov 8, 2014. 2 Replies

Just diagnosed

Started by Kteacher. Last reply by alopeciamommy Nov 1, 2014. 9 Replies

Children with alopecia in New Zealand

Started by MummyWendy. Last reply by alopeciamommy Nov 1, 2014. 1 Reply

Getting Past the Pain - Three Things You Need to Know

Started by Oct 13, 2014. 0 Replies


Started by bobbi. Last reply by BarbaraK Oct 5, 2014. 8 Replies

B-12 shots

Started by Michelle Jun 27, 2014. 0 Replies

Just realized it's probably not coming back...

Started by SBXBlackJade. Last reply by Angie Jun 16, 2014. 1 Reply

Question About AA and Eyelashes

Started by Michelle. Last reply by Kathryn Jun 11, 2013. 6 Replies

It's been a (long) Year

Started by Marissa. Last reply by Fay May 28, 2013. 5 Replies

New to this World

Started by Jackie E.. Last reply by Catia May 28, 2013. 9 Replies

Trying to learn how to move forward

Started by Lindsay Rossi. Last reply by Lindsay Rossi Apr 12, 2013. 3 Replies

Unpigmented regrowth?

Started by Jaclyn. Last reply by Annette Mar 30, 2013. 9 Replies

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Newly Diagnosed with Alopecia to add comments!

Comment by Dawn on March 12, 2010 at 1:54am
I hate the stress comment, too. It's beyond annoying and quite frankly, wrong. My hair loss is hormonal. Apolecia areata, totalis and universialis is from a auntoimmune disorder where your immunie system attacks and rejects the hair follicles. Doctors don't know much about hair loss, and they are reluctant (it seems) to learn more and they lean on old wives tales.
Comment by Stephanie on March 9, 2010 at 10:12am
That is obnoxious! A lot of my friends think my hair will grow back too but in their case I think they are being hopeful for me. In your case, being accused of paranoia is unkind and frankly ignorant. I would suggest they google AU and leave it at that. I think it's okay to ask them to refrain from bringing it up with you. Another thought is what Mary does (pretty sure it's Mary). She hands out cards that give a simple explanation of Alopecia. Good luck and welcome!
Comment by Leah Larson on March 9, 2010 at 10:08am
The stress of it growing back and falling out again is terrible. I don't miss running to the doctor monthly for painful shots, not knowing how bad it would eventually get....although I never expected I'd turn Totalis, let alone Universalis! Look on and order a cute wig with a comfortable liner. You won't miss having to wash and style your hair everyday! It's devastating at first, but everything happens for a reason and you have a lot of support via this site! Let me know how I can be of assistance through your transformation.
Comment by Michelle on March 9, 2010 at 8:52am
can some one please help me. I was recently diagnosed with Alopecia universalis. and knowing my hair my hair will most probably never grow back (well i'm in the beginning stages of it) In South-africa no one is really aware of Alopecia and trying to explain it to ppl as well as i can from info i got. Some one told me i'm paranoid and this is nothing my hair will grow back in the next year. how do you deal with some one like that. no matter what you tell them they keep on telling you, your paranoid.
Comment by Dawn on March 9, 2010 at 12:10am
I think I'll just keep it short for now.
Comment by Leah Larson on January 19, 2010 at 9:51am
Don't shave it, just see what happens and get a wig for "back up". You won't miss hair anywhere besides your lashes & head anyway! Think of how quickly you'll be able to get ready for work when you just have to pop a wig on.
Comment by Dawn on January 19, 2010 at 1:10am
My hair has thinning out greatly since I was dx'd and joined aw. I had it cut really short. I'm starting to wander if I need to go wig shopping. The spot on my crown is slowly spreading. ugh. I was having it hard today, but my dog was there being supportive. If its gets worse, I'm planning on shaving, but not before I own a wig.
Comment by JET on December 1, 2009 at 10:27pm
Hello; I just wanted to stop by and say Hello. Have a wonderful week. God bless you.

Comment by Leah Larson on November 16, 2009 at 9:48am
I took those treatments for 15 years.....falls out, grows back and starts over somewhere else. Eventually mine turned into universalis......I remember how much the injections hurt....don't miss them at all! Good luck, hope you can hide the spots with hair spray or scarves......
Comment by Allison Miller on November 14, 2009 at 3:08am
I just found out I had alopecia yesterday. I lost my all my hair once at 5 but it all grew right back. The doctors said they did not know what it was and I never thought anything else of it. But a couple of days ago I found a bald spot about the size of a quarter, withing just a couple days it has grown alot! I went to the dermatologist and she told me what it was...same thing that happened as a kid.
She gave me steriod injections in my head ouch...right after I found out what it was...still kinda confused about all of this.
She said it may come back, and stop falling out...
From anyones past experiance, what do you think? Does this sound like it will get worse or do steroids usually work? How long will it take to fall out if it does? uhhhh...I don't know where to find answers.

Members (545)



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