Featured Blog Posts – May 2013 Archive (37)

I am new to Alopecia World, I am here hoping to cope

Too many typos: type on my smartphone...my fingers hurt :(

On May 29, 2013 my doctor confirmed alopecia areata... For the past 3months I began to realized an unusual amount of hair shedding wayyyy to much than your regular day by day hair falling. I will break down in tears while showering, thinking the worse was happening to me I imagine writing a will for my sons, planning my death, and wondering what type of cancer I had. Last month, I decided to take a deeper look at my scalp. I… Continue

Added by Astrids Extras on May 31, 2013 at 2:30am — 8 Comments

I just decided...

It's now... after another dermatologist opinion and tired of this stressing hair loss i decided... Tired of waking up everyday and saw them at my pillow, tired of being afraid of touching my hair, washing it and brushing it, tired of being sad about my bald spots i'll save it! In a few minutes i'll become bald! thanks everyone from all the support, best regards, Cátia

Added by Catia on May 30, 2013 at 10:30am — 22 Comments

Reactions to my alopecia

I'm feeling pretty frustrated right now, so sorry for ranting. I'm just really confused by all of the reactions to my hair loss. My mother is acting like it's the end of the world and keeps telling me how sorry she is, even my dad keeps muttering things like, "it's not fair," and then my friends (the few who know) are acting like I'm a huge, to quote them directly, "drama bomb." I excitedly told my friend that I got a hair piece, and she responded by saying, "Yeah, I know. What's the big…


Added by Madeline on May 30, 2013 at 12:46am — 39 Comments

First step: getting a short haircut

So that's it: I'll be bald in the future.

I have androgenetic alopecia and after much searching, go to several doctors, do a lot of things to keep the hair on the head I realized that it is not worth having all this psychological (and financial!!) distress just to maintain aesthetics. It may work for others but not for me.

I'm 25, I've always had long hair, but after a time of confrontation with alopecia I decided that the best thing is to adapt to the inevitable! My alopecia is at…


Added by Carol Martins on May 29, 2013 at 12:37pm — 6 Comments

Hair negotiations

Lately it seems the hardest part of the day is getting out of bed – not because I don’t want to get up, but because bed is safe. Getting out of bed means a couple of things – 1. It means that I will inevitably look at the pillow and space around my head to see if I have shed any hairs, and 2. It means I will need to get in the shower and go through the more-often-than-not painful process of seeing what falls out post-shower.

I used to be more concerned about the hairs in the bed…


Added by Jennifer on May 28, 2013 at 6:10pm — 5 Comments

Acceptance and being HAPPY

Hello everyone I'm 19 and i got diagnosed with alopecia about 5 months ago. I've lost about 50% of my hair now.

As it was i was already uncomfortable around people with a full head of hair, i went to therapy for social anxiety about a year ago, the hair loss has not made that much easier.

But lately, I've decided i need to stop feeling sorry for myself. If tears could bring back my hair i would have had a full head of hair a long time ago and then enough to make a wig for everyone…


Added by Vane on May 28, 2013 at 3:04pm — 2 Comments

Just diagnosed and worried

Hi everyone, i'm Catia, i'm 24 years old and i'm from Portugal... first of all it's really nice and confortable to realise that there are many people with this problem and it really help us to understand what we are felling about ourselfs... I'm still not completely acepting that i'm losing my hair and that i can be bald... 2 months ago i found one big spot without hair on my head, i was surprised but not very worried to be honest. I went to see my family doctor, she told me with was a…


Added by Catia on May 27, 2013 at 3:00pm — 3 Comments

Does anyone have AA that seems to move around?

Does anyone have AA that seems to move around? I lost my hair in the back a year ago, that filled in (mostly), then I lost hair at my temples and behind my ears and on top of head, that is filling in but have lost hair all around it now. Just wondering if anyone else has this same pattern happen and their experiences.

Added by Kara on May 27, 2013 at 11:41am — 3 Comments

Melting eyebrows

I live in Arizona and pencil my eyebrows in. Has anyone found a product that actually lasts and does not melt off. I wear bangs so that I can hide my eyebrows as much as possible. I am noticing that it is making the front of my hair oily. Any suggestions on that also.

Added by sully on May 26, 2013 at 12:30am — 5 Comments

Eyelashes and eyebrows for men. Any reccomendations?

Hello everyone. I've been googling for fake eyelashes and eyebrows for men, but i can't find anything, almost everything is for women.
Please recommend and share your experiences with fake eyelashes and eyebrows.

I have AU and already had tried tattoo my eyebrows some years ago, hated it, they looked unnatural, so i'm thinking about a eyebrow wig. Any advice would be welcomed.

Added by Nik4 on May 22, 2013 at 8:36pm — 5 Comments

Help to raise awareness

Hi I'm Natalie

I am 25yo old and I have Alopecia Universalis for many years I've had to hide my alopecia, for the reason that not many people are aware of the condition, so I would like to raise awareness about the condition and raise some funds for the Australia Alopecia Areata Foundation AAAF.

I will be participating in the Stadium Stomp without my wig, which i wear every day.

I've registered to participate in Stadium Stomp, Australia's longest consecutive stair climb to…


Added by Natalie Martin on May 22, 2013 at 4:00pm — 3 Comments

Now you see it, now you don't, now ... well sort of!!

Hi I am Judy

About four and a half years ago my hair suddenly went flat and started falling out, my long dark eyelashes dropped off, my eyebrows disappeared and after four months I was totally bald. Every bit of hair over my whole body disappeared. I had been to Doctors and a Specialist and they said this is Alopecia Universalis (total body hair loss).

The plus side of this is that it saved me a fortune in leg waxing and hairdressers.

And just for another kicker, I was…


Added by Judy Woolley on May 22, 2013 at 3:16pm — 1 Comment

Rosanna's LOVE U Formula

I just wanted to share my recent appearance on the news on KMIR6 in Palm Springs. I hope my LOVE U formula is helpful! It definitely helped me and my coaching clients.

Added by Rosanna on May 22, 2013 at 1:30pm — 4 Comments

One step closer to making a difference

After going from having small bald patches that would grow back over a few months, to losing 98% of my hair and half an eyebrow—the journey has been far from easy. I look back now, and cringe over how I would stress out when I discovered tiny little patches that were covered by the thick head of hair I once had.

How I would whinge because my hair was too thick, boring and normal when I was younger, along with other image issues.

How I would kid with my best friend whether he'd…


Added by Amy-Rose on May 22, 2013 at 2:02am — 33 Comments


In the past few weeks, I've really changed. Changed in the sense that I'm not allowing myself to hide that I have alopecia anymore. I'm no longer considering it a 'secret'. I shouldn't be ashamed of it, because alopecia is apart of me, and I will not be ashamed of myself. It was difficult to talk about it before to my family, and even worse when I talked about it to my best friend. I would always end up crying. But recently, I told more of my friends, without a single tear, and they…


Added by Jackie on May 22, 2013 at 12:15am — 28 Comments

What to wear on my bald head for labor/ delivery?

I have AU and think I'd be happier/ more comfortable bald during the labor/ delivery. But I don't want all my pictures with me bald... I was thinking some type of head covering- but something not too obviously (bald underneath) for the posterity of my photos! Any suggestions? I think I will bring my wig to wear home from the hospital. But I do want to get some pics shortly after the birth and want to look ok.


Added by lgp on May 21, 2013 at 12:31pm — 6 Comments

Who's attending NAAF 2013 conference?

I don't know if anyone has started a blog about this, but since I just registered to attend my first NAAF conference in St. Louis June 27-30, I'm curious which of my AW friends are attending.

Who's going?

Added by Mary on May 20, 2013 at 6:30pm — 47 Comments

Now or later

I am almost finished with sixth grade I only have five more days. The thing is I am contemplating whether or not to shave my had now or wait until August I was wondering what you guys think. I was thinking wait so I don't get a sunburn on my head but also if I waited I could get teased and made fun of behind my back, but that would be okay with me as long as they didn't do it to my face. On the other hand though, I could shave it now and risk getting it sunburnt and have hair when school…


Added by Jessica Hoschouer on May 19, 2013 at 2:30pm — 6 Comments

Just diagnosed

I was diagnosed with alopecia areata a few weeks ago. I noticed a bald patch on my crown when getting ready for prom, which was a huge shock. I went to the dermatologist the next week, and he found 3 other patches. I got the steroid injections, and hair is starting to slowly come back in. Unfortunately, more hair is falling out near the patches, in the places that I did not receive injections (they only did about 15). The patch on my crown is growing to the size of a large palm, and I can no…


Added by Madeline on May 17, 2013 at 3:30pm — 6 Comments

The employment issue

Hi everyone. I have AU, which developed after I left the working world due to a disability. I am considering trying to go back to work, but realized when it came time to thinking about interviews, that I am going to have to explain my disease in order for the interviewer to not think I am sick with cancer. I know that it may not sound like a big deal, but I am really not happy that I don't have much of a choice if I want to continue to live free from binding, headache producing wigs! I feel…


Added by Tracey on May 17, 2013 at 3:30pm — 3 Comments

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