Featured Blog Posts – June 2010 Archive (66)

A good way to have fun with a bald head

Hi again

Sorry again if there are any misspellings or grammer mess ups. Anyway I am going to talk about a few ways of having fun with your bald head. One way I had fun with my bald head in school and outside of school was when holidays came around I would yet the other kids paint hearts, clovers, eggs, christmas trees, menorahes, and many other things. lol It was great and the other kids and everyone else thought it was awesome!! I would also let the younger kids put stickers on my head.… Continue

Added by Samantha White on June 30, 2010 at 7:59pm — 3 Comments


I think one of the things that scares me the most about my hair loss is the fact that I may not be able to find someone who will love and except me for who i am. I have lived as an out bisexual for a couple of years now, and i always wondered if women would be more accepting to this condition than men. In all honesty though, i think that both sex's can be a bit shallow when it comes to stuff like this. Sighs...i'm just not sure these days. But i do hope that the woman..or man that decides to be… Continue

Added by Danielle Pace on June 30, 2010 at 2:51am — 13 Comments

Need help with my family

I grew up with alopecia since the age of two my son is developing it now and my wife is taking it very hard. To me it is not a big deal since I did ok with it. I do not understand why she feels so down and am seeing how in many ways Alopecia has a bigger effect on people the love you more than yourself. If I can get some suggestions on how I should handle the situation I would appreciate it.

Added by Antonio (Tony) Rivera on June 29, 2010 at 8:02pm — 4 Comments

Treatment not working on my 7 year old little girl

Hello everyone! I am sure that you have heard this before. All the treatments that my little girl has been on have not helped or helped much. Kate is on Prednisone-10mg right now. She started loosing her hair in Nov. 2009. I took her to Childrens Hospital in Denver CO and she saw a great Derm. Doctor that specializes in Alopecia. We went through topical treatments, shots, and now Steroids. I hate them and what it is doing to her. She is so emotional!! She cries at anything that would never… Continue

Added by Rhonda Pillard on June 29, 2010 at 5:38pm — 4 Comments

Thomas & Alopecia Awareness Article

My son Thomas has been featured in an Alopecia Awareness article today in the Home News Tribune and The Courier News, both central NJ newspapers, or online at www.mycentraljersey.com . You may click on the health tab once at the website and you will see Thomas 7 and also below that there is another article on Alopecia awareness, Alopecia support group meets in New Brunswick.

Thomas wanted to raise awareness and since… Continue

Added by Maritza Stern on June 29, 2010 at 10:37am — 1 Comment

Almost a Year

It's hard to believe that it's almost been a year since I shaved my head. This time last year I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror, I was having anxiety attacks every time I took a shower or worked out because my hair was coming out in handfuls. I was fortunate enough to have a couple of friends that I told what was happening and they were a great support system they both offered to shave my head. When I did shave my head I felt better in that I felt like I was taking some control over… Continue

Added by Trixie on June 28, 2010 at 11:08pm — 4 Comments

Just To Talk

Ok this is the first time I've ever done this. So sorry for any misspellings and bad grammar. Sssssssoooooooooo sorry if its bad or something like that. OK well I just wanted to talk....what about? I got no idea. But I guess just talking about something is the best thing. So here I go.

Since I was about 18 months old (I am now 20 years old) I have been slowly over the years losing my hair. I have what is known as alopecia. Its not life threatening or anything like that I just have an… Continue

Added by Samantha White on June 28, 2010 at 2:00am — 3 Comments

Share your NAAF conference experience on Alopecia World :-)

The 2010 NAAF conference in Indianapolis, IN, is amazing!

Several members of Alopecia World are present and some are even making a positive difference as group facilitators and in various other volunteer capacities.

Cameras are everywhere, too.

Therefore, we encourage each of you in attendance to upload your NAAF conference photos and videos to http://www.alopeciaworld.com

We also encourage you to blog about your NAAF…


Added by Alopecia World on June 26, 2010 at 5:00pm — 3 Comments

Kayla Martell to be featured on The Early Show and Fox & Friends next Monday and Tuesday


Newly Crowned Miss Delaware 2010 Kayla Martell

To Be Featured on The Early Show and Fox & Friends

Mon. & Tues., June 28 & 29

Tune in to CBS' The Early Show on Monday, June 28 @ 8 a.m. ET* for the newly crowned Miss Delaware 2010 Kayla Martell as she talks about living her life with alopecia and promotes the opportunities the Miss America Scholarship Program has provided her.

On Tuesday, June 29 @ 8:20 a.m. ET* Fox… Continue

Added by Rhonda on June 26, 2010 at 11:36am — 5 Comments

Comming to terms with hair loss

When my first patch of hair fell out, I was horrified. I had never heard of Alopecia until that time. I later found out that my father lost his hair due to alopecia by the time he was about 35 years old. I didn't begin loosing mine until I was about 45. I am now 55 and going thorough the worst hair loss I have ever experienced. I go back and forth between worry, anger and acceptance. Sometimes I wish it would hurry up and all fall out so I won't have to worry any more. I think about shaving,… Continue

Added by Anne Williams on June 25, 2010 at 11:04pm — 1 Comment

I have made up my mind

Look out world here I come...

As many of you may know, I have been an emotional wreck since I first found a bald spot in the back of my head months and months ago. It has been quite a ride, and this site has been such a blessing to me. To recap my experience...

My hair all fell out when I was five, and it all grew back. We had no idea why it happened but we figured that it was a freak thing and would not happen again. So then my freshman year of college I scratch the back… Continue

Added by Allison Miller on June 24, 2010 at 5:57am — 14 Comments

Kayla Martell was in USA TODAY - some have suggested getting her on OPRAH to share about Alopecia - Need your help


It was brought to my attention that Oprah is looking for the public to suggest a person that they want to see interviewed before her show ends in 2011. Some have said how great it would be to have Kayla on to represent Alopecians worldwide - especially since she will be competing for Miss America on Jan 15, 2010 in Las Vegas Nevada.

If… Continue

Added by Rhonda on June 23, 2010 at 10:12pm — 2 Comments


Ive been a member of this site for a few months probably but this is my first time on the site. I am 22 years old and starting developing alopecia about a year ago now, it started with a small spot . It progressed and got to the poinjt i shaved my head and purchased a wig. I am a recovering Anorexic, and have suffered for 6 years, doctors think this may play a part in my hairloss. I also am having hormonal issues too, which may be affecting my hair too. Its a big puzzle really.

Anyway… Continue

Added by Mjay on June 23, 2010 at 7:58pm — 4 Comments


ok well like wat is the difference between the diferent types of alopecia cuz no one ever told me the differences between them plzzz help me understand

Added by lex on June 23, 2010 at 5:49pm — 1 Comment

NAAF 2010 Indianapolis

Hi Everyone,

I hope your Summer is off to a great start!
We're off to the 25th Annual NAAF Conference in less than 48 hours!
I cant wait to see all my friends and make some new ones!


Added by JeffreySF on June 23, 2010 at 12:57am — 4 Comments

My life

well my names alexandra but everyone calls me lexi so i just go by that but i lost my hair when i was 2 years old and well it grew back then i would just lose it in patches but in 5th grade i finally got a big patch. then when i was heading in to 7th grade i had to shave my head cuz i knew people would be cruel bout how i lookd and at the time i did have a boyfriend who i didnt want him to be made fun of for dating a girl like me so i bought my first wig and it was for me and him but then… Continue

Added by lex on June 22, 2010 at 9:30pm — 4 Comments

One year on...

Wow, has it really been so long since I posted on here??? I used to trawl this wonderful site numerous times daily searching for hope and kindred spirits. What a help it has been, and I'm a little ashamed to neglect it in recent weeks.

Alopecia has actually been in my life for over 20 months, but it went into overdrive a year ago, and turned me into a stressed out/anxious/depressed wreck.

One year on, and I'm doing really well (the turning point actually happened after… Continue

Added by Robert on June 22, 2010 at 5:27pm — 2 Comments

Still Losing

My 3 yrs old is not getting any better she is continuing to lose all of her hair i asked her today if she wanted to get it all cut off because all she has is a little in the back she said no mommy i told her ok u will always be mommy beautiful baby

Added by Cindy Dyson on June 22, 2010 at 12:00pm — 2 Comments


Haven't been updated for a long time, I think it's still the same as those pictures I posted 2 months ago. Slow progress, hairs are growing longer, but those bald patches are still there. Last two months, I have blisters almost everytime after the treatment. So the doctor decided to decrease the DCP concentration to 0.5%, instead of 2%. This week is better, at least, no more blister but the itchiness is still there, kind of desire effect. will see how its going.

Added by dawn on June 21, 2010 at 9:45pm — No Comments

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