July 2020 Blog Posts (5)

Happy International Alopecia Day!

BE PROUD AND BE VISIBLE by flooding social media

with your International Alopecia Day photos and greetings!


IAD is a way to raise public awareness, AND to…


Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on July 29, 2020 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Married to Mental Illness, a story about Alopecia from the other side.

I don’t have Alopecia, anxiety or depression. I haven’t had suicidal thoughts roam the sacred space of my mind, nor have I been bullied for my appearance. I am not familiar with the feeling of a panic attack or crippling social anxiety and, I have never felt so deeply overcome with mental pain that I couldn’t breathe. But - I was there for Leon through all of the above and this absolutely devastated me.

When you love someone, everything becomes a simultaneous…


Added by Jess Tsigros on July 25, 2020 at 11:16pm — 2 Comments

The day I shared Leon's Alopecia story...

We hope our story raises awareness about the devastating psychological and physical effects of alopecia, brings some comfort to others dealing with mental health issues and is a reminder to never question, assume, judge or comment on someone’s appearance.

“Sorry, I didn’t recognise you mate” – the unintentional and heartbreaking words that Leon has heard daily for quite some time now. Also a strong motivator that it was time to go public with this.

So, what did happen to Leon?…


Added by Jess Tsigros on July 20, 2020 at 2:00am — No Comments

It's NOT "JUST" Hair - Alopecia & Depression

People with depression often feel like they can’t express themselves without judgement. There is a stigma that mental illness isn’t as worthy as a physical illness. People are less forgiving and sympathetic when it comes to mental pain. To me they are two of the same, except physical illness isn’t loaded with shame. It’s easier to comfort someone when they say “my stomach hurts” rather than “my heart is broken” and the reality is most of us would prefer to call in sick with a “migraine”…


Added by Jess Tsigros on July 20, 2020 at 1:58am — 1 Comment

International Alopecia Day 2020!

SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 will be the 11th annual International Alopecia Day (IAD) - the day to celebrate worldwide who we are.

This year, due to the pandemic, International Alopecia Day organizers request that we all will need to follow CDC and your local health department guidelines about social distancing and safety.

But, even if you can't have the…


Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on July 13, 2020 at 10:00pm — No Comments

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