All Blog Posts (5,825)

Bald Is Beautiful

I know you miss your hair. It was once shiny and long, and now it’s gone. I get it. I know you look at yourself with great disappointment now when you gaze into the mirror. But I wish you could see that bald is beautiful.…


Added by PrincessElla on January 17, 2017 at 11:19am — 1 Comment

Iowa Meeting for Alopecia

We are going to have a meeting with a group of Alopecian's in the Des Moines, Iowa area on Feb. 4th, the leader Liz Albrecht  at Studio 409, address  1721  25th St., West Des Moines, Ia 50266. It will be an open house.  If you are interested please call Liz at this number 515-360-3816. If you know anyone in Iowa please let them know as we want to get this up and going.

Added by Jackm on January 16, 2017 at 4:06pm — No Comments

Meet Ella The Enchanted Princess

She is a very special little girl. She is a beautiful princess with big purple-blue eyes and pink heart-shaped lips! She wasn’t any ordinary princess; she was very special and an amazingly brave little girl! Ella was born with no hair, and this made her unique. She doesn't like the way she looks and hates looking into mirrors.

I wrote a book and illustrated it, to…


Added by PrincessElla on January 15, 2017 at 9:00am — No Comments

Xeljanz XR

Today is my first day to try Xeljanz XR. I will try and blog about my experiences to hopefully help others. About me, I'm mid 30's married with a young child. Lost my hair all over (Universalis) twice in my lifetime, this being the second. The first was when I was 11 years old. Miraculously it all grew back after 3 years of no hair except my arms and most of my legs which I did not complain about one bit. I was pretty much alopecia free for over 20 years and NEVER thought it would happen…


Added by TexasGirl on January 13, 2017 at 10:47pm — 22 Comments

My introduction to Alopecia Universalis


I have had Alopecia for about half a year now, and am still not sure how to feel about it. I am also not used to blogging. I have however been wondering how others experience the disease, and due to this decided to put my short experience with it up here for others to compare with.

I am 46 years old and have always had lots of thick hair. During the summer 2016, my wife commented that i was loosing more hair than usual, and I too noticed the thinning of my hair. At…


Added by Michael on January 11, 2017 at 3:28pm — 2 Comments

Topical Ruxolitinib clinical trail

who attend the clinical trail for Topical Ruxolitinib for AA? what is the result? when the report will be available? and who attend the clinical trail for Toptical Ruxolitinb for vitiligo? what is the result? when the report will be available?  thanks

Added by LIU CHUNXIU on January 8, 2017 at 11:47pm — No Comments

Figuring out what being twenty-four is all about

Hi, all!

I am new to this.. blog posting that is and I thought this would help not only myself after 10 years of knowing I have Alopecia, understand it, but others as well. I was told about having Alopecia in Middle School, for me it started out as small quarter size spots on the top of my head. I began to clip my hair back to hide them and soon after started seeing my dermatologist to seek treatment. Treating small three spots is easy... applying my topical treatment daily…


Added by MegElisabeth on January 6, 2017 at 3:00pm — 2 Comments


First time someone asked me "is that a wig" while chilling in a pub
A stanger non the less
And it made me upset more then it should and instead of standing up saying I have alopecia and explaining, I was just sat there embarrassed thinking OMG it looks like a wig
First time ever been asked and feel a bit rubbish and upset. Near left the bar but thought why should I.
The wig does not define me

Added by KFlame on January 6, 2017 at 1:56pm — 3 Comments

Lichen Planopilaris

Hi there. I am new to the Alopecia world and i am finding it extremely difficult to come to terms with the condition i have been told i have :((

My name is Karalina and i am a young healthy 53 yr old woman who eats well and is a fitness enthusiast, outgoing and loves life and lives in London.

I have just recently been diagnosed with Lichen planopilaris and frontal fibrosing Alopecia in October 2016, after having a biopsy taken. My symptoms started earlier in the…


Added by Karalina on January 2, 2017 at 12:03pm — 5 Comments

My TEDx talk!

If you are interested, I recently gave a TED talk in Richland, WA. It's about creating a document of self-definition.

Hope you enjoy it.

Added by Marie on January 1, 2017 at 11:30am — No Comments


I generally feel lucky at the moment.

I've had alopecia all my life. I've had wigs for about 14 years. Looking back at some shocking styles..

Yes there are days it bugs me having a wig esp when the thing won't sit right, that I get fed up with it. I want to change it. One horrific moment it blew off in a busy city and my boyfriend shouted like it was my fault lol I laugh now as I understand he was just embarrassed as I was :)

I've been experimenting with drawing on… Continue

Added by KFlame on December 30, 2016 at 2:00pm — No Comments


Hi guys!

Really nice to meet you all)) My name is Dasha and I first had AA when I was 11. It was closer to AU. I lived in Ukraine back then and of course docs didn't know what the alopecia means or how to treat it. So I tried  (literally) every possible treatment. Long story short I wore wig for 3 years in school. That was depressing. Since I'm from a small town and kids can be really mean to someone who is different.  

After 3 years my hair just started to grow back. Not sure…


Added by Di_girl on December 15, 2016 at 5:19pm — 4 Comments

Use your difference

One of the groups on is called “Use Your Difference!" and it reminds me that there are many ways you can use your alopecia to help others.


For example, right here on, you can make it a habit to send…


Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on December 14, 2016 at 3:40am — 3 Comments

Is it okay mixing essential oils, steroids, and Rogaine?

I just was curious if anyone had any knowledge about mixing the three of these treatments. I want to use lemongrass essential oil, but I also use a topical steroid and Rogaine treatments consistently. Does any one know if I should not try all three at once? Or if it doesn't matter because they won't affect each other? I am constantly left in this dilemma. Looking for answers.

Thank you

Added by RachelJay on December 13, 2016 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Trying to come to terms with my alopecia

Hi, everyone.

I'm new to this website but I should have been on here a while ago. I am 22 years old, and I was diagnosed with a diffuse form of Alopecia Areata in August of 2015. I am writing because I just need support from others who have gone through, or going through what I am . No one around me understands what I am going through (and I don't blame them), but it is extremely difficult to get through it and talk about it with people who don't understand. My goal is to come to…


Added by RachelJay on December 13, 2016 at 10:30am — 13 Comments

Potentially reversing alopecia?

Before I share anything, I want to share my story. I've had alopecia since I was in elementary. I completely lost all of my hair in 7th grade. Ever since then I've been completely bald and after a while, fully embraced it. No longer wanting to grow my hair back. Ever since I got into college, I really loved the idea of nutrition and feeding the body what it truly needs which made me stumble upon a world renown Dr. who is one of the few that has researched alopecia. He has created a set of…


Added by Modern Monarch on December 12, 2016 at 6:30pm — 8 Comments

Depression and alopecia: A match made in heaven

Alopecia has plagued my life for almost 7 years (I am 19 now). For the first two years after I was diagnosed the alopecia was extremely mild and also came and went. The only things that were affected were small patches on the back and sides of my head which quickly filled in. The Alopecia wasn't affecting me as much as it is now.

When I was sixteen, it started to get worse and more permanent. By the end of the school year I only had half an eyebrow on each side and a bit of loss on my…


Added by Jack on December 8, 2016 at 11:00am — 2 Comments

Alopecia only on body. Anyone else out there? Can this develop to appreciate universalist?


I am very new to your site. My son is 10 years old and he has alopecia only on his body/ not head, eyebrows and eyelashes. I was wondering if there is anyone else out there with the same issue as I am really worry how it's going to develop.

He was born like this. He never has any hair all-over his body. When he was 4year old, his eyebrows started to fall off, took him to the doctor as I didn't had any idea of alopecia. Doctor informed me and gave us a liquot medicine. Two… Continue

Added by DespinaCy on December 3, 2016 at 6:49am — No Comments

New member...

Hi, everyone. I just found out I have FFA. Going through all the emotion that you all know about. Looking forward to connecting with this community. Wondering if there is anyone else out there from Denver. 

Added by Kathy in Denver on November 24, 2016 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Xeljanz (tofacitinib) Where to buy in Mexico?

I wanted to make a post about this because I found a post here where one person found this product in Mexico and it had TONS of responses in the comment section asking on how to get it. Ive personally messaged the gal who said she bought it in Mexico and it seems shes not responding even though shes added me as a friend here.

I dont want to explain the whole low down on all the scientific findings of Xeljanz, but in short some people have found it to help regrow hair in cases of…


Added by Anonymous1103 on November 15, 2016 at 7:24pm — 2 Comments

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