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Rant about that courier guy

Last week I encountered a rather inquisitive courier. He looked at me and asked straight out, "Is that your real hair?" Feeling annoyed at his lack of sensitivity, i just looked at him. Also, I was caught off guard as nobody has ever asked me before! Most people that see me with my wig on just asks me where I get my hair done because it looks good. :) So I guess I can let just one guy slide..

But it doesn't end there. The courier guy continues with, "oh i guess it's your…

Added by Clara S. on February 21, 2010 at 5:13am — 7 Comments

How annoying!

Does anyone else get this?

I went into town with my mum for a bit of a girly day out shopping really. We were queuing to pay, and with it being half term holidays, we were next to a mum with her two young daughters. The youngest, about 4 or 5 years old, kept staring at me and whispering to her sister, "That girls got no hair". okay I can accept that. I'm sure I would have at her age. then she turns around to her mum, "That girls got no hair". okay, a little annoying now. once…


Added by Lizzie on February 19, 2010 at 6:43pm — 4 Comments

Loving Our Bald Selves

If we can face life’s challenges feeling good about ourselves, we can

often meet those challenges with more

clarity, more determination, and more

understanding. At no time is such love

of self more important than when fighting

cancer. Yet many women find their

love of self becomes compromised by

the emotions stirred when they find a

bald, “sick-looking” person staring back

at them in the mirror. Even women who

rise above self-deflating…


Added by Susan Beausang on February 19, 2010 at 2:00pm — 3 Comments

There and back again

Hard to believe that it's been so long since I've posted anything here. Hope everyone here is doing well. My own journey over the past 8 months has taken me to many places…some new, some not so new, some I’d rather forget and be done with. My alopecia continues, primarily in the background as I continue to adapt, yet occasionally offers…


Added by Tony on February 19, 2010 at 7:13am — 1 Comment

I love to feel alive!

Ok, today I just finished ten days straight with no day off, not including school on four out of those ten days! So, currently I am listening to SHOTS by LMFAO and 3 by Britney Spears, because tonight I'm going out!

Look out town, I'm coming out tonight, and I ain't holding back nothing!

This blog is different from the last… Continue

Added by suzie on February 18, 2010 at 5:42pm — 6 Comments

updated ver1.0 Tired of being tired - here's how I see it

Heres how i see it. What do us Alopicians all have in common, at fist glance it appears nothing, you could say the same thing about people who have athletes foot or fungal nails, kids, men ,women, healthy and other wise all can get athletes foot and fungal nails what the commonality,... you got it a third unwelcomed party Microbial pathogens they have been around forever and evolve and can adapt. I did some detailed research about these little critters turns out there are many types of… Continue

Added by George Ortiz on February 18, 2010 at 12:30am — 3 Comments

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

"We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our own past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our present actions; so we have to know how to act."

Added by Dotty on February 17, 2010 at 9:42am — 1 Comment


i've had AA for a few years now.. it started as an ophiasis type that slowly progressed to nearly AT.. it's hard everyday having less hair than the day before, and knowing that it will only get worse as the days go by. i've seen doctors, had injections, tried dpcp, tried acupuncture, lots of time and money and emotionally draining each time i start a new treatment with high hopes that end up in disappointment. luckily my husband is so supportive and lifts my spirits when i am feeling low.. so i… Continue

Added by Sooyeon Lee on February 17, 2010 at 2:10am — 2 Comments

Guilty Crack Head

I have had Alopecia Areata for about 20 years. The first time it fell out I lost most of my hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows. Then some grew back, but not all of it. A few years later a friend who was a nurse told me to try P.U.V.A. which I did and to my surprise all of my hair grew back 100%!!! Of course as you all know there is no cure and when I stopped the…


Added by Devin on February 16, 2010 at 11:12pm — 17 Comments


This weekend has made me reflect on a lot of things. When my hair first started to fall out, the thing that seemed the most scary to me was meeting a guy and having to tell him about my alopecia. Then when I got my wig I gained a lot more confidence, and telling someone didn't seem so scary, in my mind. I have now lost 3/4's of my hair....the other quarter, which I was certain would have gone by now is still hanging in there. I have really come to terms with losing my hair and it's something…


Added by Sarah McA on February 16, 2010 at 6:45am — 10 Comments

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."

Added by Dotty on February 14, 2010 at 9:51pm — 2 Comments

Head Jewels

Many of us aspire to be more like our wonderful AW role model, Crowned Regal. Last night I tried a little bit of "royalty" on my head - I wore some glue-on head jewels for the first time. I bought a kit online last year from a company that supports women with hair loss due to cancer, called "Crown Jewels", but I hadn't found the right moment to try the look.

For my first attempt at head decoration, I chose all-red jewels and wore them to a Valentine's Day folk dance party. I…


Added by Mary on February 14, 2010 at 8:33pm — 10 Comments

Angel from Montgomery

We were an odd couple. He is half Japanese and half Brazilian. He is very dark skinned though, he doesn't look Japanese at all. He was born and raised in Japan. I was born in Seoul, South Korea but raised in America. I am again 4'10, and he is about 6'5 or 6'6. He had baggy jeans sagged because of his biker chain, which went from his back wallet to his front loop for his belt. He had a red and white plaid long sleeve shirt, his sleeves rolled high up with a black leather jacket, he looked good.… Continue

Added by suzie on February 14, 2010 at 6:13pm — No Comments

Just some thoughts

Sometimes i feel like my hair is a burden i know i really should be so happy that i am able to keep some of my hair as i see many other people on the site have lost it all. However sometimes i wonder if having nothing at all would in a sense set me free. I find myself constantly stressing about the development of new spots and the shedding of the hair i currently have. Its as if im trying to hold on so tight to whats left on my head i give it so much worth. When in reality hair… Continue

Added by Lacey on February 13, 2010 at 12:06pm — 6 Comments

Share The Love--Be Authentic!

This has been an exceptional week for me in my worklife as an instructor. For the first time since I shaved my scalp in '08, I chose to stand before a class of adults without a head cover. The positive reception was more than I expected. But more importantly than that, I had an opportunity to share Alopecia World with others who are experiencing alopecia in their lives. Mostly it was with women who have children or family members with the condition. And one man showed me his chronic bald…


Added by Galena on February 13, 2010 at 11:58am — 11 Comments


It burns... it hurts... it makes you want to rip your heart out.

I hate it when it ends the way it does.

I love it when is lasts the way it does.

Why does love hurt so much? I would have done anything for them, can't they see that?

Can't they understand?!

Can't they understand I no longer want to play games, right as I'm about to tell them this, they have already moved on. They have already thrown me out like an old paper bag. Done. Finished. Defeated. Worn… Continue

Added by suzie on February 13, 2010 at 12:41am — 1 Comment


My friend's bald dad and I have always had a joke about how bald people can find each other. So when we'd get seperated in a store or something, we'd take it upon ourselves to use this "power" to bring the group back together.

It may just be a joke, but at the same time I think it's fairly true. Not only am I easy to spot in a crowd, but bald heads always catch my eye. My family is always making jokes about how at conferences they would be like "Oh, there's Kristin!.. wait no.. Oh!..…


Added by Kristin on February 12, 2010 at 9:54pm — No Comments

Going out for Valentine's day this evening

My bride of 30 years and I are going to a very nice eating establishment this evening for Valentines Day. Made the reservations some time ago and my first question was not if I could get a reservation but, what is the required wear? Semi-formal present yourself as if you were going to church. So, that means I will hit the bigtime tonight and not wear a hat. Ready or not here I come or is it ready set go !!!

Added by Rick Seymour on February 12, 2010 at 10:45am — 3 Comments

Question about AA turning into Au

Hello all:

I have AA and yet I know very little about the ins and outs........ so to speak.

I lose patches very randomly used to be fall and spring but now I never know.

My brother also has been diagnosed with AA as of last year.

He was very lucky to have his patches ( head and beard) fill back in after approx 6mos.

But now he is losing it again and now is also losing on his legs and hands.

Is this normal for AA or could it be becoming AU.


Added by Dawn P on February 12, 2010 at 12:01am — 2 Comments

Read all about it! Autoimmune illness and vitamin D deficiencies

There is research relating autoimune disease, inflamation, and vitamin D deficiencies may all be related and infact a direct result of small intracellular bacteria that are thought to be the root cause of autoimmune illness.the cliff notes version is small intracellular bacterium invade the nuclei of many of the bodies cells over time

causing inflammation and chronic other words the invading bacteria stop the body from being able to properly regulate the…


Added by George Ortiz on February 11, 2010 at 6:00pm — 14 Comments

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