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One Eyebrow or No Eyebrow

Interesting times these's pretty great by almost any standard you can measure it, but this Alopecia thing has a way of getting in my craw every once in a while. Chalk it up to the pressure of life (yes, I'm a believer that the stress around me and in me is a major instigator for my Alopecia), and we're all feeling it somehow, but my left eyebrow all of a sudden - after a good 4 years of stability - decided to call it quits. The bigger problem in this predicament is that he didn't… Continue

Added by John Paul on November 24, 2008 at 8:43pm — No Comments


Hello everybody ! My name is Kristine and I have had alopecia since my early twentys. I am now 35 years of age. I started shaving my head about 2 and a half years ago. Boy, was that liberating ! Out of sight, out of mind for the most part... Now I'm really into hats and scarfs. I love wearing them. My husband shaves my head for me. It is sort of messy with all of these tiny hairs I end up finding on the bathroom floor or on my toothbrush days after a good buzzing.

Then I met this really… Continue

Added by Kristine on November 24, 2008 at 5:30pm — No Comments

hat wigs

Does anyone have a rec of where to get good ponytail in a baseball hat wig?

Added by JESS on November 23, 2008 at 7:27pm — 1 Comment

The Bald Woman Project 2009.

As an artist I've always enjoyed exploring ideas and asking questions through various mediums. From film, photography, stage plays to painting I love using these as doors to present questions to the world. Lord willin', sometime in 2009 I'll be able to put the art piece on exhibit.

I'd like to get some ideas from my fellow alopecians about some projects that you'd like to see featuring bald women. Honesty is appreciated.

Added by Leon Johnson on November 22, 2008 at 12:18pm — 3 Comments

I found a new bald spot

I've been keeping my real hair really short lately... my wig doesn't seem to move on my head so much if my hair is short.

And I noticed the places where I do have hair don't seem to be growing as quickly, and the bald spots that showed up last spring seem to be taking a much longer time to grow back. One is almost completely grown in, and I can feel peach fuzz on the other, but it's taking a long time.

But yesterday, I noticed another bald spot on top, a little to the… Continue

Added by Stephanie on November 21, 2008 at 8:35pm — 3 Comments

halloween was.....

well every halloween i look at as an opportunity to wear a costume wig. i go around bald all the time, so why not have some fun, right? well this year i just felt like owning being bald and dressed up as uncle fester from the aadams family. i thought id share a pic.

Added by emily on November 21, 2008 at 1:06pm — No Comments

Today is it!!!

SO, today is the day and the test results are in. Lyn's appointment is at 1:00 today to find out what the heck is actually going on. We'll finally have an answer to wether it's AA or typical hairloss due to thyroid trouble or other problems. I can't wait to finally have some answers and move on with a course of treatment, if there is one for her. Have a great day out there everyone and wish us luck!

Added by Lyndsey on November 21, 2008 at 9:36am — 2 Comments

I love oblivious people

I was just sitting in class today half paying attention to the professor go on about water pumps or something. I had noticed a hair clip on the ground in my previous that was next to my chair. Out of no where, the guy next to me picks it up and asked me if it was mine. I sat there for a minute trying to figure out who would think that a hair clip of all things would be mine.... Then I realized that he probably just didn't even notice or think about it. I love it when that happens. I don't… Continue

Added by Kristen Ridenhour on November 20, 2008 at 4:27pm — 1 Comment

Running for Research

Hi all,

Myself, Jackie McKillop and Donna Roper are all set to raise funds on behalf of AUK during 2008 and 2009, by completing the 26.2 miles of the London Marathon. The money is intended to be used for research into our condition.

Please don't think of this as just running 26 miles (I make it sound so easy lol) .... between now and the race date, each of us will be running an average of 30 - 35 miles per week, meaning that we'll be clocking up approximately… Continue

Added by Dave on November 20, 2008 at 4:14pm — 1 Comment

Bitter/Sweet Irony of Each New Alopecia World Member

First let me state that I am grateful for this site, as I feel it is informative and provides a welcoming forum for those of us in this "world of Alopecia"

Though, I can't help but to feel a bit of sadness when I get the email notice that another parent has joined Parents of Children with Alopecia, or non-Alopecians in Alopecia world, or Carolina Alopecians, etc. etc.

I say this because I have been where they are and know some of the emotions that they are feeling. Feelings of… Continue

Added by Kayreyn on November 20, 2008 at 2:30pm — 2 Comments

Alopecia Ophiasis ...

I was just wondering if there's any connection between alopecia ophiasis pattern and alopecia totalis or universalis. Is there anyone who had alopecia ophiasis and then became totalis or universalis? Or, anybody who had wonderful regrowth?

Btw, my head looks like a pineapple! I can't believe I'm saying this but it looks really funny. Lots of hair on top and hardly anything on the sides! I will take pictures soon and show before I shave my head.

Thanks everybody!

Added by Christine on November 20, 2008 at 4:06am — 1 Comment

The Twelve Days of Alopecia

I know it's a little early but it takes time to write a song. My first entry is based on the Twelve days of Christmas with an Alopecia Twist. i'll appreciate assistance with this. Here is the first verse....

On the first day of Alopecia Areata i recieved my first little bald patch on me
On the second day of Alopecia Aerata I recieved......

Your turn. Post your entries and let's make this work. Have fun and be creative.


Added by JeffreySF on November 20, 2008 at 2:30am — 12 Comments


does this get any easier.?I hate the way I feel about my self now. STEPHANIE

Added by stephanie robertson on November 19, 2008 at 6:59pm — 3 Comments

Update of Carmellaness

I've started working that night job. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. I have to switch back to days by Monday for Clinicals that's always fun.
School is going ok, although I feel like giving up on the regular.
I wish I cold make enough money to buy a new pair of jeans and go to the spa for a day, even a half day.
I turned 28 and my good friend has the same b-day (she turned 21) so we threw her a surprise party.
I'll put up some pictures.

Added by Carmella on November 19, 2008 at 4:53pm — 3 Comments

Things Alopecians Like #7

Guys, This one's for you: No need for ear or nose hair grooming.

Added by Jill on November 18, 2008 at 10:31pm — 1 Comment

Nearly four weeks into my Alopecia Journey

Well, it's still falling out, but has noticably slowed down. No sign of stopping just yet though and who knows if any areas are growing or not. Hubby took his first really good look through it the other day so hopefully next time he looks he'll notice something good or bad. Apparently I've got bald bits, shaved looking bits and some stubble areas. Who knows aye. On the whole still pretty coverable.

I'm still very selfconcious (sp?) about it all, I stay home if it's windy or wear a… Continue

Added by Karen on November 18, 2008 at 7:26pm — 1 Comment

MRI today

Today Amelia went for her MRI, and we had to go to Charlotte to Carolina's Medical Center. Everyone there was helpful and friendly. I called the doctor, and he said that the everthing was normal in the pituitary gland. We have done blood work, and now this, but still no answers. The dermatologist hasn't been much help either, but she did prescribe some foam to put on the scalp. It was spots but now more hair has come out, and we are almost to the point of shaving. I cry at just the thought, but… Continue

Added by bugzmom on November 18, 2008 at 5:55pm — 1 Comment

Check out my new website!

Hi all!
Hope you are all well and just wanted to say I have created my own website at Please have a look and let me know what you think! It's my first attempt at building a website and had great fun doing it!

Added by Michelle Chapman on November 17, 2008 at 10:27am — 2 Comments

First tat, Pic and explaination


Okay... so the colors are a little off because my camera was being stupid... but you get the idea. it's all grey and black ink.

The celtic knot represents my Irish heritage, the unending love I have for my life, my family, and the fact that everything I do is connected to the "bigger picture".

The angel wings are symbolic of the faith i have, as well as the strength i've gained by the… Continue

Added by Reen on November 17, 2008 at 12:30am — 1 Comment

my new treatment method

I'm going to try a new treatment that I've been wanting to try for a while. NOTHING. Well, not exactly true. I will do pretty much nothing so far as treatments, but I will try to stop obsessing about my alopecia and thinking about it every minute. I don't think it's healthy. I see some hair fall out, I get super upset, and then more hair falls out, and it continues in a cycle. I noticed I wasn't losing a lot of hair when I wasn't stressed out.

So lets see how this goes. I'm not going… Continue

Added by Christine on November 16, 2008 at 6:00pm — 3 Comments

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