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you know how your just so busy sometimes or you are thinking about other things so much that your bald head isnt something u really think about. then one day while doing something or getting out of the shower or sitting down at the computer a thought washes over you. I'm so different to so many people i know. I'm female and dont have a single hair on my entire body and some people who have met me dont have a clue. I dont go on rides or swim, i avoid rain and wind, and i dont wear my hair up...… Continue

Added by Alison on October 25, 2008 at 10:44am — 3 Comments

Bio Matrix

Anyone have a glued-on lace wig? I do. I love it. Well, I haven't seen anyone with a bio-matrix except for a few people I have noticed or met.


Added by Shana and Taylor on October 25, 2008 at 10:07am — 8 Comments

haaaaaay (inside joke wit tommy hehehehe)

ty ty ty (thank you)

im busying myself with love songs, im re-reading a series, and i ran out of pizza :( but pastor cory came to school today! hes awesome. he has a mohawk! lol

i fell asleep 3 times 2day lol mr. culley should work on his lesson plans. and maybe if mrs ferhman played some emo rock songs i wouldnt fall asleep typing. lol omg i have an F in social studies! JUST bc i did bad on 2 wrksts. this is GAY! and i have a C in band. idk y! its not MY fault i dont know the… Continue

Added by Courtney on October 23, 2008 at 4:37pm — 1 Comment

NEW: Chat anywhere in Alopecia World!

Alopecia World has a new chat feature that can be accessed from any page in Alopecia World.

This means that you can visit any page on Alopecia Worldwhile continuing to chat with other members who are online and available to chat.

You can also engage with "private chat" with other members.

Just go to any page on Alopecia World and you'll see the chat option in the far right column.

Give it a try today and let us know what you think of the new and…


Added by Alopecia World on October 23, 2008 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments

Vaccum wigs.

So I've been thinking about vaccum wigs lately. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about them. Are they human hair or synthetic? How much do they cost? Where can I get one? If anyone could answer any of these questions or supply me with a few options I would be overly greatful! Hope ya'll are having a great day! XOXO!

Added by Tiffany on October 23, 2008 at 12:04pm — 2 Comments

alopecia and me

so i'm 23 now about to turn 24 in november. i was 12 when i lost my eyebrows, i didnt really think anything of it since i have fair hair and skin it wasnt that noticable. at 14 i got my first patch, small. i went to a dermatologist but i already knew i had alopecia before he said a word. he said i should go on cortisone, 3 months later was almost bald with only hair at the top and bottom of my head.

i shaved my head after getting my first wig, i think it was one of the most freeing… Continue

Added by Alison on October 23, 2008 at 10:10am — 6 Comments

The 'featured members' on the homepage

This morning a member of Alopecia World raised the important question, "Why are all the featured members or members on the Main Page always from the same selective groupings?"

After noting that the current list of featured members is predominantly female and includes a model, an actress, the "drop dead gorgeous," a stylized photo shoot, a promoter of alopecia awareness, a motivational speaker, and an author, the member also asked "Why are others excluded?" and concluded, "It…


Added by Alopecia World on October 23, 2008 at 9:30am — 11 Comments

The Lion In Me

I absolutely love this picture, it reminds me that true strength and character of a person comes from the inside not outer appearances.

When I look back on times when I was ready to give up and throw in the towel there was always a lion in me.

When I myself looked at my outer appearance in judgment there was always beauty in me.

When I felt weak and feeble there was always strength in me.

When I… Continue

Added by Royalty on October 23, 2008 at 5:34am — No Comments

Thank you to all who responded to my last blog, now I've got another question I hope you can help me on.

My daughter Juliana is 5. She recently had quite significant regrowth, but as soon as it came in it all fell out again. My husband and I spoke to her to see if she would like us to talk to her class about her AA. She came to me the other day and said "Mommy, are you going to come and talk to my class about my alopecia?" I said, "Sure sweetie." Now my question is, does anyone know where I can get a video of some kind that will simple, on a kindergarten level for them to understand, or should I… Continue

Added by Renee on October 23, 2008 at 2:57am — 4 Comments

A new leaf

When i woke this morning I decided that i needed to talk about my alopecia to anyone. I will answer questions if i'm asked but I have never just voluntarily had a long discussion with my friends or anyone about it. Most of my friends knew that i wore a wig but it's just something that nobody talked about. So I decided to get to church a couple of hours early and just wait for the first person to talk in. I prayed that it would be a girl and not a guy because that would have been totally… Continue

Added by Amber on October 22, 2008 at 11:33pm — 3 Comments


ok. bogie im taking u on w/ ur dare. BUT i have one condition. i will not WRITE about guys. but id just like to make it clear that i really miss keaton. lol and starting now, i will not write about guys for a week. (5 day school week hehehe)

my mom got me a fuzzy sweatshirt!!! iz fuzzy on the inside lol. i got my new phone!!! i have a new sweatsuit! itsh bluu. yesh i said itsh and yesh i said yesh. i luv and sh to stuff lol. i also like iz and ish. both for is. hehehehe

on… Continue

Added by Courtney on October 22, 2008 at 4:38pm — 2 Comments

Are there any aspiring Children's Authors in the group?

Hello my fellow Alopecians :-)

I haven't stopped by in a while as I've been busy getting ready to teach my first ever "Children's Author Academy". I realized I didn't share this with all of you and I know there are probably at least a few of you who have a great idea for a children's book brewing inside of you! Obviously some of the greatest children's books share life lessons and we have all certainly learned a few!!! My class is focusing on creating your own bestselling children's… Continue

Added by Laura Duksta on October 22, 2008 at 3:53pm — No Comments

Getting alot easier

I've been feeling a lot more comfortable going out and about in my bandanas/scarves. I have not yet went completely uncovered (that's the next step) but what I have done is a major thing and I don't feel as self conscious as I used to. I do get all kinds of looks, but that's to be expected. I'm going out with the expectation of anything happening so that I won't be completely taken by surprise if something does happen, or something is said. As long as I have my attitude in the right place I… Continue

Added by Angie W. on October 22, 2008 at 12:02pm — 3 Comments

Coeur d' Alene, Idaho Hair Gallery

I used to go to this wig store in Boise, Idaho called Kathy's Wig Boutique. They had a great selection and the ladies working there were so nice and cut wigs really well but it was SO FAR from the town I live in in Idaho that I had to find a new place. So, I started asking around about wig sores that are not so far from home and Momkidd told me about a great new shop in Coeur d' Alene, Idaho called Exclusively Wigs and Things. It is located at 501 W. Appleway Suite Y, Coeur d' Alene, Idaho and… Continue

Added by Donna Evans on October 21, 2008 at 11:40pm — No Comments

Who is afraid of the normal things to be excited about?

Hello All!

I am new to this and the main reason that I found this website is because of the questions that I have.

I am a 23 year old, who is just getting a start of life and as i think of the future I am scared. I stopped wearing wigs when I was in second grade, I haven't had hair growth since I was 6 mths old, and have adapted my style with not having hair. I dont wear thin tank tops because there is no distraction from my shoulders and my head. I feel like i look like a man. I… Continue

Added by Amanda Crouse on October 21, 2008 at 11:36pm — 7 Comments

Misfortune can become fortune

An old man and his son lived in an abandoned fortress on the side of a hill. Their only possession of value was a horse. One day the horse ran away. The neighbours came by to offer sympathy. "That's really bad!" they said. "How do you know?" asked the old man.

The next day, the horse returned, bringing with it several wild horses. The old man and his son shut them all inside the gate. The neighbours hurried over. "That's really good!" they said. "How do you know?" asked the old… Continue

Added by Carol on October 21, 2008 at 10:48pm — 3 Comments

How could I possibly date a bald woman?

In one episode of the sitcom Seinfeld, George dated and claimed to have fallen in love with a bald woman named Georgina.

Jerry couldn’t believe his ears and yelled, “How could you possibly love a bald woman?”

“Since when was love about looks?” responded George.

“It’s always been about looks!” shouted Jerry.

Given that my fiancée, Cheryl Carvery, prefers to keep her head shaved bald because…


Added by rj, Co-founder on October 21, 2008 at 4:30pm — 10 Comments

Things aren't going well...

Munchkin has now lost over 70% of her hair. She's not dealing well with it. She's coming to realize that she's probably going to be completely bald when it's all said and done, and is in the "it's not fair" stage. All I can say is, "no, it's not" and hug her. I have set up counseling for her, both to help her deal with this, and hopefully give her more tools to deal with all of her stress that I know is exacerbating the condition, if not triggering it to start with.

We see the… Continue

Added by theantichick (Shannon's Mom) on October 21, 2008 at 4:20pm — 6 Comments

Eyebrow tips and swimming!!

We have been pondering this situation for awhile as it is coming into summer here in New Zealand and Nicole will soon begin swimming at school.

She has just got her knew Freedom wig so that is all good but when her hair gets wet you will be able to see her lack of eyebrows. At the moment she wears false eyebrows to school which are great but you aren't supposed to swim in them.

We have bought numerous waterproof eyebrow pencils which kinda work. Nicole said she will draw… Continue

Added by Sharon on October 21, 2008 at 12:50pm — 9 Comments

Insist on learning from Your Mistakes

I got home late this evening after a busy day with the family.After having a late dose of caffeine I had a hard time going to sleep and whenever that happens I get back up to avoid the frustrations of insomnia and try to do something productive like reading a book.

Lately I've been reading the book our group's been discussing all month, Go Put Your Strengths to Work by Marcus Buckingham which is a fantastic book on working on your strengths instead of your weaknesses.

Tonight, I don't… Continue

Added by Hugh Palmer on October 21, 2008 at 2:33am — No Comments

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