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Scalp Micro Pigmentation

Highly recommended:

Added by Scott Mather on October 12, 2014 at 9:13pm — No Comments

Possible good news

Have had no hair for about two years. I have just noticed possible areas of white hair on the back of my head. Am I being hopeful, or could this be a good thing?

Added by Angie on October 11, 2014 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

More random chat

Not sure how much of this post will be alopecia related. But I guess the good thing about a blog is that it is yours to express yourself.

I get in these moods there I just curse the randomness of alopecia for example as I was painting my nails I randomly spotted some silly finger hairs growing. Then looked at my arms they are still thankfully hairless but why then do we end up with hair places we don't want.

Another thought that came to me is why can I feel my eyebrows but not…


Added by KFlame on October 11, 2014 at 5:30am — 2 Comments

FUN with cancer, addition


I completely forgot yesterday to include one of the Most fun things I have experienced during this Adventure:  Shaving my own head!!  I chopped my hair off first with scissors, as short as I could get it, then used an electric shaver to finish the job.  It actually felt very good, and I enjoy rubbing my bald head now.  Hope to get pictures on here soon!

The other way to make it fun is to look at this as an Adventure/Challenge along the Path of Life, and try to derive…


Added by carolcwa on October 9, 2014 at 11:00pm — No Comments

FUN with cancer

This may sound, well . . . I don't really know how it will sound to any of you, but I hope not offensive in any way! I had cervical cancer in 2012, went through chemo and radiation and had a hysterectomy, and was clear until this year, when a routine scan showed nodules in my lungs. This is the same kind of cancer as before, just having returned in the lungs. I am undergoing chemo therapy now, and have just lost my hair. I didn't lose it in 2012, because of being treated with a different…


Added by carolcwa on October 8, 2014 at 10:30am — 2 Comments

Scarring alopecia

If you had AA, AT, or AU, how do you know if you have scarring alopecia? I know the only way to know for sure is a biopsy but I'm wondering how someone gets scarring alopecia and if its possible for someone who has AA/AT/AU to transform into scarring alopecia aka hair cannot regrow due to dead hair follicles. Any one know anything about this? I know everyone with severe alopecia does not have scarring because hair has grown back for people after years without it. Thanks for any…


Added by Jason on October 6, 2014 at 9:30pm — 1 Comment

Trying to join on main for chat!

Please can someone help me join in on chat at 'main room"?
I type response then "done" I missing seething?
Thank you! BLee

Added by BLee on October 6, 2014 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Profile photo

Having trouble getting photo to be visible after downloading?
Please help!

Added by BLee on October 6, 2014 at 1:04pm — No Comments

My Manifesto - Time Heals All Wounds

“It has been said, ‘time heals all wounds.’ I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissues and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.” – Rose Kennedy.

When I think about space and time, it reminds me of my past, my future, and who I am now. I think of myself and how others might view me. This is an internal way of interpreting the theme this year, but it seems to be the way I interpret every theme. For the past four years, I…


Added by on October 5, 2014 at 10:00am — No Comments

My Babygirl is A-mazing!

Hi, all! This is my very first attempt at a blog. Let's see if you really can teach an old dog new tricks  ;-)

I just have to share my granddaughter's story:

She just turned 6. She developed her first patch back in January. One become 2, and so on. It was fairly easy to cover...  Then, about 3 weeks before she started 1st grade in August, the hair loss accelerated dramatically.  Within two months, she had lost almost all of it. Just this week, she decided to shave off what…


Added by Lori-akaMimi on October 4, 2014 at 7:34am — 7 Comments

Little Girl Blue

I could remember being five years old or so, I was sitting between my mother legs and she was using one of the millions of hair growth products on my hair. She was convinced that my premature birth had caused my hair lost, she was convinced that my hair just needed moisture and she was convinced that my hair would grow back..but it didn’t. Over the years my hair loss gradually had gotten worse, she had sent me to doctors who thought maybe it was a fungus and I just need certain creams. She…


Added by powerfulstuff27 on October 1, 2014 at 11:09pm — 1 Comment

Just wondering...

I am starting Methotrexate for my Autoimmune Conditions, it's part of a group of Chemotherapy Drugs normally used in Cancer but is also used in treating Autoimmune Conditions (eg. Rheumatoid Arthritis). 

I was wondering if any of you are on Methotrexate? If so, did it effect your hair loss in any way?

Added by BrookiieLeeTylahh on September 30, 2014 at 1:43am — No Comments

Flexibility or an uncertain identity

In an hour it will be time to take my three year old to a new session of her kiddie music class, and even as I pretend it isn't a big deal, I am stressed about what to put on my head. We last went to these classes 4 or 5 months ago, and then I wore my wig. Indeed the music class, a gathering of mostly mommies and their toddlers, was my personal testing grounds for a wig as part of my identity. It was not, however, an ideal environment for wig wearing. Dancing around with a two year old's…


Added by GardenJess on September 29, 2014 at 4:19pm — 3 Comments

Back from a loooong absence

I hope my friends are all doing well these days.

Finally logged back in after seeing an update e mail from AW. I keep reading some interesting stories out there regarding "exciting new treatments".

I ask my Derm about them and she usually has no response.

I am still going every 6 weeks for the cortisone injections. We tried longer cycles and shorter cycles. Although the shots work, my body seems to have it's own macro cycle where the eyebrows will stay in and during…


Added by Craig S on September 29, 2014 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

Quote me

I've recently discovered a quote while browsing the "alopecia" hashtag on tumblr it read "i am not this hair, i am not this skin, i am the soul that lives within. ever since then i found that this quote is helping me get through rough moments that i like to blame on alopecia. its just friendly reminder that my condition does not define me because physical appearance does not define me although many times it feels as though it does. as a cosmetologist living in new york the fashion capitol of…


Added by Moon on September 28, 2014 at 7:00pm — 2 Comments

General update

My hair is sprouting all over my head so fluffy. Thankfully I am less obsessed with it growing. I no longer look daily in the mirror. But I enjoy running my hand over the fluff.

My new obsession is the state of my nails they peal all the time. But I've invested in a nail strengthener. I hope it works. It's almost unfair that we loose hair and nails.

But love keeping the colour in fashion.

Added by KFlame on September 27, 2014 at 10:30am — No Comments

Looking for a hairdresser in Toronto?

I discovered my hair loss in August and have AA on the left side of my scalp.  I am seeing a dermatologist and am getting shots every 6 weeks so who knows what the future holds. 


As I have dark brown hair that has not been cut…


Added by Christopher on September 24, 2014 at 3:12pm — 2 Comments

Keeping Respect: Dates, Friends, Bullies

If true connection is FREE...if happiness has no price...who can you really say never fails to make you smile without the possible COSTS? Maybe the one who makes you smile with a MUTUAL feeling is more worth the wait than the numbers of dates with no true connection. Hair or no hair, it can be too frustrating and take up too much mental stress if you are trying to convince someone who does not feel the same about you to stick around for a romance, be it at age 16 or 66. Let it grow…


Added by Tallgirl on September 20, 2014 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment

Synthetic wig frizzing

I have two synthetic wigs that have been frizzing and yesterday I watched a you tube video on how to get rid of the frizz and it worked!! You need a steamer and comb. Comb through the hair until smooth and then put the comb underneath and put the steamer just off the hair and pull the comb and steamer down to the end of the hair. It will straighten the hair, but I was able to do it again and roll the hair under and it looks great! The wigs are looking like new again.

Added by Kathy on September 20, 2014 at 8:30am — No Comments

Regrowth and shedding!

Hi! I need some help! I am still going through the shedding process. Still have about 30% of the hair on my head but losing it quickly. My eyelashes have been falling out at a rapid pace but I noticed this morning, some little black ones coming back in. Has this happened to anyone else? I am wondering if I should be hopeful about it.

Added by Mel* on September 18, 2014 at 12:36pm — 1 Comment

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