All Blog Posts (5,825)

Where What country do you live in?

I want to go to China.
And I want to observe the wig factory.

And I want you to play with me of alopecia、、、

Added by Roka on July 7, 2014 at 11:29am — No Comments

Why why why

I know im not the one that has the alopecia, as its my little girl, but through out the whole process here in new zealand it seems like not one doctor can give you any real answer to what is causing it, its all just really guessing .of course there's all the steroid creams and things from overseas but its seems from what you read its a below 10% success rate.early on i made a connection between my daughter's asthma problems an medications she was on and alopecia ,but was shot down very heavily… Continue

Added by father of a girl with alopecia on July 7, 2014 at 6:48am — 2 Comments

Need support

Hello! My name is Bunty. I'm 32 year old male from India and I've had AU for the last 3 years. It's very hard to go on wihout hair. We don't have any kind of support or organization here, so that I'm feeling so alone here.

Thanks. Bunty

Added by bunty on July 7, 2014 at 3:10am — 1 Comment

Yo'Kasta Montonique Martinez, BS, MBA

The University of Phoenix 

announces that

Yo'Kasta Montonique Martinez

is a candidate for the degree of 

Master of Business Administration

Project Management

for the Commencement Ceremonies on Sunday,

the twenty-seventh day of July,

at three o'clock in the afternoon

Two thousand fourteen

Bridgestone Arena

Nashville, Tenessee

Added by kastababy on July 6, 2014 at 10:40pm — 1 Comment


Has anyone looked into permanent or semi permanent eyelashes. Mine are gone I live in Eastern Ma USA

Added by Kat on July 6, 2014 at 11:23am — 7 Comments

Rob Ryan denied head coaching jobs because of his hair?

In January 2014, reported:

"If you got it, flaunt it. But not when it comes to long hair for NFL coaches, apparently.

"According to ESPN's Chris Mortensen, Saints defensive coordinator Rob Ryan will have to cut his long locks before being considered for a head coaching gig in the NFL.

"After 'mistakenly'…


Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on July 6, 2014 at 4:00am — No Comments


I'm awake at silly o'clock again and while awake I ended up taking a couple of selfies of my wigless face.

I'm never brave enough to face the world wigless, well brave maybe not the right word, I don't think people are weak to choose to wear a wig I'm just personally like to blend in rather than stand out.

But anyhow it was something about the bad lighting that made me like these photos almost making the hair loss artistic.

But I was still convinced my hair loss makes me…


Added by KFlame on July 5, 2014 at 12:30am — 2 Comments

Past pessimist, future optimist

Okay, so most of you are familiar with my "alopecia story". The whole having AU since I was a youngster, getting my first Locks of Love hairpiece when I was in 4th grade, and now I'm trying to deal with alopecia in a positive way to keep myself from drowning in those terrible emotions that comes with having this disease. But I've never really spoken about my past experiences with cruel little children, and the typical harshness of having alopecia at such a young age. It was quite an…


Added by Jackie on July 4, 2014 at 3:00am — 2 Comments

My 5year old girl has gotten teased in her first week at school

What should i do, ive asked her what happend an she told me three girls followed her around at lunchtime and kept taking her hat( she won't wear a wig ,as she does not like them at all) off to reveal her scalp.i dont know what they would have said, she did say she wasn't sad ,but she doe's act tough around me,i tell her she is beautiful everyday , but we all know that negative things will always dig deeper into your self esteem, what do i do with the school? And any other advice with my lil… Continue

Added by father of a girl with alopecia on July 3, 2014 at 3:59am — 2 Comments

Breaking through the fear: my story

How I "broke through" the fear of going out bald: I just got angry about it, basically. I have freckles, and kept comparing hiding my bare scalp because others didn't like looking at it to hiding my face because others did not like my freckles. It just felt wrong for me to bend to others' will that way, to stifle my own happiness and FREEDOM for others' ...psychological comfort? I decided that they would just have to be uncomfortable - they would also have to get over it. Besides, their…


Added by Laura Adams on June 30, 2014 at 9:30am — No Comments

Hair dreams

I type this while tired. But it's about a dream I just had. I'm typing so I don't forget it :)

I've been experiencing some light regrowth. I know from past experience not to get too excited about this. I've had patches of growth (strange how this starts as patches of loss then becomes patches of growth) before which fell out as fast as come.

But this bit seems to be holding out. I'm finding of late I keep having dreams about it. Like last night I dreamt I had one patch of long…


Added by KFlame on June 29, 2014 at 2:00am — No Comments

My first wig

Well, I had one when I was 4, but my first one in adulthood. I got one tonight for under $100; so it definitely LOOKS like a wig, but financially it's what I could do so it is what it is. I'm scared I made a rash decision in getting because I went into it with the mindset that I don't WANT a wig, but I HAVE to have one.

It's platinum blonde. I am blonde, but this is like Marilyn Monroe status. I've been second guessing myself all night, but I am slowly starting to pump myself up about…


Added by Emily on June 29, 2014 at 1:00am — 4 Comments

My 11 year old Grandson has AA

Good afternoon everyone.

Have any of you used Calosol products or had any contact with Elias Bouras?

Declan (aged 11) is becoming very self-conscious about his hair & eyebrow loss and we are trying our best to help him.

Thank you

Hugh & Kathleen

Added by Hugh on June 28, 2014 at 7:30am — 4 Comments

Just wanted to re-introduce myself :)


I'm Lyndsey and I'm 23 and from the UK. I'm a university student (about to graduate soon), studying History, Philosophy and Politics and have a place to do an MA in International Relations and Diplomacy next academic year. I'm about to get married to my boyfriend of 6 years and I have alopecia areata. I am just having my fourth bout of it now and shaved my head yesterday. 

My alopecia first started at age 15. I found a small bald patch on my head and I lost a lot of hair…


Added by Lyndsey Pitchford on June 27, 2014 at 5:32pm — 1 Comment

NAAF San Antonio 2014

Hello All,

Off to San Antonio tomorrow for the Annual NAAF Conference.

Hope to see many of you wonderful people there.



Added by JeffreySF on June 25, 2014 at 1:12am — 2 Comments

What happened to the chat that this site had?

I would be truly sickened if this website closed down their chat client. It was the one way people interacted with each other. I would like a answer fast. I could be wrong they could of moved it but i remember it being at the top of the page.

Added by T on June 24, 2014 at 1:29am — 2 Comments

Alopecia and happiness

I feel like alopecia has always stood in the way of my happiness. Which is silly considering there are people in the world dying-- still living their life-- and are far more positive than I.

I lost all my hair when I was 4. I vaguely remember it. All I remember is my wig falling off once during recess, and a circle of teachers and students formed a circle around me. I'll never forget that. For years after that-- classmates would randomly bring it up, and I would play dumb.



Added by Emily on June 23, 2014 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

My story

Well first off I didn't know this many people had Alopecia I always thought that I was one of very few but its really cool to see so many people out there and that Im not alone. I first found out that I had alopecia when I was about 4 didn't know anything about it other than there really wasn't a cure and after that it kept getting wrse or more like a roller coaster sometimes it would be really bad and then other times I could cover up he bald spot with hair and no one would…


Added by Logan Shimp on June 22, 2014 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Hair = Success?


My hair is back... I've had hair growth consistently since October of last year.  I have patiently waited to write this post since the last time I tried I lost my hair again.

The doctors can't really agree (GP & Dermo) what started the loss but everyone is happy that it is back.  The hardest question I find myself thinking about is when will this happen again?  Or will it?\\

Has anyone found that they went through just a 2 year period of…


Added by HilEspi on June 21, 2014 at 4:30am — 2 Comments

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