February 2016 Blog Posts (12)

Elevated ANA

Do any of you have elevated ANA? Mine started out mildly elevated and now is very high but I've been tested for several diseases and al negative .. I did however, notice when I attempted gluten free my ANA was at its lowest.. I went back to gluten and it has been consistently elevated .. I also had extremely low vitamin D and was under a ridiculous amount of stress and had just had major surgery 3-4 months before I lost my hair so I'm not quite sure which triggered it but was curious if any of… Continue

Added by Jcortez05 on February 29, 2016 at 8:54am — 7 Comments

How to find the courage to go out bald and stop hiding behind the wigs?

Hello fellow alopecians! Been stalking some of your pictures and sexy bald heads and I'm inspired to want to show the real me to the world too. Thing is I know that if (for example)I take the bus to work tomorrow without a wig I predict that there will be one or perhaps a few moments where I will feel very self-conscious. And that's what stops me. I want to know how some of you found the courage to finally step out and what steps did you take? How did you do it? Did you go drastically say "from… Continue

Added by Michelle on February 24, 2016 at 12:25am — 15 Comments

Healing naturally

This might be long but I am going to speak from my heart!

I was diagnosed two years ago (March 2014) after a bad breakup. I believe that stress is what triggered the disease to manifest. I went to my doctor and was completely unimpressed by her shoulder shrug response, "you just have one of those medical mysteries...I can give you steroid injections but it's no guarantee." I was already pretty health conscious at the time and said no thanks I will figure this out on my own. She gave…


Added by miss_melissad on February 23, 2016 at 11:30am — 2 Comments

Topical steroid experience?

So at the moment my Alopecia is very minimal and I was prescribed a topical steroid known as derma-smoothe... Has anyone tried this? If so what were the results? Did you experience any side affects? If so please specify?

Added by Cher0 on February 22, 2016 at 4:52pm — No Comments

That time again

I'm sort of lucky I feel. Firstly I was going to post how long it has been since I last posted.. but I realised I don't post as I don't often think about my Alopecia very much.

The only time I think about it is when it is time I look for a new wig... This one is a little past it's use by date and I'm generally bored of it. But the hardest thing is picking a new one... what style? What colour? How much will it cost etc.

This is a big decision and often feel I am wasting a lot of…


Added by KFlame on February 21, 2016 at 3:00pm — 4 Comments

Any luck with Dithro Cream

I would like to know if anyone has tried and had success with dithro cream?

Added by Yessi on February 18, 2016 at 12:24am — 1 Comment

Has anyone ever had an auto immune blood test???

Has anyone ever had an auto immune blood test???

Added by Nat on February 17, 2016 at 11:59pm — No Comments

Has anyone had success with a clean diet? Does anyone know what causes alopecia? Is it auto immune and do you get multiple of them? I'm so scared!! Any advice would be great.

Has anyone had success with a clean diet? Does anyone know what causes alopecia? Is it auto immune and do you get multiple of them? I'm so scared!! Any advice would be great.

Added by Nat on February 16, 2016 at 9:56pm — 4 Comments

My story

Hi. My name is Hannah. I've had alopecia since I was 6 years old, so 11 years now. That first year, I lost EVERYTHING... No eyebrows, no eyelashes, no hair. We decided to do wigs for a while. But I HATED the wig I had. It was itchy, hot, would move around, and looked completely fake. Well on it's own, my hair started to come back in. A completely different color than before. I had blond hair when it fell out and now I had Brown hair coming back in. Around age 12, I had super thin hair because… Continue

Added by Hannah on February 12, 2016 at 6:08pm — 6 Comments

Prednisolone info

So I've recently started taking Prednisolone tablets again (the last time I took it was back in mid 2014) and was just wondering if anyone knew the time it took to take effect. The last time my AA was much worse (barely had any eyebrows and had quite a few noticeable patches) and by the end of the treatment I had full regrowth. 

This time around, my AA is in a much better place (but still not the greatest) and I'm starting to get worried as I'm two weeks into the treatment and only…


Added by Jack on February 6, 2016 at 7:00am — 18 Comments


I hope this question isn't far fetched but I've started wearing toppers and it makes my scalp so sore. I feel it pulling at my hair all day and aside from how it looks, I'm thinking about the discomfort. My question is are they supposed to hurt and pull? Surely there is a less painful way to conceal diffuse hair loss. Any input would be great.

Added by ataloss42 on February 5, 2016 at 10:41pm — 7 Comments

Need help! So many questions regarding wigs

Hi. I have recently lost my hair over 4 months. Its not coming back. I am distraught. I am having a very rough time wearing wigs esp. synthetic. I purchased a human hair wig and its pouring rain today. I was afraid to wear it outdoors. I wore a bandana and I look awful. This is pushing me over the edge. How do you cope with this? It broke my heart to take off my hair last night and put on a stand. This is making me want to die. I cannot go bare as I have scarring and its not for me. On th?e…


Added by Dianna 845 on February 3, 2016 at 5:00pm — 34 Comments

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