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Starting Alopecia Awareness / Acceptance Project

Hi all . . . new to the site but not to alopecia. I am working on a major alopecia awareness and acceptance project . . . we are out there but not OUT there, if you know what I mean.

This could be a great opportunity for healing if you are new to alopecia . . . or if you are comfy with the bald-thing, it's a fun project to work on.

Size, shape, age, gender, race, ice-cream preference . . . none of it matters.

Send me a message if you'd like to hear more . . .

Added by Kari M on April 15, 2010 at 12:52am — 11 Comments

I stopped at World of Wigs in Santa Ana, CA. It was a no go...

Just to let everyone know that World of Wigs was a no go. Same old synthetic wigs, same old hair, same old pricey chinese human hair. Over priced. Well I have Sat morning off to check out another wig shop in Orange county. Anyone want to start up a wig shop review group? This could be fun!

Added by Kerryluvshair on April 14, 2010 at 10:22pm — 1 Comment

Alopeciapalooza 2010 keynote speaker announced!

Hi Parents. Be sure to wish your Kids with alopecia a Happy "Children with Alopecia Day" Today!!

And what better day than today to announce our Key Note Speaker for Alopeciapalooza 2010!!

Staciana (Stitts) Winfield, fellow alopecian and 2000 U.S. Olympic gold medalist, will talk to us and our CAP Kids about Overcoming Adversity and Finding Your Life Passion, not to mention teach a swim clinic too in Camp Canadensis' olympic-size pool.

Don't Delay! Register for… Continue

Added by Children's Alopecia Project on April 14, 2010 at 2:24pm — 1 Comment

But what if your head gets cold?

This was an excuse given by one of my 'so-called' friends who said (in a round about way) she would no longer hang out with me if I shaved my head. To be fair I don't really care because she's a bit of a b***h and I hate her. (now)

But this got me contemplating my other friends reactions...and family reactions and general reactions (you see where I'm going with this).

I know anyone who doesn't hang out with me because I'm bald isn't a true friend but in this my school, true… Continue

Added by Keeley Tomlinson on April 13, 2010 at 2:59pm — 3 Comments

My Thoughts on AA

General Info.

-Had it since I was 3.

-Have never received any treatment whatsoever.

-Hair was very thin when I was diagnosed. And was expect to be completely bald by puberty. That didn't happen.

-Hair has only recently began falling out in a mass quantity.

-Haven't been to a derm. in 10 years.

So, keeping that in mind... I'm sort of caught off guard by my somewhat recent hair 'fallout'. I've always had thin hair, and a few bald spots that I could easily… Continue

Added by Carissa on April 13, 2010 at 1:11pm — 1 Comment

Camp Discovery/Camp Knutson

"Where we learn the true meaning of strength and courage and where smiles, hugs and laughter, give hope to us all."

I'm going to chat a bit about my experiences at Camp Discovery/Camp Knutson in Crosslake, MN. I told a couple here on AW, and they recommend that I write a blog about inform possibly parents or teens that want to go to the Camp or send their kids there.

"For young… Continue

Added by Carissa on April 13, 2010 at 12:29pm — 4 Comments

Deep, hard thoughts

I've been doing well with handling everything. I haven't had a horrible case of Alopecia in the last 10 years, until now. When I was in 1st grade I lost all of my hair a month after my grandma died. It started to grow back and it was all grown in in a few years, even though I had some hideous hair "cuts" in the meantime. I wore a wig in 1st grade, it couldn't have been more obvious. Needless to say, I hardly remember anything about my childhood. I only remember about 10-15 memories about my… Continue

Added by Tara on April 13, 2010 at 1:42am — 5 Comments

Green With Envy?

I have a story that my AA family can appreciate. Today I felt sad about being hairless, watching my co-worker walk around the office with a fresh relaxer. Hair flowing as she walks by, I really began to miss what it’s like to have a fresh new hair-do.

Then later this evening I’m at Publix examining the produce aisle, when I see a young twenty-something girl with green (yes bright green) hair examining me. Her two friends are talking animatedly about some fruit or vegetable and she… Continue

Added by Galena on April 12, 2010 at 8:53pm — 2 Comments

Superficial rant!

I just need to have a superficial rant for a few minutes! So... I'm sick of analyzing my scalp every day. I'm sick of wondering what I will look like 6 months from now. I'm sick of scrutinizing other women's hair to find someone whose scalp looks like mine. Mostly, I'm sick and tired of worrying that there is some other underlying cause for all of this that no one is finding. My doctor said everything looks "normal"... or is "in range". So why can't I just trust that that is truth and move on… Continue

Added by Alison on April 12, 2010 at 7:17pm — 6 Comments

Light painting

Added by dawn on April 12, 2010 at 2:30am — 3 Comments

I crossed the finish line!

Aquinas College

announces that

Yo'Kasta Montonique Martinez

is a candidate for the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Management of Information Systems

Cum Laude

and requests the honor of your presence

at the Commencement Convocation

Saturday, May fifteenth

Two thousand and ten

at two o'clock

War Memorial Auditorium

Nashville, Tennessee

Please contact the candidate for

an admission ticket

You are cordially invited to… Continue

Added by kastababy on April 11, 2010 at 2:43am — 4 Comments

My First Wig

Okay so I finally ordered my very first wig last night! And yes, suprisingly I am super excited over it. My excitement mainly comes from a particular video series from a person on youtube by the screenname: twinkeez2003…


Added by Jessi on April 11, 2010 at 12:30am — 2 Comments

just wanting a opinion

how do u get respect well i do it by macking a compleat fool of ur self for people that probly dont even like me n there are the ones that do respect me for just being there for them n being a friend.Like i dno i feel like people only respect me when they benifet from me its been like that my whole life so far n i just get to the point were u just dont care so what i do when that happens is just block it all out n i eventualy forget what happend n yeah like my pash is like a puzzel with peaces… Continue

Added by tahnie elizabeth grant on April 10, 2010 at 1:38pm — No Comments

My TV Interview about Alopecia

I was interviewed today by Health Matters from Global Edmonton News. Just creating more and more awareness!!! Hope you all like it!

Added by Becka on April 9, 2010 at 10:53pm — 9 Comments

Today, I feel better

Today I feel better. I’m taking control. No more agonizing over strands lost in the shower and on my comb, the telltale hairs all over my clothes and furniture and newborn son. No more begging and pleading with my body and my maker. No more tears.

Today I admit to the world that I have alopecia areata.

I found my first spot – about the size of two quarters sitting above my right ear – in December of 2005, a few months after my wedding. Having never heard of alopecia, I was… Continue

Added by Nadine E on April 9, 2010 at 2:47pm — 5 Comments

What Do You Say To Curious Children?

So, last night my husband and I are having dinner on the outdoor patio of a nice restaurant. It was a beautiful San Diego evening, so I was bald when we came in, and stayed that way for the first part of the meal. As we sat down, I noticed three little girls at a nearby table staring at me and exclaiming to their mother. I'd guess the kids were about 5 or 6 years old. I ignored them, and eventually put on one of my Turkish scarves when it got cooler.

After awhile, the three girls… Continue

Added by Mary on April 8, 2010 at 10:32am — 29 Comments

Be strong

what ever u go through it will make u stronger and 4 that a better person 'but' it can also make u just as bad as the people that tease u take it from me be the better person because you will hate the person that u become.It is not worth the pain of being 'well in my words a bad person'. u have to stay true to your self no matter what others do.

to realy understant what i am saying ill tell u my story.

I got alopecia when i was 7 and every thing changed i was in the popular group and… Continue

Added by tahnie elizabeth grant on April 8, 2010 at 9:00am — 3 Comments

Wigs for small heads?

Anyone have a favorite company that does wigs on the smaller size? I am not yet ready for the $$$ purchase for the vacuum wig, have to save up for that one. I know people love them. I'm looking for a synthetic one but small enough for my baby sized head :) Thank you!!

Added by margaret staib on April 7, 2010 at 12:47pm — 1 Comment

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

"Watch your thoughts for they become words Watch your words for they become actions Watch your actions for they become habits Watch your habits For They Determine your Your Fate."

Added by Dotty on April 7, 2010 at 11:01am — No Comments

A beautiful reminder

When someone is struggling accepting alopecia is it a sign of something deeper.

Was the hair just a cover up of not accepting who they were before the hair loss?

If someone can accept who they are WITH hair, then why not WITHOUT? -----questions questions!!!

Accepting who you are is just that --Acceptance!

That shouldn't change. Also, if you can't accept who you are, then DO something about it! Change you're ways so that you CAN accept yourself.

Yesterday a… Continue

Added by Stacie Duda on April 7, 2010 at 1:26am — 1 Comment

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