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New Pictures Added

Hi Everyone,

It's been a busy couple weeks and I haven't been on AW in a while. But I thought I'd share a few pictures of the "new me" wearing my wig. We visited some friends this weekend whom we haven't seen since before my daughter was born and they didn't even notice anything different. (of course he's a guy, with sons, LOL)

But I got through the weekend being outdoors quite a bit and even did some canoeing. I am SO happy with my wig, but now I am getting excited,… Continue

Added by Tawny on May 27, 2009 at 10:36pm — 2 Comments


i no i just wrote a blog but since then a lot happened!! so if u read my other blogs u would now i ordered 1 wig the lady you ordered me the wig was nice and gave it to us for$175 instead for the usually price of$300!!! and to help us out more she said our insurance should pay for most of cost but to make sure my mom called them tonight to make sure they would but they said they wouldntbecause it ISNT AN ILLNESS!!!!! ok so bye now i was really mad but then my mom asked about cancer patients and… Continue

Added by Nikki Mans on May 27, 2009 at 5:43pm — No Comments

i love this site!!!

i joined this site a few days ago and im already feeling more confident about myself!! i walk to school not caring about all the mean comments people will say to me. everyone here is so understanding and bff, nicole, tries to help me but she just doesnt understand what i am going through(not that she doesnt give good advice or anything) and special thanks to mary!! i will be on this site almost everyday but not this weekand cause i am going camping(: with nicole. THANK YOU

Added by Nikki Mans on May 27, 2009 at 5:19pm — No Comments

A moment to be proud of!

A few days ago I met up with Margaret, a fellow alopecian who lives in the same area as me. I am originally from Brunei, a small country on Borneo Island, South-East Asia. For those of you who don't know where that is, well it is near Singapore and Malaysia :) I have been diagnosed with Alopecia Universallis since I was 9 months old. My parents took me to see numerous specialists over the years but nothing could be done. However I did start to grow hair at the age of 4, patchy ones at first,… Continue

Added by Salmezan on May 27, 2009 at 1:18pm — 2 Comments

Scientists identify gene that may explain hair loss

I just came across this Reuters article and had to share it. I believe this could be the start of something truly wonderful.

Scientists identify gene that may explain hair loss

Tue May 26, 2009 2:39am IST

HONG KONG (Reuters) - Researchers in Japan have identified a gene that appears to determine cyclical hair loss in mice and believe it may also be responsible for hair loss, or alopecia, in people.

In a report published in the Proceedings of the… Continue

Added by Sue F on May 27, 2009 at 1:30am — No Comments

coincidence or not?????

I am a 57 year old bald hairdresser. I recently have come "out of the closet" with my disorder. I have been fortunate enought to find a collection of realistic wigs and to master the art of glueing and painting on my facial hair. I can't say that i am thrilled about having no hair, but i have always tried to find the bright side to a bad situation, so you could say that i am coping.

Today, I totally by chance came upon 2 new clients who both were suffering the affects directly and… Continue

Added by brenda kay on May 26, 2009 at 10:20pm — No Comments

My Story Part 4

I contemplated adding this 4 part to my story, but what the heck, I’m not usually one to hold back. I worked as a paraprofessional/secretary for 7 years for an Alternative Education, students 14-20 who had dropped out of school, and been kicked out of the traditional school. The school was like a close family, about 40 students and 4 co-workers. At the end of 2007, the director notified me my position was being eliminated. Having known a Secretary position was going to be put in place, I made… Continue

Added by Kami M. on May 26, 2009 at 8:51pm — 2 Comments


this is so hilarious!!!! so 4 u 2 get this story i need 2 tell u that ive been wearing a bandana 2 school (im in the seventh grade ) for a week now and everyone new something was up cuz usually were not aloud 2 wear 1 but my mom talked 2 the principal and he let me wear 1 and and thought everyone knew about my alopecia or at least that i was loosing hair but today i girl came up to me and asked if i was in a gang?!? i said of course not and asked her why she thought i was in one and she replied… Continue

Added by Nikki Mans on May 26, 2009 at 8:24pm — No Comments

newspaper interview

Ivonna, another alopecian, and myself were interviewed and photographed by our local newspaper and the article was in today's daily paper. I was very impressed by the size of the article which took up 1/3 of the two pages. We even looked good in the photos - we kept our wigs on but showed a before alopecia photo as well as our present ones. Hopefully it will get some awareness out there. Just this morning I showed the article to a woman at a local coffee shop and she told me her husband had aa… Continue

Added by Pat on May 26, 2009 at 12:36am — 3 Comments

rude people!!!

why do people think they have the rite to ask me why am i wearin a bandana, or why am i lookin like a pirate, how rude and insensitive can people get,

dont they realise how difficult it is livin without any hair, my confidence is at its lowest now, ive had some1 tell me ive put on weight or i look terribly pale, i just want to be accepted for who i am,

im not any different apart from havin no hair, i have feelings and these small minded people dont realise how much it hurts wen they… Continue

Added by lynne on May 25, 2009 at 6:06pm — 7 Comments


today i went shoppig 4 wigs(: i didnt find any but, i ordered 1. im glad i am getting a wig i feel so ugly walking around with half of my hair gone!!! i dont understand how people can be happy of theirselves bald ????not that they look bad but i dont have the guts 2 shave my head when i get my wig i will be sooooooooooooooooo happy

Added by Nikki Mans on May 25, 2009 at 6:00pm — 1 Comment

hats off!

this weekend i got my first real haircuts since january. my mom had trimmed up the ends a while ago, but this was the first real cut. my strategy was to wait as long as possible to let some of the new growth lengthen before getting a cut, but i could not stand all of the straggle-y hair any longer. so, he shaped it up about as well as he could given what he had to work with. this also meant changing my part (which, as you can imagine, always feels weird) because my hair seems to naturally be… Continue

Added by Paula on May 25, 2009 at 5:03pm — 2 Comments


Hi I live in winnipeg,manitoba canada...I live in the St.Nobert area.. I was thinking of have a kids AA BBQ, I have a pretty big fenced in yard and tons of toys in get into.Since there's not much for kids in winnipeg I thought I would have my own kids day.. I think it would be a great way to meet other parents and kids to meet. Let me know what you guys think and if it seems something you'd be intrested in let me know and I'll get a date figured out.....

Added by Christine Messner on May 25, 2009 at 2:19pm — 2 Comments

My Story Part 3

Three years later, I’ve accepted the fact I am a bald 39 year old woman and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. No potion, no medication, and no magic wand is going to make my hair come back. I’m not quite ready to face the world without a hat just yet, I feel as if that day is coming thanks to finding this site. It encourages me and lets me know I’m not alone. Recently a friend of a friend heard about my AU, going through training for permanent make-up she offered to donate her talent… Continue

Added by Kami M. on May 24, 2009 at 9:39pm — 5 Comments

My AU Story Part 2

I cried everyday wondering why me? How come this happened? Does my husband still find me attractive, and are my children embarrassed of their mother. My Sister and mother insisted I needed a wig; they chipped in their money and bought me a wig. I went to the salon, had the wig styled and thought I might just like the wig. After a couple days of wearing my wig, I didn’t really like it, it was hot, itchy, and it made my scalp break out. While driving down the road, I had enough of the wig, ripped… Continue

Added by Kami M. on May 24, 2009 at 9:29pm — No Comments

My AU Story Part 1

In May of 2006 my husband was walking up the steps as I was sitting on the steps. He shockingly said "Um you have 2 bald patches on your head what the heck did you do?" not believing him, I went to look for myself. Sure enough, 2 quarter size bald spots, I immediately called the Doctor, not knowing why this would happen to me. My family Doctor sent me to the Dermatologists, who told me I had Alopecia Areata. The dermatologist put many steroid injections in my scalp, gave me topical solution and… Continue

Added by Kami M. on May 24, 2009 at 9:16pm — No Comments

Gonna Get A Tan On My Head.

I was thinking about how white my head So I decided that I am getting some baby sun block and I am going to jump on the trampaline and see if I cant get a little tan on this white scalp of mine... lol. I promise I wont stay out for long... dont want a burn. OUCH!

Added by Kristen Viveros on May 24, 2009 at 7:29pm — 3 Comments

What embarrasses me most...

What embarrasses me most is not that I am as bald as an eagle, but the way that I've handled it over the years.

I is JUST hair...whenever I fail to make a big deal of it, the rest of the world follows suit.

I met a girl once who is stark bald, and never - ever wears a wig. She is probably the most beautiful and fashionable girl I've ever known, and her make-up is always picture perfect. When someone asks her why she doesn't have any hair she just smiles and… Continue

Added by Jackie on May 24, 2009 at 3:30pm — 8 Comments

More Than Meets The Eye

As you all ready know I have Alopecia Areata and I have shaved my head. No big deal compared to my other medical issues. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia Disease on the same day as I was with Alopecia. I also have chronic Anemia. So I am dealing with three things all at the same time. From the fibromyalgia I am always in pain. I do not take pain meds tho. I have extremely bad anxiety attacks and muscle spasms. If you would like to learn more about Fibromyalgia Disease you can find its… Continue

Added by Kristen Viveros on May 24, 2009 at 9:46am — 4 Comments

Getting Past Hurdles

I really want to say thanks to everyone who commented on my last post. You all helped me make a decision I was fighting with. I'm close to the end of an Associate's degree now and as part of one of my classes, I had to go on a mock job interview where the interviewer was the one grading me and part of that grade was on my appearance - was it professional enough. I thought about wearing my wig as this would be the most professional-looking thing to do, but in the end, I chose to go as I am. I… Continue

Added by Kathie Nietenhoefer on May 24, 2009 at 4:09am — No Comments

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