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Which presidential candidate should alopecians vote for?

Which of the U.S. presidential candidates, including so-called 3rd-party candidates, do you believe would do the most to improve the lives of alopecians? Of course, your answer to this question will depend on how you view the candidates' proposed health care policies. But perhaps there ought to be some consideration of the candidates' overall economic visions as well.

In any event, do any of the candidates speak to or for you as an alopecian? Based on what you've learned…


Added by rj, Co-founder on October 15, 2008 at 11:00pm — 17 Comments

things should change.

i hate that whenever u stop going out w/ some1, u hardley evr talk again!!! wel minus tj. he scares me. but anyway, i refuse for things to be like that w/ me. im buds w/ spencer. (not tj hes scary) justin, (im saying no to him btw) and tommy. lol speaking of tommy im getting ovr him. we had a contest today who could say "haaaay" first whenevr we saw each other and i one once and so did he. it was hilarious. i said haaaay to evry1 just cuz i could.

its not in my intrest 2 wollow 4 all… Continue

Added by Courtney on October 15, 2008 at 5:43pm — 1 Comment

Cicatricial Alopecia aka Scarring Alopeica!!

Hair loss is hair loss but I notice that ones with AA or Alopecia Areata had smooth skin where as those with CA or Cicatricial have skin that can look like somone burnt it. Having this form of hair loss was one thing that kept me from shaving it all off because I didn't want the scarring to show. I've had cicatricial alopecia for some years now and I wanted to know of others who has the same type.

Added by Leon Johnson on October 15, 2008 at 4:22pm — 5 Comments

The strangest reaction I've experienced...

This may be the strangest thing that's ever happened to me! I was at the store, and I had a bandanna on. A woman that I recognized, but couldn't place, came up to me and said, "why did you shave your head?". I steeled myself and offered the same, polite response that I didn't shave my head, that I have alopecia, which makes my hair follicles "go on strike".

She proceeded to tell me that I couldn't have alopecia. That alopecia would make me lose my eyebrows and eyelashes and not just… Continue

Added by Reen on October 15, 2008 at 1:16pm — 19 Comments

OKAY!! I DiD IT!!!!!

I shaved off the pitiful hair on my head tonight!! I could not take one more fing handful of hair in the shower or one more hair on my shirt!!!

So, I took my Husband's clippers and shaved it ALL OFF!! Then I took a razor and shaved the stubble!! WOOOO freaking HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! It's gone!!

Yes, I've had a few beers and a Xanax!! and some Prince on the MP3 player!!! Thank Goodness for this combo!!

I have an AMAZING support system! I am POWERFUL!! I will be… Continue

Added by Celeste Edwards on October 14, 2008 at 11:00pm — 8 Comments

uuughhh im confuzzled!!!

ok ive been talking to tommy for HOURS. i reeeally miss him. and i didnt get my hug. :[ his rotation changed and he has computer keyboarding 5th period so if he came down to the band hall hed be late. omg theres tear marks on my computer. now thats just pathetic. anyway, I MISS TOMMY!

omg justin asked me out again. he dumped me on A DARE. and he told me that, and said "so u wanna go out again?" he confuzzles me!!! and omg spencer today was like "haha tommy dumped u" and so i told… Continue

Added by Courtney on October 14, 2008 at 8:09pm — 1 Comment

Search for members using keywords!

Did you know that you can use keywords to search for members and friends on Alopecia World?

Give it a try. Go to the "Members" section of and type search terms like "musician," "writer," "teacher," and "college" in the member search box and then click "Search Members" to find other members.

Also, if you want other members to be able to find you using certain keywords, be sure to include those…


Added by Alopecia World on October 14, 2008 at 8:00pm — No Comments

How to invite others to Alopecia World

Many of you have used the "Invite" feature on Alopecia World to invite thousands of other people to join our beloved community.

Thank you for doing so, but we have learned that this isn't the most effective way to invite others to join Alopecia World.

The best way to send such invitations is to do so directly from your personal email account and simply include a personal note and the following Web address:…


Added by Alopecia World on October 14, 2008 at 5:30pm — No Comments

I think I need to join wig-buyers anonymous

Yep - I bought another one. Seriously, I think I have a problem. Buying wigs is SO FUN!! This one is really long!! I'll post pictures of it after I get it fitted tomorrow. And, tomorrow is the big day - I'm shaving my head. Actually, the woman who fits and styles my wigs is going to shave it (she owns her own salon...see previous blogs). I'm going to have her shave it the first time and show me how. I'm… Continue

Added by Rachel on October 14, 2008 at 4:30pm — 3 Comments

suckish life

no my frens didnt know. they havent mentioned it since. they were just there with lots of hugs. cole was there when it happened. hes barely spoken to me since then. he said he was so srry it happened. kate said he was trying to talk to me on the bus. he said he wasnt tho. i txtd him. ill add 2 this when he replys.

i saw tommy 2day. we said hey like 3 times. god im gonna miss him.

Added by Courtney on October 14, 2008 at 4:03pm — 1 Comment


well i have been wishing that my hair loss would not be the only thing that i thought about and my wish came true and now i wish the only thing i had to worry about in my life is not having hair(seems stupid that i was so worried in the 1st place). i married rusty when i got pregnant with my son russell i was very young and after he was born 6 mo later i got pregnant with my daughter jordan. i divorced their dad when she was only 2 mo old. then i re-married a year later to a man named david.… Continue

Added by Jenn on October 14, 2008 at 9:37am — 2 Comments

Let's make love, not war

It has been said, “Life’s greatest mystery isn’t the meaning of life. To love and be loved is the meaning of life. Now how to attain those is the greatest mystery of… Continue

Added by rj, Co-founder on October 14, 2008 at 12:52am — 1 Comment

More cool stuff for your profile!

Now you can easily add more cool stuff to your Alopecia World profile. Just sign into Alopecia World, click the “My Page” tab to go to your personal profile, and then click the “Add Applications” link that’s located below your main profile photo.

Once you add applications to your page, you can…


Added by Alopecia World on October 13, 2008 at 10:30pm — No Comments

my day

After the grueling task of picking out a wig, I finally picked one out that I am pretty satisfied with. I returned to work today after taking a week off. I felt like I was going to vomit on my way to work this morning... I was extremely nervous and anxious about my wig. For the most part, everyone's reactions and comments were positive. I was compared to naomi campbell and jennifer lopez, I definitely didn't mind those comparisons, but the attention the wig was getting was driving me crazy.… Continue

Added by Esther on October 13, 2008 at 9:15pm — 4 Comments

8:38 PM October 13th 2008

my life sux.

austin pulled my hair off at the bus stop.

tommy broke up w/ me.

i can't stop crying.

i miss cole.

he would make me feel better.

well thats my sucky life.

Added by Courtney on October 13, 2008 at 8:50pm — 3 Comments

A Sigh of Relief

Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!

I'm so happy to see the original slogan back.

"Where acceptance is all there is"


Added by JeffreySF on October 13, 2008 at 8:39pm — 2 Comments

WTH?? Is this Normal?

Oh, I am So confussed! I feel like my friends here are the ONLY ones I can turn to for answers!! Cause I'm certainly getting NOWHERE with my doctor(s).

I am going through THE WORST shedding phase IMMAGINABLE! In less than two weeks I have lost nearly ALL of my hair! All I have to do is touch it and it comes out in handfulls! I even think I smell "funny" but who knows? Last night I had to get out of bed just to wipe myself off because I was absolutlely covered in hair!!!! UGGGGGG!!!… Continue

Added by Celeste Edwards on October 13, 2008 at 2:01pm — 4 Comments

Beauty From Pain

Hey All,

I heard this song the other day and just really felt that it explains my feelings exactly.Its more than a little depressing,but at the same time it lifted me up.

You might be familiar with it,its called 'Beauty From Pain' and its by the group Superchick. I especially feel the chorus is appropriate.


The lights go out all around me

One last candle to keep out the night

And then the darkness surrounds me

I know i'm…

Added by Megan on October 13, 2008 at 12:48pm — 3 Comments


Well ive been wearing it a few days now, im finding it still quite odd, im finding that the hair at the nape of the neck underneath tends to get a bit tangled as the day goes on, i also find that it itches quite a bit too especially around the top of the forhead hair line. I would like to cut it but im afraid to, its quite long, longer than i imagined it would be, its longer than it looks in the pic i posted, most of the length being at the back, have… Continue

Added by janet on October 13, 2008 at 6:32am — 3 Comments

I have to share

Couple weeks ago my mom had a lady that kept coming in to have her blood drawn over and over on her thyroid and then white blood cell count and etc so finally my mom asked why are we doing all this. She told my mom that she was losing her hair again and they want to see if its alopecia , My mom told her oh yea my grandson has that and started explaning trestin whole process to her and she said yea i went through the same things when i was in the 1st grade i had lost all my hair well her mom… Continue

Added by Kami on October 12, 2008 at 12:55am — 10 Comments

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