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Does the pill affect AA?

I'm thinking of going back on the birth control pill. I have had some regrowth of my extensive alopecia areata, and was wondering if going back on birth control would make my AA get worse. In addition, have any of you had success with other forms of birth control? I hear so many horror stories about the pill, what have your experiences been with it? Thanks!

Added by Dominique Cleopatra on March 15, 2014 at 10:30pm — 3 Comments

Shaving hair

i am deciding weather to shave all my hair off or not.

i would like to know what people felt like before they shaved there hair off and how it feels now. i am just scared on what i may look like and i would like to know what other peoples experience's were like

Added by Jade Smith on March 14, 2014 at 3:00pm — 9 Comments

Immune system

This may sound stupid, but I have been diagnosed with Alopecia for about 5 months now.  Hair is thinning badly and hair is about the size of my fist missing on right side of my head.  I have been wondering if anyone has tried auto immune supplements that are sold in drug stores?  If this is caused my immune system then could these supplements help?

Added by tracey on March 14, 2014 at 2:30pm — 1 Comment


Hi could anyone enlighten me, do you gain weight, have low libido erractic menstrual cycles,and fatigue with alopecia.because I am certainly sure you don't. because I have all these and my doctors fob me off saying its alopecia. me personaly think it is hypothyroid, or possibly coming off the contraceptive pill 3 years ago and hormonal.this is when I started to lose my hair. I still have hair but its like a patch work quilt  started to get better not sure if it was the evening…


Added by sharon on March 13, 2014 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

Alopecia sucks but there are worst things in life

Alopecia sucks but there are worst things in life

Added by Franco on March 11, 2014 at 9:48pm — 2 Comments

Hair loss

If I didn't have alopecia it wouldn't have made me the person I am today. I am still trying to come to terms that I am bald and I will never be like most of my mates. But I do hope that one day later on in life I do find a guy that is willing to accept me with hair or even with out it. Having alopecia has made me a stronger person and it means I am able to cope with things a lot better than others.


Added by Jade Smith on March 11, 2014 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Cicatricial (scarring) alopecia

I have just become a member of Alopecia World and am really pleased to have the chance to communicate with others affected by this condition. I have lost about 50% of my hair over a 4 year period since being diagnosed with Lichen Planopilaris/Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia and because my hair is curly I have been able to disguise the loss to some extent but this is getting harder to achieve.  My head can become very tender and irritated and I wonder if anyone else has this condition and how they…


Added by Margaret on March 11, 2014 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Diffuse alopecia

When I was first diagnosed with Alopecia Areata a year ago, I had large patches of hair falling out randomly across my head. Since then, they have shrunk to smaller patches about the size of quarters not only on my head but across my face as well. I dyed my hair platinum blonde not only to hide the grey hair that grew back, but it also did a better job of hiding the missing hair, As it has grown out and the black roots have started to show, I have noticed that I no longer have circular…


Added by michael on March 10, 2014 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Looking for a friend

I would love to have a girl friend also dealing with alopecia near by. I have had it since I was 8 and have always been pretty isolated. I'm now 41 and looking to spend time with someone who understands the day to day stress of living without hair, wearing a hairpiece and coping in the world. If you are interested or know of someone in southeast wisconsin let me know.

Added by Wendy on March 9, 2014 at 4:50pm — 1 Comment

20-year-old son with alopecia, minerals helped him

My son was 18 years old and a senior in High School when we noticed he was getting a dime size bald spot.  We took him to a dermatologist who offered to do the shots in his head and he didnt want to do this so we said no.  He is challenged and this was just one more thing in his long list of things to deal with.  We went to one of his Neurology appts in Marshfield, WI and the dr looked and said "Yep he has Alopecia, give him Minerals"  Because of his condition we do a lot of chiropractor…


Added by Karen on March 9, 2014 at 3:30pm — 5 Comments


Hi all I. Am looking for friends who. I am able to talk hair loss as made me feel so bad inside I will not go out or date anyone .i really don't no what to if your feeling as I do please do add me .would be nice to here from some one thank you

Added by Deborah on March 9, 2014 at 3:01pm — 1 Comment

Is it just the hair lost?

I was wondering do anyone has any system besides the hair lost dealiing with alopecia?

Added by Laura on March 9, 2014 at 12:48pm — 3 Comments

Trying to deal!

Hello, about 4 months ago i noticed my hair texture in the middle of my head had changed and when i brushed my hair a lot was falling out I had no idea what was going on but within 2 weeks i noticed a bald patch so i decided to see a doctor who diagnosed me with Alopecia Areata. I decided to go to a dermatologist last month who said i need monthly injections and to take biotin everyday. Within the last month my hair seems i've lost so much had that i decided to star wearing a lace front wig.…


Added by CourtneyRenae on March 8, 2014 at 9:00pm — 4 Comments

Refused eyelash extensions!

Thought I would treat myself today as have over 50% hairloss but not my eyebrows of I thought go to salon to try to make myself feel better...the salon said they couldn't do it as glue to strong!!dissapointed ...she offered me pedicure instead!!!anyone else had this???im sad x

Added by natsy on March 7, 2014 at 5:00pm — 2 Comments

How do I come out with alopecia?

I have struggled with alopecia areata my whole life, well since I was three. Now at 24 I feel that I have made peace with it and accept the uncertainty of my appearance. In the past few months I have developed totalis. Although I have accepted it and am trying to move on, my husband and 5 year old daughter do not know how to. My husband tries to be supportive and not affected by it, but he is and I can tell. It usually comes out in weird places, like critiques of my dressing, or his sudden…


Added by Marie on March 7, 2014 at 2:30pm — 23 Comments

Has anyone taken prednisone and kept their new hair growth?

Im new to this site.. I have been diagnosed with alopecia for 4 months now.  my whole side of my head is bald.  I went thru a very stressful event in my life in November.  Don't know for sure it that what caused it.  My doctor put me on drithrocream.  Didn't do anything,  Now starting yesterday I am on prednisone.  Sounds like it will work while you take it but fall out again.  Has anyone taken it and kept their new hair growth?


Added by tracey on March 7, 2014 at 9:00am — 7 Comments

New...and nervous.

Hello everyone,

Well...I guess I'll just dive right in. I have alopecia areata...its mostly at the nape of my neck and goes up to the back of my haven't been able to wear the hair I have left in a ponytail in years. I usually wear wigs, weaves and extensions to hide my condition. Maybe a handful of people know about family and closest friends...and they usually forget because I've learned to hide it so well...

Im happy I found this community where I will…


Added by MJ on March 6, 2014 at 2:30am — 4 Comments

Looking for a hairstyle change

It seems like every year I go through this.  I'm always looking for a new look, however, it never seems to happen because I'm too scared of the fact that I have absolutely no hair on in my temporal regions, and I barely have any hair on my nape.  My friends always ask why I always have the same hairstyle. Or whenever we hang out they always touch each others hair, and I never let anyone touch mine.  It's really embarrassing, because I get so defensive. -sighs-  With the way things are now,…


Added by Alex on March 4, 2014 at 4:30am — 10 Comments

My life experience

After 10 years, this past weekend is the FIRST time that i have ever typed anything in about alopecia in on the search engine. I have accepted the fact that I don't have hair…and basically just lived with it. My mom has done research about it, but I haven't bothered to do so myself. In my mind if the less i knew about it, the more "normal" id feel. I was diagnosed in August of 2004. I had tiny spots sporadically on my scalp with one spot that was about the size of 2 quarters smack in the…


Added by Chaff on March 3, 2014 at 7:00pm — 1 Comment

Has anybody written their hair story in a book?

I am in the process of writing my book. It is like a hair autobiography (with pictures).  It is not a book about treatment.  Although I had to chuckle while writing to keep from crying, I can feel the healing in the process. Has anyone else already did this or have a journal they have keep over the years?

I am a self-publish author of 4  "how to" books and a BlogTalk Radio host of 2 shows. But this is the first one that is personal. I feel some apprehension for actually putting it on…


Added by Ericka on March 2, 2014 at 5:11pm — 14 Comments

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