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Eyelashes and eyebrows for men. Any reccomendations?

Hello everyone. I've been googling for fake eyelashes and eyebrows for men, but i can't find anything, almost everything is for women.
Please recommend and share your experiences with fake eyelashes and eyebrows.

I have AU and already had tried tattoo my eyebrows some years ago, hated it, they looked unnatural, so i'm thinking about a eyebrow wig. Any advice would be welcomed.

Added by Nik4 on May 22, 2013 at 8:36pm — 5 Comments

Help to raise awareness

Hi I'm Natalie

I am 25yo old and I have Alopecia Universalis for many years I've had to hide my alopecia, for the reason that not many people are aware of the condition, so I would like to raise awareness about the condition and raise some funds for the Australia Alopecia Areata Foundation AAAF.

I will be participating in the Stadium Stomp without my wig, which i wear every day.

I've registered to participate in Stadium Stomp, Australia's longest consecutive stair climb to…


Added by Natalie Martin on May 22, 2013 at 4:00pm — 3 Comments

Now you see it, now you don't, now ... well sort of!!

Hi I am Judy

About four and a half years ago my hair suddenly went flat and started falling out, my long dark eyelashes dropped off, my eyebrows disappeared and after four months I was totally bald. Every bit of hair over my whole body disappeared. I had been to Doctors and a Specialist and they said this is Alopecia Universalis (total body hair loss).

The plus side of this is that it saved me a fortune in leg waxing and hairdressers.

And just for another kicker, I was…


Added by Judy Woolley on May 22, 2013 at 3:16pm — 1 Comment

Bald Bride: My Alopecia Story, Part 3

So a friend suggested I see her dermatologist located in Santa Monica. Dr. Greene* was a pretty woman with dark, shoulder-length hair and a somber tone about her. Or maybe there was just something somber about telling someone they had alopecia areata?

Yes, Dr. Greene was the person who told me I had alopecia areata. I had never heard of alopecia in my life. But I quickly learned that it was an autoimmune disease that effected 2% of the entire world population.

Dr. Greene asked…


Added by Rosanna on May 22, 2013 at 1:46pm — No Comments

Rosanna's LOVE U Formula

I just wanted to share my recent appearance on the news on KMIR6 in Palm Springs. I hope my LOVE U formula is helpful! It definitely helped me and my coaching clients.

Added by Rosanna on May 22, 2013 at 1:30pm — 4 Comments

One step closer to making a difference

After going from having small bald patches that would grow back over a few months, to losing 98% of my hair and half an eyebrow—the journey has been far from easy. I look back now, and cringe over how I would stress out when I discovered tiny little patches that were covered by the thick head of hair I once had.

How I would whinge because my hair was too thick, boring and normal when I was younger, along with other image issues.

How I would kid with my best friend whether he'd…


Added by Amy-Rose on May 22, 2013 at 2:02am — 33 Comments


In the past few weeks, I've really changed. Changed in the sense that I'm not allowing myself to hide that I have alopecia anymore. I'm no longer considering it a 'secret'. I shouldn't be ashamed of it, because alopecia is apart of me, and I will not be ashamed of myself. It was difficult to talk about it before to my family, and even worse when I talked about it to my best friend. I would always end up crying. But recently, I told more of my friends, without a single tear, and they…


Added by Jackie on May 22, 2013 at 12:15am — 28 Comments

Judging a book by it's cover

It sickens me how so many people assume that if you are bald, you automatically have cancer or you are going through chemotherapy.. I'm sure many more people have this same problem like I do. "don't judge a book by it's cover."

Added by Modern Monarch on May 21, 2013 at 11:51pm — 10 Comments

What to wear on my bald head for labor/ delivery?

I have AU and think I'd be happier/ more comfortable bald during the labor/ delivery. But I don't want all my pictures with me bald... I was thinking some type of head covering- but something not too obviously (bald underneath) for the posterity of my photos! Any suggestions? I think I will bring my wig to wear home from the hospital. But I do want to get some pics shortly after the birth and want to look ok.


Added by lgp on May 21, 2013 at 12:31pm — 6 Comments

Hugs & kisses to those who made me see it's just hair! Thank you & now I want to pay it forward

Reading the struggles and the number of years you have dealt with it was inspiring n heart felt in each case. After, watching the news last night of the Oklahoma tornado and 2 schools including an entire city gone, made me see life is sooooo much more than hair!! How dare i think this could be the worse of all things especially wen i have my baby at my side n her health~I guess its because i was afraid of the unknown. Society has us believing one thing in the fashion world and is it really?…


Added by JEANETTE on May 21, 2013 at 11:30am — No Comments

3 year old noticeing

my daughter is noticing that she has no hair and her sisters do, she spent a good 2-3 min. petting her older sisters hair and telling her she liked her hair, and mommies and her oldest sisters hair. She even asked where hers was, she calls her headbands and pretty much anything she puts on her head for the 5 min. she does her hair, she is so dang cute I tell her all the time that she is and that she is beautiful and I love her. She is breaking my heart with this newer behaviour but I know as…


Added by kittspin1 on May 21, 2013 at 6:31am — 4 Comments

Who's attending NAAF 2013 conference?

I don't know if anyone has started a blog about this, but since I just registered to attend my first NAAF conference in St. Louis June 27-30, I'm curious which of my AW friends are attending.

Who's going?

Added by Mary on May 20, 2013 at 6:30pm — 47 Comments

Now or later

I am almost finished with sixth grade I only have five more days. The thing is I am contemplating whether or not to shave my had now or wait until August I was wondering what you guys think. I was thinking wait so I don't get a sunburn on my head but also if I waited I could get teased and made fun of behind my back, but that would be okay with me as long as they didn't do it to my face. On the other hand though, I could shave it now and risk getting it sunburnt and have hair when school…


Added by Jessica Hoschouer on May 19, 2013 at 2:30pm — 6 Comments


I tried a full piece cyberhair. Worst mistake ever. Anyone who is used to real hair and quality pieces will not like going to synthetic no matter how much money or how much time you will save. Just my personal experience and want to share with others considering the same.

Added by Shannon Hyden on May 18, 2013 at 12:33am — 4 Comments

Just diagnosed

I was diagnosed with alopecia areata a few weeks ago. I noticed a bald patch on my crown when getting ready for prom, which was a huge shock. I went to the dermatologist the next week, and he found 3 other patches. I got the steroid injections, and hair is starting to slowly come back in. Unfortunately, more hair is falling out near the patches, in the places that I did not receive injections (they only did about 15). The patch on my crown is growing to the size of a large palm, and I can no…


Added by Madeline on May 17, 2013 at 3:30pm — 6 Comments

The employment issue

Hi everyone. I have AU, which developed after I left the working world due to a disability. I am considering trying to go back to work, but realized when it came time to thinking about interviews, that I am going to have to explain my disease in order for the interviewer to not think I am sick with cancer. I know that it may not sound like a big deal, but I am really not happy that I don't have much of a choice if I want to continue to live free from binding, headache producing wigs! I feel…


Added by Tracey on May 17, 2013 at 3:30pm — 3 Comments

Options for wigs - opinions?

I haven't been on here in so long, but since I have, I've come a long way with the acceptance of my alopecia. I'm in a much better place, even though it still sucks at times...

I got married last September :) and had a beautiful custom made wig for my wedding. I loved it! I wanted long hair and the guy I go to charged me approx $1250! I know , that's alot of money :( but it was a full cap (and I don't have to wear any tape, which I love, because I HATE using the tape!) I previously…


Added by Nikki on May 16, 2013 at 11:00am — 4 Comments

Fashion ideas

Hello everyone,does anyone have any ideas to promote fashion with alopecia? Just because we lost our hair don't mean we have to look a hot mess.your suggestions are needed.

Added by Lavonia on May 16, 2013 at 10:30am — 2 Comments

Parents of New York kids with alopecia

Hello everyone, my name is Lavonia I am searching for children with alopecia to possably make a new friend with alopecia. My daughter has AA and I want her to meet other kids with the disease so they won't feel alone. She is seven years old.I feel meeting other kids with this disease wiil incourage them to be themselves.this will better them in many ways . So what do you say parents? We are all in this together.

Added by Lavonia on May 16, 2013 at 10:28am — No Comments

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