All Blog Posts (5,825)

I'm new!

Hey everyone! My name is Allison and I'm new to alopecia world! I wanted to seek advice on my eyebrow. Recently, I lost half of my right eyebrow. I see some hairs growing in, and I was wondering how long it might take to grow completely back. Also, is there a way to prevent more eyebrow hair from being lost? 

Added by Allison on July 29, 2018 at 3:06pm — 2 Comments

Treatment for Alopecia Areata


  I havent really been doing treatments for my alopecia areata right now and its been 10 years, since I have alopecia.  I was kind of seeing a hair specialist and told me my hair is going to grow back but don't know when.  I'm thinking of starting treatments again so the whole process can be faster.  I had thyroid cancer and got stressed out and lost my hair bacause of stress.  Does any one know of treatments that work…


Added by kayla on July 26, 2018 at 12:30am — 7 Comments

Take part in a new research survey exploring out of pocket expenses for patients with alopecia areata.

Harvard Medical School is conducting a short survey about out of pocket medical costs associated with alopecia areata 

A research study being conducted by Brigham and Women’s Hospital is seeking to learn more about understanding the out of pocket expenses for patients with alopecia areata. …


Added by JessicaStinkle on July 23, 2018 at 9:31am — 2 Comments

11 Years of Alopecia

Hello All,

What the journey we go through with this thing called alopecia areata.

I've just returned from the conference and want to let you know that once again I had another, yes another wonderful experience of my life! 

I celebrated with old friends and met new friends. 

Thank you all for you being you!!!

Love and hugs!


Added by JeffreySF on July 6, 2018 at 2:35am — 11 Comments

Ashwagandha/Anthony William of Medical Medium

Hello ---

I have not been on here for quite some time.  Still coping with the alopecia areata and it has been 10 years!  I still routinely get kenalog injections when spots occur and so far it has helped.  I would just like to find out how to stop this though, like many of us.

Recently a friend turned me onto Anthony William of Medical Medium.  Of course I checked to see if he talks about alopecia and he does.  He recommends Ashwagandha and I wonder if anyone has tried…


Added by Georgie on June 6, 2018 at 3:34pm — 2 Comments

Eye Make-up for Alopecia Universalis

I love this community. It is helping me to accept my Alopecia Universalis. While I strive to get healthier in hopes of regrowing hair, I've found so many wonderful and caring people on this website who have helped me to accept the condition. I still hope that the autoimmune disease cures itself, but I'm not stressing out over it anymore. 

Today, I created a vlog on doing my make-up and getting ready in the morning. I don't bother with fake eyelashes. I don't have real ones to…


Added by Melinda on June 2, 2018 at 5:00pm — 2 Comments

Autoimmune disorders and deficiencies—Hypothyroid and iron

Also, looking at auto-immune disorders, I have had excema since I was 12 and had rheumatoid arthritis from 1998-2004 (6 years).  

Added by Gretchen on May 26, 2018 at 12:23am — 2 Comments

I found my answer to my alopecia areata- my hair is completely back

Like the title said this is my answer and I came back to write about it so that maybe it could help at least one person. Everybody's answers going to be different but this is what I found out was the reason that I was losing hair. So I went and had an allergy test ran and my whole life I didn't know that I was allergic to anything. Well it turns out that I had an egg white intolerance so it is causing inflammation on my scalp and causing my hair to fall out. I went to about 20 different…


Added by michellelc23 on May 22, 2018 at 8:39am — 6 Comments


I read in today's paper that someone who had alopecia claims that Watermans Grow me shampoo cured their Alopecia. Before I go rushing to buy some I thought I check with you on here to see if anyone has tried it. It could have just been a story to increase sales!!



Added by Sue on May 16, 2018 at 3:43pm — 3 Comments

Dating was already hard, and then all my hair fell out in 1 year

  I am basically 6 feet tall (5' 11 1/2").  Dating was already hard because of my height.  Most guys are attracted to average height women.  I was shy and a very late bloomer--didn't start dating seriously until age 30. Over 10 years, I had one crappy or bad relationship after another.  Nothing lasted very long, was cheated on, etc. 

  2 years ago, I finally figured out the kind of man I really wanted.  I broke up…


Added by Gretchen on May 15, 2018 at 11:04pm — 18 Comments

Disapointing Hair Piece

Hello my fellow Alopecians!

I want to share a story with you.  I ordered a hair piece with a grant I rcvd.  The vendor is located in North Texas and I am in Ga.  Took 5 weeks, no big deal it was custom.  I was so excited but when it came I was so dissapointed, wrong length, not quite the right color, wrong size (too big) and definetly the wrong texture!  I sent emails and phone calls with my complaints.  When I finally rcvd a reply they told me essentially the order was correct and…


Added by Shelly on May 8, 2018 at 8:41pm — 2 Comments

Bald Woman Problems

I have lived with alopecia universalis for 9 years now. Yikes! All of my thirties were bald! In this video, I share some of the challenges that being bald can have that most people don't know about or even think about. 

First and foremost, let's talk about wigs. If you have more than one, people will notice,…


Added by Melinda on May 8, 2018 at 9:30am — No Comments

Hot and tired

I am so so tired of wearing my wigs.  some days I'm over heated other days I am self conscious.  Other days I am depressed and embarrassed. Yesterday I went out to get my nails done, when I got home and took off my lace wig my head was soaking wet.  This morning I didn't even have the desire to put a wig on and go to work.  I just stayed home.  it's been many years but I still miss the days when I could get up and pull my hair back in a pony tail.  It's been over 20 yrs and I am still in…


Added by Shelly on May 7, 2018 at 7:24pm — No Comments

What's Behind the Veil

Alopecia: What’s Behind the Veil

When I look in the mirror, I see my brother.

Now, nothing wrong with that - he’s quite a good looking guy.

But he’s a guy!

None of the men in my family have hair. Nothing on the head, no eyebrows, eyelashes; nothing on the, arms, legs or other unmentionable places. My dad lost all at the age of 8 after two successive bouts of scarlet and rheumatic fever. My oldest brother lost…


Added by Sherrie Saadeh on May 7, 2018 at 2:27pm — No Comments

I Quit My Job Because of My Alopecia

I loved swimming. I was a swimmer and as an adult, I taught swimming classes. I was great at it. Then I started losing my hair. I went bald really quickly. I have Alopecia Universalis. For about a year, I taught swimming with a wig on. Most of the instruction was simple enough that I didn't have to demonstrate for the kids. I chose a stellar student and had him demonstrate.

I wore a really cheap artificial wig. It fooled everyone. I didn't have to deal with comments on my health. I…


Added by Melinda on May 7, 2018 at 5:00am — 27 Comments

To Wig or Not To Wig .... That is the question?

for me wig it! 

Added by kimk on April 29, 2018 at 4:59pm — No Comments

I've got some hairs!

I'm going on my 9th year with Alopecia Universalis. I struggled with this for years. I decided that I was going to heal it naturally with diet and exercise because the medications that were being prescribed for me were interacting with my epilepsy medication. 

I started out with a raw vegan diet and lots of juicing. It really didn't do much for me. I loved fresh juices and they tasted great, but I lost weight. That was about it. I also looked a bit too thin. 

The next diet I…


Added by Melinda on April 6, 2018 at 2:21pm — 5 Comments

Caught Off Guard

Since I haven't shaved my head in several days, I was able to notice that my alopecia is active and I have several new spots that are completely bald and a large patch on top that is almost gone. I have to admit that I'm a little bit more upset than I probably should be, mainly because it caught me off guard.

After 36 years of living with alopecia, you would think I'd know better than to get upset when my hair starts falling out again. After 36 years, you would think that I…


Added by kastababy on April 1, 2018 at 8:43pm — 11 Comments

My Alopecia

I'm new here, and I'd like to start out my introducing myself my name Pamela and I'm 26 yrs old. Honestly dont know how I came across this page. But I've read up on some of the types of alopecia there is. And I've never been to a dermatologist for mine. But all the ppl I've talked to that knows someone that has it has never heard of it. I've had mine since birth, and my hair has never grown in, it's like a babies hair. Nor is full neither. I dont know much about any of this and have always…


Added by Pamela F. on March 30, 2018 at 12:42am — 2 Comments

10 years later...

Hi everyone, its me Merari who has Alopecia, typing this blog post right now after years and years of this page being inactive...

As you see the past posts, my aunt Jennifer was the main person active on here. She found my first coin sized ball spot on my head one day doing my hair. She created this page for me to get help, and more information about this disease. My mom has also been a part of this page, posting once…


Added by Merari's Page on March 29, 2018 at 1:00am — 2 Comments

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