January 2010 Blog Posts (69)

Oh No She Didn't...

Well I gotten some great responses to my blogs so the blogging will continue.... Ah yes a new adventure in my life everyday. A couple weeks ago I wanted to venture out and embrace the night life once again. The clubs are calling my name. No, no that's not right, I should the money is calling my name. Clubs are also known as fast cash. Compared to dead end restaurant jobs that for some reason I keep going back to.

I've been the secretary. The night time cleaning lady. Ice cream… Continue

Added by suzie on January 31, 2010 at 9:31pm — No Comments

Alopecian Adventures in Antarctica and Argentina

I just returned from a trip that my husband and I have been planning for a long time. I was out of Internet contact for most of the time, and I missed the AW community. I'd like to share a few moments from the trip, particularly some that involved my baldness. I've posted one photo on my page, and will probably put some more up eventually, as well as videos on YouTube of the wildlife.

Yesterday was the two-year anniversary of my shaving my head. I've been publicly "out" as a bald… Continue

Added by Mary on January 31, 2010 at 8:07pm — 10 Comments

The man who couldn't take a hint

In and out, costumers coming in, leaving, or walking through. I stare out the large window of the resturant. I probably have a look of great intense search for something. Yet really my eyes and nose are scrunched up merely because I want to see the snow flakes gracefully fall from the sky. "Hey miss, excuse me... yea you." Oh my bad, I quickly go over to their table and wait on them and remove thier plates from the table. Two guys about middle age I would guess, one of them slyly replies… Continue

Added by suzie on January 31, 2010 at 3:13pm — 4 Comments

Pregnancy and alopecia

so after trying for two years to get pregnant we stopped trying in november...

i found out i was pregnant in december... what they say is true! stop trying and it happens.

Well it came as a bit of a surprise because we were in the middle of selling our house and packing to move!

and i didnt realise morning sickness is so bad!

so many people have said to me that there is a chance my hair will grow with all the hormones and things happening to my body. so far i do… Continue

Added by Alison on January 31, 2010 at 5:10am — 6 Comments


Oh my dear friends, I am sorry I have not blogged in so long! I've been busy... blah blah what an excuse!...For that I apologize, but hey it's the best I got right now.

Right now, I am going to dig deep for a minute or so and really put some things out here. As you have seen my profile, I'm funny, witty, cocky, bold, etc. But I can feel it coming. I can sense it. It's right behind me, waiting patiently, ready to swallow me whole.For the last couple blogs where I've dabbled in here… Continue

Added by suzie on January 30, 2010 at 7:18pm — 1 Comment

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

"Courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, toughness,heart, talent, guts. That's what little girls are made of; the heck with sugar and spice."

Added by Dotty on January 30, 2010 at 12:25am — No Comments

Dating with wig

Last night I went on my first date with a wig on. I was nervous and a little self concious, but it was fun and I felt comfortable pretty quick. Im not sure what will happen with this one, but at least now I know that my alopecia is not necessarily a roadblock to finding someone. I can meet people and date and be confident and that's a huge step for me. Every little step I take is another sign that my alopecia is not a death sentence. I can still do everything I wanted to do, and I can do it in… Continue

Added by Andrea on January 28, 2010 at 1:14pm — 8 Comments

"Home...Away from Home"

Every now and then signing on to Alopecia World allows me to reflect.

To share, also connect with people who's life has been thrown into a spiraling pool of loss, isolation and sadness.

Where the only way to feel accepted in the outside world, is to cover up with head covering.

So here at Alopecia World we are free to shed our wigs, our hats, bandannas and head coverings, that hide our sorrows.

Here we can unwind, disrobe, to tell our stories, pains and…

Added by MiNAH on January 27, 2010 at 11:43pm — 5 Comments

Need Some Advice Please!

Hello Alopecia Friends,

My daughter Kimi is getting married in September and I, of course, am absolutely thrilled. Her fiance' is a wonderful man who I absolutely love. My dilemma is, as the "Mother of the Bride," I will be in the spotlight quite a bit at the wedding. As a lot of you know, I have a headful of tattoos and do draw attention to myself pretty much wherever I go. I, however, do not want to draw attention to myself at Kimi's wedding because she deserves the whole spotlight. My… Continue

Added by Dotty on January 27, 2010 at 2:19pm — 9 Comments

It’s been a tough journey to this point

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to start out saying that you are really a bunch of beautiful people! With and without hair! I’ve been admiring you’re photo’s and reading your blogs, and I’m really drawn into you’re openness. I’m truly amazed by some of your willingness and creativity to try different things. Whether it’s baring it all, wigs, tattooing, etc… Just illustrates how ones true beauty is really not skin deep!

I truley appreciate reading everyone’s blogs. Especially… Continue

Added by John on January 26, 2010 at 1:58pm — 8 Comments

Why alopecia makes me a better person

Hi, if you have read my other two blogs you know I am pretty good with my AU, that I actually in some ways like it at this point. Here are some reasons why

1. I am stronger- this is kinda obvious, we are all stronger because of this, we go through a life changing thing really, especially in our culture where looks are so important, where hair is a billion dollar industry, we are thrown into this and we must deal, we must be ok, and we are. it is only hair. I repeat that to myself… Continue

Added by Erin on January 25, 2010 at 1:00pm — 9 Comments

I'm scared!

it's been a year since this problem stared again!! and i'm really scare because it's getting worse!!! the first bald spot it's already full of new hair :D it was really big!! but i have new ones!! and they are not that big, but they are big!! and i notice that i have like 3 new littles spots, and i don't like it, on the big spots i can notice some regrowing, and i some of the old spots are getting bigger, and don't like it, but i'm really scare because i can still cover it, but i don't know how… Continue

Added by brenda j on January 25, 2010 at 1:00am — No Comments

NIH Funding for Alopecia Areata Ending in Sept 2010

Hello Friends,

I wanted to put the word out there that 10 years of NIH funding for alopecia is coming to an end this Sept.

Please help be part of the cure It's free and painless.


Sending all the best to all!


Added by JeffreySF on January 24, 2010 at 10:00pm — 5 Comments

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

"A good friend is a connection to life - a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world."

Added by Dotty on January 24, 2010 at 9:52pm — No Comments

Freedom Wigs

Hey Ladies

I could use your opinions. I have been considering Virtual Reality Hair but have seen so many good things said about the Freedom Wigs...a special thanks to Natalie for all her help!! I would like to know if any of you that have a Freedom Wig think it is hot. I'm not real physically active but I do walk on the treadmill and like to go camping (not tent...trailer.) I'm really interested in the wig but I'm afraid it will be hot and i will not want to wear it in the summer or when i… Continue

Added by Joy on January 24, 2010 at 8:59pm — 7 Comments


I'm not the kind to put much stock into horoscopes, but I checked mine today, and it made me smile.

From Real Detroit Weekly.

Cancer: You can't fix everything all at once. Just because you've seen the light, it will be awhile before it starts reflecting itself in your outer reality. For the moment, all you can do is trust the fact that the seeds for change have been planted and try to keep them watered. Don't look for results or think that the results from this will be what you… Continue

Added by Andrea on January 23, 2010 at 10:07pm — No Comments

1 year alopecian anniversary...isn't this the paper anniversary? I'll take hair instead:)

So about one year to this day I found my first spot...I remember being in complete shock, getting verification from the hubby and thinking "What the heck is this?" I remember going to my 1st doctor is somewhat of a panic and being told "alopecia" and thinking alowhat??? I remember a second spot starting while we were at the cabin and this is where the story turns ugly. I remember that weekend just bawling as I had more and more hair fall out and felt tingling all over my body. I remember just… Continue

Added by Jennifer Krahn on January 22, 2010 at 10:52am — 7 Comments

Swimming cap?

Joined the gym here in Spain, went swimming this morning, after 2 lengths got called over by the lifeguard. He said "This might sound absurd but you need to wear a swimming cap. It's the rules of the pool." Erm...what? What would be the reasoning of this rule? I would hazard a guess at the fact that hair gets trapped in drains and they want to avoid that. So why would I need to wear one? I looked at him a bit perplexed and he said "I've got one here you can borrow." So I sighed and said "OK"… Continue

Added by Hayley Burton on January 22, 2010 at 9:56am — 5 Comments

Knowing when to walk away

Hope is a very powerful ingredient in one's life however so is a realistic point of view. I can hope that today will be a sunny day, I can hope that I'll find the greatest man on earth and I could certainly hope that my hair would come back BUT (and that's a big but) reality must come into play at some point here. Hope will not change the forcast for the day or bring me that great man and hope has nothing to do with making my hair come back. Hope is like daydreaming or wishing. Now I'm not… Continue

Added by Carol on January 22, 2010 at 9:27am — 3 Comments

Meditation and health

Last week I attended a meditation workshop. I've meditated for several years on my own accord and figured the workshop would teach me something new. First off we sat around and talked about stress and meditation, something I was already quite aware of. Stress is generally the source of changes in diet, sleep patterns and tension which lead to other health problems such as obesity/malnutrition, fatigue, heart attacks, and weak immune systems which make us prone to infections and disease. Knowing… Continue

Added by Carol on January 19, 2010 at 4:44pm — 1 Comment

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