September 2017 Blog Posts (13)

The next Chapter

Hellooooo everybody!

Wow it's been a long time since I've been on the site.  I have missed seeing all the smiles and reading all the stories,  but my prayers and positive vibes have been sent continually.  

I lost my hair in a quick fashion 17 years ago.  It was a 3 week whirlwind of hairloss and wow, it was scary.  Doctors didn't know very much about Alopecia then (well, at least my doctors didn't) and they kept telling me it was just stress.  Sigh.  Have you heard that…


Added by Sandy K. on September 30, 2017 at 8:00am — No Comments

Cortisone Injections

I was wondering if anyone who has been getting Cortisone injections also has any problems with yeast infections. My granddaughter has been getting the injections for the last 4 years. Lately she has developed a yeast infection which will not go away even with medical treatment.
Thank you

Added by Ashlestley on September 29, 2017 at 9:12pm — 1 Comment

"The Male Model Who Lost His Hair" -

I recently came across an article on and pulled a few excepts:

 "Justin Hopwood's perfect looks helped him land a perfect career, traveling the world to model for Ralph Lauren. Then he was diagnosed with alopecia. What do you do when you lose your money-maker? Especially when that money-maker is a perfect head of hair? He's trying to figure that out."…


Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on September 28, 2017 at 11:50pm — No Comments

Denver Experience

The Snowy Day-Zak Reynolds

This is a link to my write up for Denver Center for the Performing Arts, The Snowy Day. Sept 21-Nov 18

Come see !

Added by ZakR07 on September 25, 2017 at 3:38am — No Comments


I just found out that I have FFA.  I'm really hoping someone with tell me a success story and what they did to keep their hair from falling out.  It's really hard to have something like this happening.

Added by WandaRussell on September 23, 2017 at 7:29pm — 2 Comments

Social media

I deactivated my Facebook account. Not forever just until I’m in a good place mentally. I was spending too much time looking at my forehead in pictures trying to gauge when my hairline first began receding. I also found myself looking at everyone else’s hair and forehead thinking she has beautiful hair and a perfect hairline. Facebook was hurting me. I could feel myself slipping into a deeper depression. I look forward to one of these two things in the future: the feeling of relief because I…


Added by Adie503 on September 21, 2017 at 4:39pm — 5 Comments


My son first developed AU within 3 months of starting Pre-Kindergarten at our elementary school.  it continued through the 4th grade.  In 5th grade they go to another school and that school had mobile classrooms that were built in 2000.  His hair started coming back and by the time he entered the Middle School for 6th grade he had all of his hair back.  for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades in the middle school he never had a problem.  The middle school was built in 1997. 



Added by Cory on September 21, 2017 at 9:41am — No Comments

My wig experience

Hi everyone!! I just want to take a moment and talk about my experience with Joli Chameleon. I wear the Joli Dancer Wig almost everyday of my life. I also workout almost everyday of my life, so that is a lot of sweating and washing done to my hair. I am so thankful that my Joli Dancer has been able to withstand my lifestyle and I've been able to live comfortably and confidently.  Joli Chameleon is a company that truly puts you first and wants to make sure you are able to live your best life.…


Added by Franchesca Bass on September 16, 2017 at 12:56pm — No Comments

Ya think?

I have had Alopecia Universalis for 45+ years. While anything is possible, I have heard more so called cure claims than I can remember. The only thing predictable about this condition is its complete unpredictability, unless you have it to my extreme. I took Prednisone, as prescribed by a dermatologist not an endrocronologist, way back the late 60's and almost all my hair came back, for about a month. When I stopped taking it, like our standard doctor told me to, because of all its side…


Added by Mark S. Hansen on September 13, 2017 at 3:36pm — No Comments

Raw Food Lifestyle

Hello....has anyone converted to a raw food lifestyle?

Has you seen any significant changes in your hair or alopecia?

I would love to hear your thoughts.



Added by vickie0707 on September 13, 2017 at 12:46pm — 4 Comments

Regrowth ... again

So I have more growth than I have had since I lost the last of my hair spring of 2012. Still patchy but more coverage than before. I also have eyebrows and eyelashes that are long enough to wear mascera.

In addition to Alopecia Universalis I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and Autoimmune thyroiditis. The RA was diagnosed 13 years ago. Dec 2016 my Rheumatologist and I finally called it quits on Remicaid. I had been on that for about 10 years when it started to fail. In Feb 2017 I started… Continue

Added by ASRN on September 10, 2017 at 11:49pm — No Comments

Strand of my hair

When I see a strand of my hair, I pick it up right away and check to see if it has the root attached. If the root is attached my heart hurts for it. If it’s broken then I’m a little relieved because it means the other half with the root is still on my head.  This is a never ending emotional roller coaster. It’s really a nightmare I want to wake up from but the truth smacks me in the face several times a day when I see a strand on my desk, floor, bed, chair, counter, etc. I have lichen…


Added by Adie503 on September 8, 2017 at 1:29pm — 2 Comments

the VDR (vitamin D receptor gene) inflammation and keratin (hair and nail) production

I personally have 3 SNP's on my VDR gene which makes is harder for me to convert sunlight into Vitamin D..I also have a gene that make me prone to skin cancer...hence my dilemma

Vitamin D receptor regulates intestinal proteins…


Added by Mike Staffieri RHN on September 7, 2017 at 11:30am — 4 Comments

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