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I was diagnosed with alopecia. How do I deal with this? Life is so unfair :'(

Hi I was just diagnosed with alopecia areata:'( its really hard to deal with, I don't know what to do, I feel as though my world has fallen apart. How do I keep the faith and stay strong? Any advice please?

Added by alicia on November 10, 2011 at 4:00pm — 3 Comments

Alopecia trivia

Society has an interesting way of trivializing alopecia; passing it off as simply cosmetic.

So then I suppose that those of us who dare to feel saddened by this uncontrollable condition which leaves us looking almost supernatural and unspeakably unhealthy should also feel guilty for having such petty, vein, and juvenile emotions....damn. that's a lot.

Added by Jackie on November 10, 2011 at 10:00am — 5 Comments

Great vacation in Puerto Rico

First timer

I decided to go on vacation to get a way from personal issues and of course my struggle with AA. I expected the usuall, with people stairing and the wisper to the other persons ear but, the total opposite occured. People that i met on different places were great and when they noticed my hairless face they just continued with the conversation with no questions about my AA. I ran 2 miles everyday and went to the gym and for me especially in the gym i feel that everyone is…


Added by manuel j. torres on November 10, 2011 at 8:11am — No Comments

What kind do i have

Can anyone offer advice on what kind of alopecia i may have.. last year when i first lost it, it wasnt that much off my head, a little on arms, and legs, but thats it... this year its all of my body hair, and i have about 10% of my head hair left... if its the 6 month cycle, then it should start growing back any day now.. but if i have universalis, does that mean its unpredictable if and when it will grow back? if i still have some hair on my head, does that mean i have areata not…


Added by Erika on November 9, 2011 at 8:33pm — 3 Comments

My Alopecia Universalis Poem

I wake up in the morning and to my surprise

I run my fingers thru my hair, could this all be lies?

Was I some kind of experiment, is this some sick joke

I had hair before I went to bed, before I awoke.

Gone in a flash without no warning,

Is this a nightmare, surely it can't be morning!

I run to the mirror the sight is appalling,

My head in my hands I drop to my knees and start bawling.

How'd this happen? Why me? Can you please give it back?

In the blink… Continue

Added by Kami M. on November 9, 2011 at 6:00pm — 6 Comments

First Bald-Headed Lady

I am a First Lady. I am the wife of a pastor of a church in Houston. I am also a preacher. I have alopecia. I am bald headed. Wow! What a relief that was. I was told by a preacher friend of mines not to share my condition with anyone at the church for fear that they would mock me or spread rumors about me. I wore wigs and hats and covered the shame of a bald head and bald spots. I cry late at night and all throughout the day not able to share my pain with anyone. I am fearful of their…


Added by Theresa on November 9, 2011 at 4:30pm — 13 Comments


Lots of people on this site talk about dating, alopecia, and where the two overlap. I have found that I can get just as much action bald as I did when I had hair. I don't currently have a boyfriend, but I have utter faith that I'll get one eventually.

That being said, I have a profile on OkCupid, a free dating website that's popular among college students and twentysomethings. I've met a few guys in person, messaged a bunch more, and I'm meeting another one today! Wish me…


Added by peachfuzz on November 9, 2011 at 3:22pm — 10 Comments

Random ridiculous thought

'Seems it might be easier to tell the world that I've lost my hair battling cancer than it is to say that I have some immune disorder that attacks hair follicles deeming me bald indefinitely. #justsayin'

Added by Jackie on November 9, 2011 at 2:00pm — 8 Comments


Ever scared that you wont find anyone to love because of what you look like.. or that maybe if you meet and like someone but how do you tell them you have been wearing a wig the whole time, what if they find out you are really bald and leave...

i have a boyfriend right now, weve been together for 6 months, but he's been in my life for two years, we were together for awhile but broke up as things were weird and I was moving away but now i am back and we are together, he was there from…


Added by Erika on November 9, 2011 at 10:41am — 4 Comments

Some sorta/kinda acceptance

So I have finally accepted (after 25 years) that I am a slave to my wig. I started sleeping in my wig two months ago. I take it off only to wash it and to scrub my scalp once a week. Actually that I'm not running for my wig whenever the door rings, or hiding beneath windows in fear that the neighbors will see how horrific I really am, life has gotten better. Believe it or not, my husband Of 8 years even responds to me better. Go figure.

Added by Jackie on November 9, 2011 at 10:30am — 4 Comments

Looking for contact deatils good wig manufacturer in India Delhi


I am looking for contact deatils good wig manufacturer in India Delhi.


Added by Raj on November 9, 2011 at 12:14am — 2 Comments

This time I'm not leaving without you

Well it certainly has been a long time since I've been on this site... I guess I'll just do a quick update. I was contacted recently on facebook by the girlfriend off one of my cousins. She just got diagnosed recently- maybe a year ago?- with alopecia. My cousin, having grown up all his life with me having alopecia, referred her to me because shes been having some difficulty adjusting, and doesn't have anyone to talk to about it.

I feel so bad for her. I know how hard it is to deal with… Continue

Added by Brittany R. on November 8, 2011 at 11:13pm — 1 Comment

My testimony

A Testimony of Mine Own

Given at CCCMOPS in Spring of 2010

Jesus is with me always. Even as a little girl I somehow knew Jesus would answer my prayers.

One morning, when I was 3 years old, my mom was putting my hair up in piggy tails and she noticed a dime size spot on the back of my head that was missing hair. A bald spot. I remember going to several doctors, having blood tests, and my mom crying a lot from not knowing why I had several bald spots all over my head.…


Added by Clarissa Ellen Becker French on November 8, 2011 at 11:00pm — 1 Comment

What is this?

Hey Guys... I heard of this website through a girl I met through my hairdresser. I have no idea what to do or how to reach people, So I suppose a blog would be the best way... I am 21. turning 22 in February. I will tell my story and hope I can find some of you to help me understand, googling this stuff doesnt help because different sites I find all say different things so i'm not sure what to believe...

In 2009 I notice in december my eyebrow was starting to thin in the middle of…


Added by Erika on November 8, 2011 at 7:49pm — 5 Comments


I have no idea how this site works, so I have no idea who will be reading this, but whatever. Here's my backstory:

I've had alopecia since 2008. I had ridiculously beautiful red hair down to my torso (my friend called it "hair porn" haha) that fell out when I was a sophomore in high school. I was bald by junior year and my hair didn't start coming back until the end of my senior year. It fell out a little when I got to college, but by the ned of my freshman year, I had a full head of…


Added by peachfuzz on November 8, 2011 at 6:43pm — 6 Comments

There is hope

Hi. My name is Clare and i just want to share that i had a very rapid case of AA, In June last year my hair started to fall out very Quickly, first with a few spots then it continued till i lost almost all of it. From start to finish it was all gone within 4 to 5 months it was devastating. However i did do Steroid shots and then my hair started to grow back very slowly and it was curly. My doctor was wonderful and very encouraging. Every case is different so its hard to say if its the right…


Added by clare majka on November 8, 2011 at 4:30pm — 2 Comments

November 2011

We have not been on here for quite some time. Nicky is 10 now and doing pretty well with his alopecia, he has been growing several really large patches of black hair since early summer and has very thick eye lashes, the last week or so though he has noticed his eyebros getting thinner, he's feeling upset about that but we have tried encouraging him as much as possible, anyway he is wanting to take over this page that I had originally set up a few years ago so I'm sure he will be on here soon… Continue

Added by Carrie & Nicky Johnson on November 8, 2011 at 3:46pm — 1 Comment

Regrowth anyone?

Hi Everyone,

I have been experiencing hairloss which they are calling Diffuse Alopecia Areata and it is severe. It began with severe itchyness which lead me to finding a spot on the back of my head sometime in March. Shortly after that my hair began to fall out all over my head. Actally I'm not sure if it fell out or broke off, I never really seemed to have "bald" spots. It did spread to my pubic area, my underarms, and my eyebrows became a little spotty. I evenually had to shave my… Continue

Added by lynn on November 8, 2011 at 3:26pm — 10 Comments


So over the summer I started to have a little bit of re-growth. This is the first time that this has happened for me in the 4 years since I have lost my hair. The hair kept growing, and is now covering my entire head! I have one small patch thats missing hair... but even my eyebrow hair is starting to come back. I've been to a specialist who set up a meeting for me with a doctor at a hospital in Toronto. I have this appointment on December 7th, where they will tell me if I am a candidate for…


Added by randi weingarten on November 8, 2011 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Bald Girls Do Lunch

well i just had my first event at my shop. it turned out great. i did it for Bald Girls do lunch. Thea came in and showed us how to do the scarf in different ways and how to apply eyebrows. very interesting. we talked to some of my friends and educated them on alopecia. I look forward on hosting another event. It was wonderful meeting new people and hearing thier storys. If anybody lives close to my shop and would like to have an event, my shop is open to you located in Oak Forest Illinois.… Continue

Added by Sandra Christianson on November 8, 2011 at 12:53pm — 2 Comments

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