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Regrowth - questions on biotin and thickening shampoos

Hey All,

I haven't been on here for awhile but I had a couple of questions. I started doing more cortisone injections in February, while my hair is growing back I'm 99% sure it has nothing to do with those painful shots! The areas they focus on have had no reaction and I'll probably stop soon. I'm very happy to report that I have an inch missing directly above my left ear and a couple of spots remaining on the bottom right neck area. Thankfully both of those areas are easily covered… Continue

Added by Jennifer on August 19, 2011 at 4:41pm — 8 Comments

meeting a new person

on twed i met a lady at work who had Alopecia. I just went up to her ask her if she have Alopecia in a low voice she told she had. this is the first time a. ask somebody else this question. We got to talk for a least 15 min because i was at wrk

Added by Tamika Joseph on August 19, 2011 at 2:13am — No Comments

Going around again

So, I haven't posted on here for a long while. I suppose I've been busy doing other things.

For about 1 year now I've been seeing a Psychologist. It started last year with a referral for a completely different problem (not alopecia) from my GP. The actual problem I went to her about, we only discussed twice. Since then it has been about a range of things - most commonly coming up being my ex boyfriend, alopecia and the two things relating to eachother.

Just to be clear,… Continue

Added by Dominique on August 18, 2011 at 9:29pm — 2 Comments


Hi Everyone,
I've recently noticed that my eye lashes are getting thinner by the minute, therefore I went out and bout human hair lashes, I've tried to put them on to see what they'd look like and they are mmm,,,,too long!!!
What should I do???? any pointers would be apreciated :)

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on August 18, 2011 at 9:09am — 4 Comments

Cosmetic Tattooing?

I think I have mentioned that I haven't had eyebrows in a while. 10 years to be precise. It hasn't bothered much except for some weird looks every now and then, not very often. But when I want to go out and I do my make up, I feel unfinished. The bald spots, thin hair doesn't bother me as much. That I've been dealing with since I was 3 and so I can handle it and look with sheer confidence. But my face looks unfinished to me. I was wondering if there is anybody in the Calgary/Bow Valley Alberta… Continue

Added by Davis McConney-Goode on August 18, 2011 at 1:37am — No Comments

Not only alopecia, but now skin cancer to boot!

So I went to the dermatologist for a skin check, by the way she didn't even mention anything about my alopecia to me probably because I told her that I stopped treatment but she didn't even seem interested in anything about it. I have had a little bubble type thing on the top of my head for probably about 6 months now, maybe a little longer. It has popped and come back a few times. I thought it was just maybe a wart or something..well it isn't. It is FRIGGIN skin cancer!!

So not only… Continue

Added by Julie G on August 16, 2011 at 3:54pm — 7 Comments

Recommend a stylist for a cut for a new Freedom wig for a boy

My 13 year old son is getting a freedom wig in a few weeks and I need an expereinced stylist , any suggestions? We are in Arkansas but do not care to travel( not Extremely far) to someone who can give us that great cut! Spending this large amount of money I can't afford any mistakes!!! Help!!

Added by Laura on August 15, 2011 at 4:54pm — 1 Comment

Off to college

My daughter is starting her sophomore year and changing to a large university. We moved her down to her new apartment today because she is "rushing" this week. I really don't understand the whole sorority thing because I went to nursing school but it is important to her so, I support her. She has a new friend staying with her and she pulled me aside today to tell me this girl's dad is dying of cancer. I asked her if she had shared her condition with this new friend and she said no. I said, "you… Continue

Added by Karen Smith on August 14, 2011 at 10:54pm — 3 Comments

Just Saying Hello!:)

Hello My Fellow Alopecians!
It has been awhile since I have been on here, but I just wanted to say hello & that I wish everyone the best & hope all is well!:) Would love to meet & chat with some more people soon!

Added by Lindsay Walter on August 13, 2011 at 11:38pm — No Comments

God gave me this for a reason

It sucks that I have alopecia but God has given this to me for some reason. I'm ready to turn this thing around and use it as a blessing to someone else. Can anyone tell me how I can plug in and help others who are going through this? I would really like to work with kids. I worked as a preschool teacher for years and then decided to get out of childcare because I thought I was done with kids after I had my second one. I then started selling insurance, you know..... trying to create my own… Continue

Added by Michelle on August 13, 2011 at 8:00pm — 5 Comments

trying on hats in dept. stores

Hi all,

I only have one human hair wig and yesterday I had to take it to be cleaned. The place I take it is so far away, I leave it there on a Thursday and pick it up the next day. That means I called in sick yesterday and today. So I am a little early to pick it up and I decide to stop at this little mall nearby. It has a big winners I want to check out. There are two really nice fall hats I want to try on. The place is packed, I am wearing a fedora with my very few wisps of hair hanging… Continue

Added by Sophie M on August 12, 2011 at 8:14pm — 3 Comments

Any new treatment?

Hi Everyone,

I am new to this site. Actually this is the first time blogging.

I have been dealing with alopecia areata for the last 20 years of my life on and off. I am 34 years of age. I was wondering if anyone knows of any new treatments that might work or any news of any in the near future?

I am currently just using a topical cortisone cream. I recently shaved my head because of hair loss almost 50%. I have tried in the past injections, acupuncture, and every home remedy… Continue

Added by BBD77 on August 11, 2011 at 1:30pm — 3 Comments


So I haven't written in a while, so I thought I would do a update. My vertigo is GONE, but the migraines still come and go. But I'm happy I'm back to work and going about my "normal" life again...

My Alopecia isn't quite sure what it wants to do. It was all growing in, then I had huge bald spots, then it all grew in, then I had more huge bald spots. So I have stuck with shaving it really low every 3-4 days, and using on-scalp bleach to become a blonde. It hides my bald spots really… Continue

Added by Tamara on August 11, 2011 at 8:00am — 4 Comments

My headscarf was mistaken for a hijab!

So, yesterday was my first day of wearing my headscarf out in public. I spent days agonizing over buying a nice purple scarf and a beautiful lace cap to wear underneath it. After feeling confident enough with the look, I went out and did some shopping and errands at the shopping centre.

A Muslim woman at the post office complimented me on my scarf and asked where I had purchased it. Which was really nice :)

Then when I went to the bakery, the woman who served me spoke to me in… Continue

Added by Dee on August 10, 2011 at 8:00pm — 3 Comments

Something I wrote when I was 22 and thought my world was coming to an end


I am 22 yo female, I am losing my identity as each day passes. This horrible condition Alopecia is an Auto Immune Disease that can be caused by stress and worrying or a significant event which has occurred.

At this current point of time I am not coping at all, I struggle with the day to day habits of making my hair look beautiful. Each day I worry that I will wake up from this nightmare with no hair. I feel ugly every morning I look in the mirror. I break down at times… Continue

Added by Natalie Martin on August 10, 2011 at 6:00am — 11 Comments


I have been thinking a lot about balance lately. As I look back on my life the things that seem to work the best and flow naturally were the areas that I found a balance.

When I concentrated on doing what was right for my body and indulged on occasion, it worked. When I tried to be too strict, I would white knuckle it for a few weeks and then fall off the “wagon”… Continue

Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on August 10, 2011 at 12:36am — 7 Comments

Just added some music from my band

Some of you have read my descriptions of going to a Balkan music and dance camp, or seen photos on my page of me drumming with bands. If you'd like to hear what the music is like, I just put up 4 tracks from one of the two bands I play with, "Dromia", on my profile page. This is all traditional dance music, some of it in uneven rhythms.

The first (Kalamatiano) is from Greece. I'm playing doumbek (goblet-shaped hand drum). This is in 7/8.

The second (Coceks) is from… Continue

Added by Mary on August 8, 2011 at 11:59pm — 4 Comments

Contest on Cityline...I've been entered.

Hi all,

I have been entered into a contest (thanks mom!) on Cityline (Toronto morning show). The contest is for women and is about sharing their stories of "I can achieve." You can go to the link , read my story and vote if you like.

My story I think is like many of yours (told from my mom's eyes). You can vote daily and what is even better is that each… Continue

Added by Jennifer Krahn on August 8, 2011 at 11:53am — 5 Comments

Hi all.

Just painted my nails sapphire blue. Will post pics later.

Added by Laura Adams on August 7, 2011 at 9:44pm — 1 Comment

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